twenty nine

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Scott, Stiles and I left the auditorium. Stiles glanced at me for a second, but didn't say anything.

"I'm sorry," I said grabbing his arm. He stopped his fast pace. Scott continued to walk through the hall. "I really am,"

Stiles shook my grip away. "It sure hasn't felt like you are sorry," he said bluntly. "We've got to find Lydia,"

He went after Scott and I was left standing there for a while. Fine. He didn't accept my apology, but I couldn't do anything about it. I was the one who messed up. After taking a few deep breaths and gathering myself together, I went after them. Our main priority was to find Lydia. God knows what could happen to her.

I found Scott and Stiles outside of a classroom door, desperately trying to get it open. Scott was clutching the handle and trying to break the door down at the same time. They're was a small window on the door, the boys were peaking slowly into the classroom.

"Lydia's in here!" Stiles exclaimed. I walked behind them.

No matter how hard Scott kept on twisting and turning the handle, the door wouldn't open. I also peeked through the small window to see Lydia, tied to a chair. To my surprise Miss Blake hovered around her.

Echoing in the halls, I could hear a disturbing and uncomfortable sound coming from the auditorium. The orchestra was playing off key making a noisy mess.

"What the hell is going on back there?" I questioned Scott and Stiles.

Stiles turned to me for a second. "What does it matter? Lydia is stuck in there, looking like she is being tortured, and your concentrating on the concert back there?" He said it with so much anger.

"Look I'm just trying to help-" I was cut off by the loudest, most horrifying scream, that made me collapse on my knees and cover my eyes. It was Lydia, she screamed.

Scott did the same, Stiles was shaken by the scream too, but seemed as if it didn't cause him as much pain as it did to Scott and I.

Suddenly Stiles' dad, the sheriff turned up at the scene, gun in hand ready to take down the door. I was still on my knees, trying to gather myself together. Sheriff Stilinski fired a bullet at the lock and pushed the door open to find Miss Blake holding a knife up to Lydia's neck, her wingding in pain with nervous sweat dripping down her forehead. Miss Blake threw the knife at the sheriff, causing him to collapse onto the ground in agonizing pain.

Scott got up from his knees, fully transformed and with a yellow glare in his eyes jumped at Miss Blake knocking down tables and chairs on his way.

I thought to myself that this was my chance to actually do something useful and help. I got up from my knees, gathering all the power I had in me and with that strength I managed to transform myself. I felt a slight burn in my eyes and motion on my face that I hadn't felt before. I felt the sharp fangs burst out my gums in my mouth and the claws rip through the tips of my fingers. I was ready for this, after all that training with Aiden and Ethan.

I charged into the classroom to see Scott flying against a pile of stacked tables and chairs. With an intense glare I looked straight at Miss Blake. I charged towards her, claws in front. I jumped on her tackling her onto the ground. From the corner of my eye I saw Stiles running to Lydia.

I put my hands around Miss Blake's neck, sinking my fresh claws into her skin. A dash of blood gushed, but quickly she did the same to me as she did to Scott. One moment I was tackling her on the ground and next I was flying towards a brick wall hitting my back hard. I tasted blood in my mouth and saw it drip down beside me onto the floor.

My vision was blurred slightly, but I suddenly noticed that Miss Blake no longer looked like herself, she was flesh, with a face reminding me of a demon. She looked at the sheriff, who had managed to lift himself off of the ground and in a blink of an eye they were both gone, like they vanished into thin air leaving behind a smashed window and a cold breeze of the evening air.

I was still crouched down on the floor, the werewolf mode had faded off, but it didn't stop the bleeding, not yet at least.

I heard footsteps echoing from the hallway and soon in the room entered the person I was most nervous to see this entire evening, Isaac. Stiles and Scott were stood by the broken window, Lydia was practically shaking in her chair, and me, I was trying to gather myself up from the ground.

Suddenly I felt a warm touch on my shoulder. I looked up to see him, Isaac, wiping blood away from the side of my mouth. I didn't force him off of me, I was just surprised to see him helping me, since I thought he couldn't care less about me anymore. He put his arm around me for support and helped me up.

"Are you okay?" he asked cautiously as he got me up.

I shook myself off his touch and nodded. "Yeah,"

Stiles turned to me. He glanced at Lydia and then back to me, and before I knew it, he was holding me in his embrace, his face buried in my hair. I slowly, but trustingly wrapped my arms around him too.

"Thanks," he whispered. I just nodded and squeezed a little tighter. I pulled away from the hug.

"Well someone had to try and stop her," I said. I sighed deeply "I'm sorry Stiles, we'll find your dad,"

"I know," he said "I know,"

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