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"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it," said Isaac. He had been saying it for at least the past 3 minutes over and over again. His eyes kept flooding with tears and slowly they fell down his cheeks onto his shirt.

"Hey Isaac, look at me," I said placing my hand on his cheek, lightly forcing him to look at me, but he forced himself not to.

"Isaac, please look at me," I insisted.

He slowly turned his face, so it was facing mine. His eyes were still wet and red from the constant crying.

"It's okay," I whispered.

"No it's not..." he said and paused for a bit. "I could've killed you," he said sniffing.

"But you didn't," I said trying to calm him down at the same time. I wiped away a few tears from his cheeks. "Isaac, you have to calm down,"

He tucked his knees up a little and rested both of his arms on top of them.

"What happened to me?" he questioned. I pushed myself of the ground and turned to look at Derek.

"Tonight shouldn't have even been a full moon," he muttered.

"It's supposed to be in two days," said Scott, who was standing next to me.

"I just couldn't control it," Isaac mumbled. "I should be able to control it,"

"Yeah you should, haven't I taught you anything?" Derek said with a tone of anger in his voice.

"Derek," Scott said.

"It's obvious, this isn't Isaac's fault," I said. "Maybe this won't even happen again,"

Derek sighed and walked around the empty loft looking frustrated. I could see that he was feeling confused, we all were. I looked at Isaac again, to find him staring compltely glued to the empty space infront of him. I gave him my hand, so I could pull him ip from the floor. He looked up with his sore looking eyes and took a hold of my hand. I pulled him up and made sure he was steady.

He exhaled, "I'm sorry,"

I placed my hand onto his broad shoulder and gave him a weak smile. "I know you didn't mean it,"

He turned to face me and looked like he was about to say something by opening his mouth but closed it before any words came out.

"Did you wanna say something?" I asked. He muttered something.

"Uhm, no," he mumbled and ran his fingers through his curls.

"C'mon I knew you were going to say something," I insisted. He took a deep breathe.

"Weren't you afraid of me?" he asked facing me. Our eyes locked.

"No, I wasn't," I said in all honesty. I wasn't afraid of him, which is very weird that I actually wasn't. I somehow knew he wasn't going to kill me.

"Not even the slightest bit?" he questioned me with wide eyes as if he couldn't believe my answer.

I gave him a small smile, "No, I would never be afraid of you,"

He smiled weakly and looked down at his feet.

"So, when is the next full moon?" he asked, still looking at his feet.

"Tomorrow night," Derek said. "There wasn't even supposed to be one tonight,"

"But how come there was?" Scott asked confused.

"Again, I DO NOT KNOW," Derek shouted.

"What if this happens tomorrow, like I can't control my transformation?" Isaac asked looking up at Derek.

"Well let's just hope that it doesn't happen," Derek said and walked over to the back of the loft.

I walked to the front door. "I think I'm gonna head home,"

"I'll see you out," Scott said taking a few steps closer to me.

"No, I'll manage." I said and walked out of the loft.


As I was walking back home, since I didn't come to Derek's by car, I heard running from behind, causing me to stop and quickly look over my shoulder. It was Isaac running towards me.

"Hey wait up," he shouted out of breathe.

"What do you want?" I asked sounding slightly frustrated.

He looked around at the dark and empty street, "Are you sure you wanna walk alone here?"

"Yes, I've lived here my entire life and I don't even live far away from here,"

"But..." he began and paused to look at me straight in the eyes. I never noticed until now, that how beautiful his eyes were, beautiful and blue. " you actually want to walk alone?"

I rolled my eyes and chuckled "What are you suggesting then?"

"That I walk with you," he said with a gentle smirk, that made smile and bite my bottom lip.

"Okay then," I said and carried on walking, expecting him to start walking behind me. I stopped and realized that he didn't. I looked over my shoulder.

"Aren't you coming then?" I asked with chuckling. He smiled and ran up next to me.


We arrived at my house and stopped at the front door. I turned to face Isaac as he was standing behind me.

"So you wanna come in?" I asked him while searching for my keys from my bag.

"Nah, I should be heading back to Scott's place," he said sliding his hands into his jean pockets.

"Yeah, it's pretty late anyway," I said shaking my head and squinching my eyes.

"But anyway, I'll see you in school tomorrow," he said smiling.

I nodded "Yeah sure,"

He waved lightly and walked away, but suddenly he stopped and turned back around.

"By the way, there was one thing I meant to say to you earlier," he said.

"Yeah, what is it?" I asked crossing my arms and furrowing my eyebrows.

"I knew it was you,"

"What do you mean you knew it was me?" I asked him confused.

"I mean the whole time I knew it was you, but I tried as hard as I could to fight it all and as soon as you said it was you it made me stop," he said in a fast pace and exhaled deeply afterwards.

I wasn't sure how to respond to that. I looked at him for a while, and he looked like he was desperate for me to respond. I ran upto him and through my arms around his neck and hugged him with my face burried into his neck. I could feel him hugging me back, with his breathe landing onto my shoulder. I slowly let go and placed my hands onto his chest. I realized I was standing awfully close to him, looking at him in the eyes and admiring his beautifully sculptured face. I saw him slowly leaning down to me, but before he was about to do something I stepped a large step back and fully let go of him.

"You should probably get back to Scott's place," I said as I rubbed the back of my neck.

He nodded slightly,"Yeah probably,"

"See ya in school," I said smiling weakly. I walked upto my front door and stopped before opening it. I glanced over my shoulder to see him already walking away with large steps and with his both hands on the back of his head.

I let out a deep breathe and finally opened the front door and walked into my house.

Say My Name ➳ Isaac LaheyWhere stories live. Discover now