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Hyunjin's pov.

The ceremony had started and I was sitting next to my father and mother. Jisung was on the other side and Felix was his company standing next to him.
I wanted Pearl to be with me too but she said it wasn't respectful to the kingdom. She had a point but I still wanted her next to me. She sat in the first row while she was watching the ceremony.

"People of our kingdom,the day of me to step down of the throne has come. Many things happened these past few years but I am finally ready to give the throne to my older son Prince Hyunjin. I know some of you still have your doubts about him but I will never risk the kingdom my ancestors made. Prince Hyunjin is a very capable man and loves the kingdom so much. Prince Jisung will also help him in the decisions. Please if you didn't already, forgive him for what he has done. He wasn't himself. You all probably know what happened. I love my sons and I know that both of them will do an amazing job." my dad said his speech and I was holding my tears. He had never said this kind of words for me.
He sat in the throne again and my mum looked at me and smiled. I smiled back at her.

"Now the King and the Prince will stand up so the King can pass the traditional royal clothing." the leader of our army,Woo announced and me and father stood up and walked in the front.
I saw Pearl looking at me all happy and I couldn't resist so I smiled back.
I then focused on the ceremony again.

I kneel down in front of my father and a servant brought the traditional clothing.
First my dad wore me the gold ring which only Kings wear then the crown and then he took his sword and touched my two shoulders.
"I now announced you the King of the East Sea. Please people respect your new King Hwang Hyunjin." my dad announced and I stood up and faced the people.
Everyone was kneeling down,even Pearl and my family and Felix too.
"Please stand up." I said and everyone stood up.
"I'm young and I don't know how to be a right king but I will learn and please I don't want you to be afraid of me. You can act humanly around me. I'm like you. Tell me your problems,talk to me with ideas to make our kingdom even better. I would love to hear them. There is always time and space to be better all of us together. I am honored to be your king and I will rule our kingdom with respect and love. Please have faith in me." I bowed down and everyone clapped.

"Your Majesty may I ask?" a lady from the crowd asked.
"Yes of course." I answered.
"Princess Pearl is going to be the Queen?" she asked and everyone gasped at her bold question.
I looked at Pearl and she was blushing. God she was adorable. I smiled.
"That is something me and Princess Pearl have time to discuss. Maybe she herself can answer us." I looked at her and signal her to come but she started getting shy and tried to hide.
I went to her and took her hand and got her out of the crowd.
She looked at me shyly.
"I can't do this without you. I know that and you know that." I whispered to her and she nodded nervous.

We went back to where I was and hold her hand tightly.
"Talk to them it's okay." I smiled at her to encourage her.
"Hello to all of you. I'm Princess Pearl."she started and bowed.
"I made a decision to stay here with King Hyunjin and helped him with the kingdom. So I don't know if I am going to be  a Queen, I don't really care too. I just want to be here and live a happy life with the ones I love. I would love to help your kingdom in every way possible. And please called me Pearl." she smiled brightly and I felt so happy that she felt that way.
"So she is going to be your Queen on day for sure. I'm not letting her go. You are stuck with me now." I faced her and the people laughed.
"Stop Hyunjin I will hit you." she said loudly and quickly covered her mouth.
I started laughing and all of us were laughing now. She was red from embarrassment.
"I love you Princess." I smiled and kissed her. She was shocked at first but she eventually cave in.
Everyone was clapping and we both laughed from embarrassment.

After the ceremony the whole kingdom was celebrating. Everything was decorated with lights,flowers and gold.
"Hyunjin let's go for a walk in the kingdom I want to see everything." Pearl was dragging me by my hand.
"Okay okay come on let's go." I laughed.
"Wait we will come too." I heard Felix yelling.
"Yayy let's go partyyy." Pearl said excited and swam fast everywhere.
She acts so tough sometimes but other times she is such a baby. She's driving me crazy.

"Hyunjin come here." she yelled and I went to her.
"What do you think is better this or this?" she asked holding two necklaces.
"The one with heart." I said after thinking about it for a little.
"Perfect I thought the same. I will take this. Thank you. Have a nice day." she said to the man who was selling them and she bowed.
"Is this for you?" I asked her.
"Nooo silly I have your necklace. It's for someone that helped me when I first came here. Let's go." she swam outside the kingdom and I followed her.

After a while we arrived to a cave.
"Here is the woman that helped me found a tail and I didn't have money to pay her." she explained.
"Oh your found Marie. She doesn't get paid with money. You take a tail from her if you are worth it and your intentions here is good. I'm not suprised that you could take a tail from her." I explained.
"Kkami showed me this place. He didn't tell me anything." she whined.
"He wasn't supposed too silly." I pinched her nose.
"Let's go inside." she said and went inside.
"Hello Miss Marie." she bowed.
"Ohh my favorite young lady. You returned. I see that you are now have a real tail so you didn't came for a new tail." she smiled.
"Ohh King Hyunjin. I heard that today was your ceremony. I couldn't make it. Someone has to stay here. Congratulations." she bowed.
"Don't tell me lovely lady that he was the man that gave you the necklace? And you could easily sold it for a tail." she said shocked.
"My name is Pearl Miss Marie. And yes in order to help him I had to sacrifice something." she said shyly.
"You are a lucky girl. With a man like that loving you. And the same it's for you King Hyunjin." she winked at us.
"Here. I will feel bad if I don't repay you somehow,so I bought you this." Pearl said and she gave the necklace.
"You know I don't accept money right? I didn't want anything from you." Miss Marie said.
"Yes I know but you deserve it too. So please accept it. Thank you for helping me." Pearl bowed and left Miss Marie speechless and went out the cave.
"She was totally worth it." she looked at me.
"I know. Thank you again Miss Marie." I bowed and left too.
"Pearl let's go have fun now." I took her hand and returned to the kingdom.

/The Cursed Prince/ Hwang Hyunjin Where stories live. Discover now