A blue rock.

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Pearl's pov

Next evening

Kkami was the perfect excuse for me leaving my house and meet Hyunjin in the beach. Every evening I would take him for a walk and together will go to the beach. Kkami liked this place too so there wasn't a problem.
The only problem is that I couldn't return home wet so I have to take with me a swimsuit,clothes and towels. My dad thinks that's staff for Kkami. I mean it's not a lie but yeah there aren't only that.

We went to the beach and I saw Hyunjin.
"You're late." he said coldy
"I'm sorry professor I didn't know we were taking attendance." I said ironically.
"So are you ready to learn how to swim?" he asked me and my body tensed.
I looked at the water and I had pictures of my mom and that day. I looked away and shut my eyes.
"Pearl it's okay I'm here. You'll be fine." he said calmly and got in the water.
I watched him being so calm and I took a deep breath to calm my nerves.
I stood up and I was ready to take ny clothes off and I looked at Hyunjin who was looking at me.
"Turn around. I'm embarrassed." I said
"You know mermaids are wearing only a bra it's normal for me." he winked at me.
"I'm going to kill you idiot. Turn around." I said annoyed and he laughed and turn around.
I took my clothes off and I left only in my swimsuit. It was old and ugly but I didn't have anything else. At least it was a beautiful aqua color.

I walked near the water and he turned around. He was scanning me for head to toe. I felt so embarrassed and vulnerable by the way he was looking at me.
I clear my throat and only then he looked at me in my eyes.
"Come on get in." he said.
"If it was that easy you dumbass I wouldn't need you." I said annoyed.
"Hmm. Maybe you will have to get used to the water first. Take 3 steps for now and sit down and let the little waves move you." he said really concerned.
I took a deep breath and he was watching me closely. I slowly took the steps he told me and the water was under my knees.
"It's cold." I said and he splashed me with water and I screamed.
"You mf I swear to God." I yelled and splashed him with tones of water too but of course this didn't bother him.

"Now that you are more relaxed sit down." he smiled and I sat down and the water was in my stomach and my chest and head was outside the water.
"This is nice." I smiled and played with the water.
"Baby steps and you will swim in no time" he said excited
"The rocks are so beautiful. So many shapes and colors." I said and took some in my hand. I found a blue rock.
"Look Hyunjin it's blue. Take it. It suits you." I almost shoved in his face.
He looked at it and took it from my hand. I hadn't noticed how much big are his hands compare to mine. They were so elagant and beautiful. I think their blood is like green because I could see it from his many veins.
"You know we have many colors in the deep ocean." he said and smiled.
"Then give it back to me. You will find a better one and I will have this." I tried to catch the rock but he didn't let me.
"No that's mine now. I will find you another one and I will give it to you tomorrow." he said and he looked like a baby who someone was trying to take his toy away.
"Okay dramatic ass. You promised me now." I laughed. "I think it's time to leave my dad will be looking for me." I said and stood up.
"Thank you for the rock that I have already seen like a thousand times." he said and laughed.
"You ungrateful bitch. I won't give to you anything else. Bye." I put on dry clothes I took my stuff and started walking my way to the path.
"Don't be angry with me darling. I like it." I heard him say and I almost tripped.

Hyunjin's pov
I saw her almost tripped. I smiled she was adorable. I looked at the rock. Out of all the colors blue huh? You really are something else Pearl.

/The Cursed Prince/ Hwang Hyunjin Where stories live. Discover now