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"Eleanor c'mon hurry up, class starts in two minutes!" I heard Stiles say outside of the girls toilets.

"Just a sec, I'll be out of here soon," I yelled back at them whilst washing my hands. I touched up my hair a little and then stepped out into the hallway, where Scott and Stiles were waiting.

"Finally! I seriously don't understand girls, you always take forever to get ready," Stiles said waving his hands around.

"Well, if you were a girl, you would actually understand WHY we always try to look presentable and nice," I said with a little laugh.

"C'mon you guys, we have to hurry! Remember Mr. Harris doesn't like it when somebody is late," Scott said interrupting the little arguement with Stiles.

"Yeah, yeah we're coming," I said as we started to rushed to the chemistry class.


We came into the chemistry class and took our seats. Stiles and Scott sat together and so did Lydia and Allison, but I was once again the one who sat alone. I placed my bag onto the floor beside me and took out my chemistry book.

As Mr.Harris was about to start the most boring lesson in all of history, suddenly the door of the classroom burst open. In rushed the tall, curly haired, blue eyed boy, known as Isaac Lahey. He circled is eyes around the room until they landed on Mr. Harris.

"Sorry I'm late," he said out of breath.

"I noticed and now it would be very helpful if you would take a seat in my class please, Mr Lahey," Mr. Harris said cringing his teeth.

Isaac's eyes circled around the room again. After a few seconds they landed on the free seat next to me. I noticed he took a deep breath before starting to head towards the back of the classroom, towards me.

"Is this seat taken?" he asked pointing to the free seat next to me. I didn't even look up at him, I just shook my head. He pulled the chair hard from under the table and sat down and exhaled. He slammed the chemistry book onto the table, causing me to jump slightly.

I tuck a strang of my hair behind my ear and pulled my book a little further away from his and opened it, not even knowing what page I was on.

"Uhm, it's page 48," Isaac whispered.

I looked up slowly, finding him staring at me, but suddenly turned to look at his book.

"Thanks," I replied quietly, sitting up from my slouchy position.


As school ended, I rushed to see Lydia and Allison who were catching up on something outside next to the parking lot.

"Hey guys," I shouted running towards them.

"Hi," said Lydia smiling back at me.

"So, did you guys have something planned for today?" I asked them.

"Uhm, well me and Scott were thinking that we should probably study together tonight," said Allison.

"And well, I-," Lydia started, before I completely zoned out and my eyes landed on Isaac, who was standing in the parking lot with Scott talking about something. I couldn't get my eyes of him, it's like they were glued to his figure. I wasn't even smiling, just staring.

"Earth calling to Eleanor Smiths, helloo?" I heard Allison saying next to me waving a hand in my face.

"Sorry?" I replied focusing on Lydia and Allison again. From the corner of my eye, I still saw Isaac.

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