One step closer.

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Pearl's pov

"Now tell me about you." I told him.
I decided that if I have him to trust him with my life to learn how to swim and fix his attitude I have to know him better.

"What do you want to know? I already told you the story with the curse." he told me.
"Hmm maybe about your family or your best friend. What do you love doing?" I asked him.
"My best friend,his name is Felix. He is younger than me and he has middle length red hair. He has a blue tail, a nice fit body,his eyes are blue and has many freckles. He is sweet and caring but he has a deep voice and you would be suprised. I know him from when we were 5 years old. But I don't see him often after the curse happened. I think that's it." he explained to me.
I guess he doesn't want to speak about his family.
"You just described an angel. I don't know if you noticed. I would love to meet him too someday." I said and smiled.
"You liked him huh?" he sounded jealous.
"But he sounds amazing and he is your best friend. Maybe he can help me help you. Are you jealous or something?" I asked ironically.
"Me jealous? I don't think so love. I am handsome too. I am not jealous of him." he said cockily.
"Who told you that though?" I teased him.
"I'm now offended. I won't tolerate this attitude. " he said offended.
I laughed he was so cute angry this way.
"You act like a baby. You are so cute." I said and I smiled at him.
He smiled softly and we stared at each other. Maybe he can indeed broke the curse.
"You know if you act this way in girls you know from your home they will be in love with you right away and you will break the curse." I wanted to boost his confidence.
"So you say you are in love with me too." he said.
"Shut the fuck up don't speak nonsense." I said annoyed but I was actually confused. Why would he say that?

"Anyways. I want to ask you something. You said your mother is half human. So does that mean you are half human too? You can have legs? I asked him curious.
"Every mermaid can have a human form,if they wished to have it but the first time it's not easy. My mother is indeed half human that's why I am half human too but that's only the name I have. I think my mother brought me here on the surface when I was a kid and she helped me transform in my human form. I don't know if I still can do it and I don't know if I remember how to walk." he seemed skeptical.
"Do you want to try it? It will be amazing to see you as human." I said excited.
"I can try but I don't know if I can make it. Don't have your hopes up." he said.
He got out of the water and I stand up to help him move him out of the water completely.
"I think I will be naked under there. Do you have something I can hide it with or you will enjoy the view? he said with a smirk.
"I am gonna throw you in water if you open your mouth again. I have a pair of baggy shorts, it was my dad's but they are more comfortable for me. I think they fit you." I said.
"Turn around then." he said and I obeyed.
I heard him say focus Hyunjin you can do it.
"I know you can do it. Relax." I told him.
He made a weird noise and screamed.
"Are you okay? I asked panicked.
"Yes don't turn around wait." he said.
I heard him straggling.
"Okay now you can turn around." he told me quietly.

I saw him sitting down. He seemed a lot smaller than he was with the tail. He also seemed taller than me.
"So what do think?" he asked me.
"You seem taller than me. Can you stand?" I asked him.
He was starting to get up but I think he was in pain.
"Don't push yourself if you can't do it. It's okay." I said worried.
"I want to stand next to you and walk with you." he said determined and continued.
I went to him,held his arms and helped him standing up.

He stood up and was trying to find his balance.
"Are you feeling okay? I asked worried.
"It's like I stepped in broken glass." he said looking at his feet.
"Oh my God sit down that's really painful." I begged him.
"No. Hold me tightly and let's walk a little so I can get used to it." he said looking me in the eyes.
I nodded and I showed him my feet how they moved. He copied me and I saw him making a painful expression. I felt sorry for him.
"Hey hey don't pity me. I can do this. It will get better. Like you can go into the water I can learn how to walk. Don't be sad just help me like I do." he smiled at me.

I didn't say anything I continued to walk slowly. He started to keep up with me and he was more relaxed.

We were returning now to our spot.
"Let me go. I wan to walk on my own. Go there and wait for me. Whatever I do don't come and help me." he command me.
"Don't hurt yourself please." I said.
"I'm going to be okay now go." he pushed me away.

I walk fast to the spot and I saw him standing steal there. He straight his posture. He started walking slowly looking at the ground. I smiled at his determination. I admired him. He was so strong unlike me. I am weak. I am afraid of something I love. And he does this only because I asked him to.
I didn't realize tears were rolling down my face.
Hyunjin fell on the ground and grabbed the sand.
"Hyunjin stop please. Let me help you. You can't do this with one try." I yelled crying.
"Are you crying?" he stood up faster than I expected. He looked at me.
"I want to do this on my own. And please don't cry. It's not your fault." he said and smiled weakly.
He started walking again faster.

I was amazed by how great he was doing. I smiled widely. He saw me and smiled too. He was close to me now.
"Ready to catch me?" he laughed
"What- what do you me-" before I could finish my sentence Hyunjin fell on me and both of us were on the ground.
He was on top of me and we looked at each other and both burst laughing.
"Thank you for warning me in advance. " I said.
"Sorry my bad."he laughed and I laughed again too.
"Don't cry. I can walk now. Well almost and you will learn how to not be afraid of the sea. When you want my help just come here and call me I will come and find you. You are not alone." he said to me and I hugged him.
"Thank you. I will learn to swim for you. I won't let you down." I said and he hugged tightly.
"You will do this for yourself first and then for me. You have my hopes high now. I expect a lot from you." he teased me.
"Yes sir." I said and broke the hug.

/The Cursed Prince/ Hwang Hyunjin Where stories live. Discover now