Learning the truth.

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Pearl's pov

"Dadddd"I yelled when I came inside the house.
"Yes baby?" he came almost running and he immediately paused when he saw me all wet and crying.
"Pearl did you-?" I cut him off.
"Yes I went into the sea. That's why you didn't want me to go there isn't it? You know that I am something else. Are you even my father?" I said while crying.
"Pearl calm down please. I will explain but I can't tell you everything you have to find it out on your own. Please sit down." he said scared of my reaction.

I took a deep breath and sat on the couch.
"I am your real dad and you mum is your real mum too but you don't know exactly what she is. Your mum Pearl was a mermaid I fell in love. I saw her crying at a secret beach when I was younger and I immediately fell in love with her. And I thought she was in love with me too." he explained to me and I was having hard time believing him.

My mum a mermaid.

"You talk about her like she is still alive though." I made an assumption.
"Pearl your mum is a mermaid she can't drowned in the water. She decided to spend her life in the sea. But if you want to know you have to ask her on your own and this won't be easy because no ones knows where she lives." he confessed.
"You're lying. You must be joking. My mum would never left us. She loved us."

I started crying.
"Pearl look at me there are things you don't know about your mother if you want to get involved in this you have to learn by yourself. You know that I love you I'm just bad at showing it and I was hurt. She left me too." he said sad and I went to hug him. He hugged me back.
"When did you know that I am like her too?" I asked him
"After you mum disappeared you went to the sea everyday so that you can find her. And I saw you didn't bother to wear glasses or swim gear and when I checked I realized that you can breathe and see under water." he told me and I saw how scared he was.
"Dad I'm not going to leave you. I love you but I will go find answers first. I have to find her." I announced.
"Pearl you can't go alone in the deep ocean it's too dangerous." he kinda freaked out.
"I met a merman. He taught me swimming and we discovered together my ability. I'm going to find him and then look for mum." I said and he just
"Is he good looking?" he asked and laughed.
"Dad stop" I laughed and blushed.
"You like him don't you?" he asked me concerned.
"Dad no we are,were friends but we had a fight and I want to find him again. We are helping each other." I admitted.

"Pearl baby I don't want you to get hurt. I don't want you to feel like I felt. I'm not going to stop you but you have to be careful. You are my daughter your happiness comes first." he told and it was the first time I felt dad's love after mom's eventually disappearance.
"Dad I can make my own decisions but I love you and I will come back for you and I will leave tomorrow. You have to protect Kkami."
"Is this dog the one who led you to the merman?" he asked.
"Yes. How did you know?"  he shocked me.
"He belongs to the sea. Sometimes mermaids find their guardian on earth when they stay a lot years in the surface. You can take him with you. He will protect you." he explained to me and I hugged Kkami.
So Kkami we are going to find Hyunjin and then my mum. I hope you are ready.

/The Cursed Prince/ Hwang Hyunjin Where stories live. Discover now