The shock

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Kiera glanced back other the edge. "My life is ruined." She cried. "I can't so this anymore!" Kiera screamed. Mercy went to take a step forward and Kiera screamed like a banshee. "Don't come any closer." She warned her. "Or I'll jump." Mercy couldn't decide what to do. Celine was sat in the car looking worried.

Kiera felt her foot slipping. She started to panic. "No." She screamed. Mercy's eyes widened.


Jess's eyes darted from side to side. She couldn't believe what she was reading. Could it be true? It was there in black and white...

Kiera had written a suicide note. Jess couldn't believe it. She began to panic. What if she had already killed herself? What would happen then? Jess jumped to her feet and ran down the stairs. "IS ANYONE HOME?" She cried desperately.


Sienna and Porsche had planned the escape. They smiled widely. "It will all be over soon." Porsche reassured Sienna. Sienna nodded. "Soon." She repeated to herself. All of a sudden she jumped up and ran to the bathroom.

Porsche followed her and Sienna was on her knees puking in the toilet. Porsche rushed to her side and held he hair out of her face. "Thank you." Sienna said between pukes.

After Sienna had finished being sick she sat up in a daze. "Do you think..." Porsche started. Sienna shook her head. "Take a test she suggested." Sienna bit her lip. "Okay.." She sighed. "I have one in my bag." Porsche jumped up and grabbed her bag.


Kiera's feet were dangling over the edge. She was holding on for dear life. Mercy and Celine now stood over her. "Just hold on!!" Celine called. Mercy was leaning over the edge. "Don't leave us!!" Mercy pleaded. "I won't." Kiera said in a sad voice.


"Okay.." Porsche stood up. "Time to see the truth." Sienna looked worried. "I don't want to know." She said suddenly. "Chuck it in the bin." "No sienna." Porsche demanded as she shoved the test in her hands.

Sienna looked down. She didn't know what to say. Porsche tried to look down at the result. But Sienna snatched it up and hid it away. "Sorry." She said. "I don't want anyone to know the result..." Porsche nodded. "I understand."


"Jess I'm here." Shania smiled. "What's up?" Jess was about to speak when the phone rang. Shania answered it. "Hello." She said. Her mouth flew open. "Ohmygod." She shouted as she dropped the phone. The line went dead. Jess's eyes were wide. "What??" Jess asked. Shania just stared, pale as a ghost.

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