The Party- Part 2

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Patrick stood rooted to the spot. All eyes were on him. Porsche glared at him. "I hate you." Sienna said after a while. Patrick looked down at his feet. He turned around and left. He felt everyone's eyes follow him. They really did hate him.

Porsche and Leela led Sienna into the bathroom. "Are you okay?" Leela asked. Sienna shook her head. Her hands began to shake. Porsche looked angry too. "He can't get away with any of this." She said angrily. Sienna's eyes went wide. "What do you suggest we do?" She asked. Porsche shrugged her shoulders. "I'm not sure but he is not walking around a free man."


People began to leave the pub. Patrick was no where to be seen. Shania and Dodger were sat at the bar. Dodger looked annoyed. He stood up and left the pub leaving Shania alone and confused. She looked around and nobody else was to be seen.


The streets were cold. Nobody wanted to go home yet. Patrick was sat alone on the park bench.

A figure stood in the shadows.

Patrick looked up. "What a surprise it is to see you here." He said in a cold voice.

The figure moved towards him holding a knife. "You're time is up." They said. Patrick laughed.

The knife plunged into his stomach. Then into his heart. His breaths stopped and his body fell to the floor. There he lay, lifeless.


It was early hours of the morning. Sienna's phone rang. She turned over in her bed and answered it. "Hello." She grunted. "Miss Blake, it's the police." Sienna sat up quickly. "What's happened." She asked in a panicked voice. "It's your father.... He's dead." The police man said. Sienna dropped her phone to the floor. She laid back down and a single tear rolled down her cheek.


Sienna now stood in the police station. She wore a simple dark blue dress and a long coat. A woman came out to speak to her. "I'm so sorry." She began. Sienna shook her head. The woman understood. "Please follow me." She said. Sienna followed the woman.

She was taken into another room. "Are you ready?" The woman asked. Sienna have a small nod. The sheet was pulled back. There lay her father. He could no longer cause her pain.

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