The Roscoes

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Freddie awoke with a start. Then he glanced over at Lindsey. A smile creeped onto his face. "Morning sunshine." He whispered in her ear." Lindsey opened her eyes and giggled. "Stop it you know that tickles me." She said as she shoved him off her. Freddie laughed. "Oh does it now." A mischievous grin escaped his mouth as he dived on Lindsey to tickle her.

Libby and Molly ran into the room laughing. "Finn's awake!!" They chanted together. Lindsey said "where is he then?" Libby howled with laughter. "Oh we left him in his bed moaning.." Molly grinned. Freddie jumped out of bed and ran into Finn's room. Molly and Libby slid into their parents bed grinning. Lindsey just shook her head.

Moments later Freddie came running in with Finn clung to his back. They dived onto the bed and everyone laughed. Then Freddie and Lindsey nodded to each other before they tickled their 3 children all over. Laughter escaped from everyone's lips.

"Okay school time now girls." Freddie said in all seriousness now. "But we hate school." Molly moaned. "Don't make us go." Cried Libby. Lindsey shook her head. "No girls, you have to go. It's almost the weekend anyway." They both frowned and ran out the room to get ready for school.

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