The Party- Part 1

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Shania looked at her reflection in the mirror. She was wearing a dark blue dress. Her hand brushed against her curls. She had actually put an effort in for once. Dodger walked into the bedroom. "Well look at you." He said with a smile on his face. "You beautiful girl." Shania blushed. "Don't be so silly." She said. Dodger wrapped his arms around her waist and he kissed her neck softly. "We're doing to be late." Shania said. Dodger moaned. "It doesn't matter." Shania shook her head. "Of course it matters. The party is for us!" Dodger sighed. Then he let go of Shania and grabbed her hand. "Let's go then." He said. They both picked up a car seat. Then they left.


All of the McQueens arrived just on time. They scattered around the room. Jess was stood with Sophie. Then she saw Jake. Her heart raced. He was wearing a suit and he looked gorgeous. She saw him smile at someone. Then she looked at who he was smiling at. Patrick. She was about to walk over to Jake when Kiera burst through the door. She was wearing a jumper and leggings. Mercy dropped her glass. It shattered everywhere. Shania gasped. Patrick looked mortified.

Dodger stood up. Mercy walked towards Kiera. "Where have you been?" She demanded. Kiera began to cry. She lifted her hand and pointed a shaky finger at Patrick. "Him." She said. All eyes turned to Patrick. "He kept me locked up. Said he was my father. But I knew he was lying. I hate him." Her voice cracked and she burst into tears. Mercy hugged Kiera. Porsche looked at Patrick in anger. "How could you do this?" She screamed. Dodger's face was full of anger. He started towards his dad. Lockie and some others pulled him back. "He isn't worth it." Lockie said.


Sienna stood up. "It's all over dad." Now all eyes were on Sienna. "I need to tell them what you did to me." Dodger's face fell. Porsche shook her head. Jess gasped. Patrick walked towards Sienna. "Now Sienna are you sure you want to do this." His face had lost all it's colour. Sienna took a few steps back. "I don't ever want to see you again. You put me through hell." She started. Porsche and Leela moved either side of Sienna and put their hands on her shoulder. She took steady breathes. Jess moved towards Jake. "How do you know him." She asked. Jake sighed. "He's my uncle." Jess's heart broke. She turned around and ran off. She'd been dating her cousin. She felt disgusted with herself.

Sienna took a deep breath. "So everyone, the real Patrick. He's a rapist, a cheat and a horrible man. For years he used me for sex. His own daughter." Nico started to cry. Sienna's heart broke. Patrick shook his head. "She's lying." Porsche glared at him. "NO." She screamed. "She isn't lying. You've done this to so many people now, it's time you stopped."

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