Mixed feelings

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Jess and Porsche walked out of Jess's room. "Don't tell them please." Jess urged. "But I have to." Porsche said. "NO." Jess shouted. As she stormed down the stairs.

Celine looked up. "Jess." She smiled. Jess rolled her eyes. Celine raised her eyebrows. Then Porsche rushed down the stairs. "Jess..." Porsche started. Jess threw her arms in the air "Leave me alone." She called after her as she ran out the house. Porsche and Celine looked at each other. "It will be okay." Celine said softly. Porsche shook her head. "You have no idea." Everyone looked at Porsche. "No idea about what?" They all asked. Porsche took a deep breath and sat down. "Okay..." She began.


Jess was running so fast she didn't know where she was going. She felt her body collide with someone. "Lockie." She said. He smiled down at her. "What's wrong?" He asked curiously. Jess sighed. "Everything." For some reason she found herself laughing.

"What's so funny?" Lockie asked. "Just that my life is a mess and it keeps getting worse." Jess smiled sarcastically. She went to walk away. "Where do you think your going." Lockie said. Jess raised her eyebrows. "It's none of your business." She said. "Look, you are clearly upset. I suggest you go home and sort whatever has happened out." He said with a small smile. "I suppose so." Jess replied. She smiled at him and gave him a hug. "Thanks Lockie!" She said before running back home.


Jess paused outside the house and took a deep breath. Her hand locked around the handle. She opened the door. As soon as she walked in she heard her name. Everyone looked at her with a sad expression. She glared at Porsche. "How could you be so heartless." She burst out. Porsche went to speak. But Jess put her hand up to silence her. "I'm not finished yet." She spat. "So you told them all, well at least they know I'm just like my mother now." She smiled and turned around to walk up the stairs. Everyone stared in shock. Porsche started to cry.

Lockie walked towards Sienna's flat. He smiled to himself.

Sienna opened the door seconds after he knocked. "I'm so glad your here." She exclaimed as she rushed into his arms. He held her tight. "What's up?" He asked. She looked into his eyes and kissed him slowly. "Please don't get angry." Sienna said slowly. Lockie smiled. "Of course I won't be angry. What's happened?" His face grew concerned.

Sienna ushered him inside. "The truth is..." She paused. He nodded for her to go on. "Well.. I'm.. Pregnant." She said finally. Lockie put his hands over his mouth.

Just outside the door Sophie stood rooted to the spot. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Lockie and Sienna!?!?

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