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Two weeks had gone by and so much had happened. The events that had happened two weeks ago had now slowly started to work out. Cora had moved in with Derek and Boyd was kind of living there too.

As for me, I was trying to get back into the normal day to day life, like going to school and trying to live as normal as possible, but technically for me that was pretty impossible, considering that my friends were werewolves and one was a werewolf hunter. As for Isaac, we had some what confirmed our "relationship". Everyone seemed to except the fact that we were practically together now, which of course was a good thing. The only person that couldn't really stand relationships at all, was Derek. All of the time he would just mock us and tell us to get a room. Most of the time we found it amusing, but when he kept doing it again and again, it started to get quite annoying.

But this whole time, we were under a threat. Weird things had been happening recently. A few people have been murdered and as always, Scott and the rest of the pack were trying to figure out what was going on.


I walked down the hall in school. I had English and thankfully it was the last lesson of the day. On the way I bumped into Lydia.

"Hey El," she said pulling me into a hug.

"Hi," I replied and smiled into her hair.

"Why do I feel like I haven't seen you in ages," she said pulling away.

"I don't know, we just haven't really hung out properly in a while I guess," I said.

From behind her shoulder, I saw Isaac leaning against a locker. A smirk formed onto his lips as he saw that I noticed him. I gave him a weak smile in return. Seeing him made me not to concentrate on Lydia, as she had been talking to me the entire time.

"Did you just listen to anything I said?" I overheard her say, as I was still focused on Isaac.

"Sorry what?" was all I managed to say, before focusing back on Lydia again.

She glanced over her shoulder to see Isaac and gasped under her breath.

"You know what, just forget it! I see you are more focused on your new boyfriend than you're friends," she said and stormed off, hitting my shoulder.

I quickly turned around to see that she was stopping to Allison in her very big heels. As she got to her, she seemed to exchange a few words until they both glanced over to me with disappointed expressions on their faces.

I sighed and turned back around to see, if Isaac was still leaning against the locker. But to my surprise, he was gone already. I sighed again, but this time even louder.

I got to the English class and looked around the classroom. I saw Scott sitting in his seat and behind him was Stiles. They both looked up at me, not with the most friendly looks on their faces. I smiled weakly at them and took my seat next to Scott.

"Hey," I said as I sat down.

He didn't reply. He was playing around with his thumbs, looking more concentrated in that than about the fact that I was there.

I then gave up on trying to get his attention and turned around in my seat to face Stiles, who was sitting behind Scott. With a second he looked away.

"What is wrong with you two?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

"Nothing," Scott said in a low voice.

"Actually, what is wrong with everyone?" I asked slamming my hand on the desk.

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