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It was the next day. I walked into school trying to forget about last night, since it was all I was thinking about. For the past week or so everything had seemed to be a complete mess in my head. I couldn't focus on just one thing, I had to focus on everything all at once.

I walked down the hallway to the next class. I couldn't see any of my friends, which made me wonder slightly. Suddenly I saw Scott run out behind a corner in front of me, which made me jump. He looked slightly frustrated and also confused, like as if he had been thrown into a completely new and strange place.

"Scott?" I questioned. He was looking around the hallway, where students were walking by. From behind the same corner jumped out Stiles, who stumbled as he got to Scott.

"You have to come with us!" Scott said sounding like he was out of breathe.

"But I have a class to get to,"

"School can wait for tomorrow, but right now you need to come with us," Scott said grabbing my arm and yanking me towards the door. I slowed his speed down with my feet.

"Scott, tell me what's going on!" I squeeled. He stopped and quickly turned around.

"We have to get to Dr. Deaton's, " he whispered and started to yank me towards the door again.

"WHY?" I exclaimed demandingly making him tell me that why the hell was he in such rush.

"It's Isaac," Stiles sighed placing a hand on his hip and catching his breathe.

I stopped and dropped my mouth open slightly. I took a deep breathe.

"Is he okay?" I asked slowly with a shaky voice.

"Yes, he's fine but we need you in something," Scott said looking at me with serious eyes.

I nodded and went with the two, school could wait.


We arrived at the veterinary clinic in Stiles's Jeep and we all rushed inside immediately. We went to the back room and in there was Derek, Dr. Deaton and of course Isaac.

"You're late," Derek said with a serious voice.

"No they're not," Dr. Deaton said and turned to face us. "You're just in time," he said and entwined his fingers. "Now let's get to work,"

In the middle of the room was a huge steel bathtub and next to it there was tons of ice cube bags. The tub had water in it about half way up to the top.

"So, Scott, Stiles and Derek, empty those ice bags into the bathtub," Dr. Deaton said and walked over to Isaac.

"What all of them?" Stiles asked sounding confused.

"Yes all of them, now do as I say," Deaton said.

I stood next to Isaac. He looked nervous and once in a while took deep breathes.

"Now Isaac, you're going to get into the ice cold water and we are gonna keep you under, until you fall into a kind of trance like state," Deaton explained.

"Like being hypnotized," Isaac said.

"Yes exactly," Deaton confirmed.

He walked over to the ice cube filled bath tub and kneeled. He touched the water slightly and shrugged, since' it felt like it had burned his fingertips. I was still confused on why I was needed there.

"So why do you need me to be here? I mean where are Allison and Lydia?" I asked curiously.

"We need your help to hold him under. We need a female presence that shares a some sort of connection with Isaac," Deaton explained.

Say My Name ➳ Isaac LaheyWhere stories live. Discover now