The McQueens

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Mercy opened the door to see her cousins all stood there. "Surprise." They chanted. Her mouth fell open. "Celine, Porsche, Sophie and Jess!! What brings you here." She exclaimed. At that moment Shania ran down the stairs "Sophie!! Jess!!" She screamed in excitement. "It's so good to see you all after so long." Shania smiled. "It's great to see you too Shania!" Sophie smiled. "Where's Kiera? John-Paul? Carmel?" She asked. "Here we are!" Sung Carmel as she danced down the stairs. "Come in why don't you." John-Paul laughed as he pulled Sophie in for a hug.

Jess hadn't really spoken much since they had arrived. "Are you okay?" Shania asked. Jess nodded. "I just miss home." Shania frowned. "What happened then?" A tear escaped from Jess's eye. "Mum ran away and we got kicked out.." She looked down. "We have no where to go." "Yes you do, you can all stay here!" Shania hugged Jess. "Us McQueens must stick together!"

A few hours had passed since their cousins had arrived and everyone was beginning to settle in. John-Paul rose from his chair. "Hot drinks anyone?" He smiled. "Yes please." Shania, Sophie, Jess, Kiera, Carmel and Myra said in sync. John-Paul busied himself in the kitchen as Nana wacked on just dance.

Kiera glanced at the clock. "LOOK AT THE TIME." She shrieked. Everyone stared. It was 2.00 am. They all laughed. Kiera didn't find it funny. "I have school in the morning." She frowned. "Okay, okay. Everyone let's get to bed now." Myra chuckled. After lots of quibbling and deciding where everyone would sleep all the McQueens shut their eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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