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The Darach. Human sacrifices. Two things that we had no answers to. Questions that were hard enough on their own. We still had so much to figure out. Everything to do with Deucalion and the alpha pack. I was so confused pretty much the entire time.

The good thing was that Derek wasn't dead. We had bigger problems now.

I sat in English class. I was doodling something on the side of my textbook, some flower pattern. I hadn't listened to anything Miss Blake was talking about like always. School wasn't important, when you are trying to figure out the deaths of innocent people. My head was stuffed with questions I couldn't find the answers to.

As for me and Isaac, we were doing fine. After the motel incident, we had less time left to spend with each other. Having a relationship with someone at a time like this had it's perks, but it also had it's faults.

"Miss Smith," Miss Blake called out making me lift my head up slowly from my books.

"Have you been paying any attention?" she asked with a slightly serious look on your face.

"Uhm," was all I said before the bell rang. Yes, that saved me!

I grabbed my books and shoved them into my bag and headed for the door.

"Eleanor," Miss Blake said and gestured me to come to her desk. I walked over.

She sat down in her spinny chair and placed the piece of chalk she had in her hand onto the desk and then entwined her fingers.

"Eleanor, I've seen that you're grades aren't as good as they used to be,"

To be honest, I hadn't concentrated in studying as much as I used to. My head wasn't really thinking about school work.

"I know having a boyfriend and hanging out with your friends might seem alot more interesting than school, but-" I cut her off.

"It's not anything to do with having a boyfriend," I said with an uncertain look on my face. Maybe the time I had with Isaac (the very little time I got to spend with him alone these days) was taking away time from focusing on school.

"But it might get you into trouble," Miss Blake finished.

"Meaning?" I questioned.

"Meaning, you won't be keeping up on the same level as the rest of the class in the future," she replied.

I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"I have alot of stuff going right now,"

"Well you should lay off on that stuff right now and focus on school,"

"Yeah whatever," I sighed.

"And have a more positive attitude young lady,"

I placed my bag on my shoulder and headed out the classroom.

I took a deep breath and exhaled in the corridor. I was a mess in school. I used to be almost at the top of the class, but I guess I'm not anymore. 

To my surprise as I looked at the corridor, it was empty. Not a living thing in sight, that was weird. I slowly walked down it heading to the end. I looked up at the staircases, nothing there. I looked behind corners, nothing there either. A minute ago this corridor was buzzing with people heading from one class to another, people talking and shouting loudly, but out of nowhere came silence. No life. 

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at my phone. It wasn't time to go home yet, since it was the morning. 

I stood there still, biting my bottom lip anxiously. Out of nowhere a cool breeze blew onto the back of my neck. I turned around quickly, but nothing was there. The silence continued. I walked closer to the main entrance of the school.

The same cool breeze blew onto me once more. Suddenly the doors swung open, causing me to jump back and stumble. My heart was beating faster than normal. To be honest my normal heartbeat these days was always faster than normal.

I blinked for just a short second and suddenly at the doors stood three people. I firstly couldn't recognize their faces, but as they took a couple of steps closer to me, it became very clear who they were. Kali, Ennis... and Deucalion himself. 

I was stoned, I knew I couldn't run, there was nowhere for me to run. The lights went out as Kali punched her fist through the wall and pulled out the wires with her claws.

A  million thoughts were rushing in my head: was this the end? was someone going to come and rescue me from these deadly beasts? 

I felt like a child trapped in a nightmare except I couldn't escape. 

I crossed my fingers and hoped for someone to turn up and take me away to a safe haven.

"Grab her," Deucalion commanded. "And be quick, we don't have any time to waste,"

And from those words, the screams began pouring out like a tidal wave, bursting from my lungs with no control. Ellis grabbed on to me and blocked my mouth and Kali dug her claws into my cheek. The damage wasn't too bad, but it felt like she had plunged the sharpest knife through my skin. 

The pain took over my entire body, Ellis' tight grip and the throbbing pain in my right cheek were making it hard to stay awake and suddenly my vision became blurry and the sounds around me slowly faded away. And from there, I was out. 

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