Chapter Fifty-Five

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It had been a few days since the disaster at the diner, and your time in the comfort of Newt's home has come to an end, but his Mum had been more than generous, purchasing you a full luggage set, wardrobe, and anything else she thought you might need. You thinks it's her way of trying to make it up to you for having to leave, but it's probably mostly for Newt's sake, he's barely talked to her since the day she told you the news.

You were finishing the last of the packing when Newt comes in, nearly collapsing on the bed amongst the suitcases.

"I hate this. Have I told you how much I hate this?" His voice sounds so defeated.

"Once or twice," you walk over to where he's sitting and pull his head into your chest, he wraps his arms around you, pulling you close and holding you tight.

"I never want to let you go," his voice is slightly muffled from your shirt, and you respond only by squeezing a little tighter. "I'm sorry, (Y/n), I'm so sorry. I feel so useless, I wish I could keep you here where I know you're safe."

"It's okay, I'll be okay," It doesn't matter how scared you are, you need to be strong so Newt doesn't worry about you. Plus, as nervous as you are you're sure it can't be worse than where you've been. And you did find out a little about where you're going, it's a group home for troubled teenagers with difficult pasts. The social worker who came over and explained it all to you said it was for both boys and girls who had been through really traumatic things and weren't quite ready to be in a family home or reintegrated into society.

"Reintegrated into society? What does that mean, she's going to be isolated?" Newt had asked, gripping your hand tightly, he seemed a little heated.

"Not exactly, there will be plenty of opportunities for excursions and socialization, but for the most part (Y/n) will spend her time with the caregivers and the other children."

"Can I still go to school?" You ask, hopeful for good news, as the location of the home is not too far and under the borders for the same school you and Newt attend now.

"You'll be homeschooled with the others, we have a tutor who comes in to teach the group Monday through Thursday, so you'll even have a three day weekend, isn't that exciting?" It's all you can do to nod and keep your composure as you feel everything familiar to you slipping away without your control.

"It'll be okay, Love, I'll come and see you every day," Newt says, putting his arm around you and pulling you close.

"How sweet, and we'd love to have you visit as soon as (Y/n) is granted visitation, everyone has to be evaluated for their level of privileges, so we'll let you know as soon as you are able to come by,"

"That's ridiculous, you can't expect us to be okay with all of this," Newt is getting angrier with every moment, and he looked like he was getting ready to jump out of his seat when his mum cleared her throat.

"Remember Newt, this is for the best," the social worker smiles again at that and you want jump out of your seat and punch her in the face as she keeps going over minute details. Instead you lean your head on Newt's shoulder, closing your eyes and an trying to remember the good things while they last.

That was a few days ago, and the social worker was coming any minute to pick you up. You're trying to remain hopeful, again, for Newt, but you were worried, if you were being honest with yourself, and you'd give anything to freeze time when you hear the doorbell ring. You and Newt both let out a sigh, and squeeze tight for a couple more seconds, and Newt pulls you in for a long passionate kiss before breaking apart, unable to delay the inevitable.

Newt grabs the two bigger suitcases, leaving you to carry the smaller duffel bag, and you're still amazed at how much stuff you own now, your father never would have allowed you this much, he sold any half decent thing that ended up in the house. You try to shake him from your thoughts as you and Newt head downstairs to meet the social worker.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2021 ⏰

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