It's going to be okay...

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Sienna breathed in slowly. Dodger ran through the door. "Sienna." He said between pants. "It's going to be okay..." Sienna screamed in pain. Dodger rushed beside her. "Just.. Breathe." He sighed. Sienna shook her head. Tears began to roll down her face. "I don't want this baby." She cried. Dodger laughed. "It's too late now." Sienna shook her head again. "No. I don't want to keep this baby. I'll be a terrible mother to it." She cried again. Dodger frowned and grabbed her hand. "No." He said. "You'll be an amazing mother, look at how amazing you are with Nico." He said in a soothing voice. Sienna smiled a little. "She's a teenager though."

Just as dodger was about to reply a doctor and some nurses walked in. "It's time." They said as they checked her. Sienna inhaled sharply. "Okay." She said.


Jess lay helplessly on the bed. Porsche sat sadly beside her. Crystal clear tears ran down her pale white face like icicles on snow. She felt like her whole world was crumbling. A bubbly nurse came in. "Are you alright?" Her sweet voice asked. Porsche went to answer but her voice cracked. Her face was as wet as a river. "Is she...?" She began. She nurse shook her head. "Oh. No." She said in shock. "Your daughter will be fine in no time." She reassured Porsche.

Mercy, Cleo, Kiera and Shania rushed in through the door. "Sorry." Mercy blurted out. Porsche smiled slightly. "I'll leave you with your family now." The nurse said. "Thank you." Porsche said finally.

Shania rushed to her side. "Is she going to be okay." She asked in a shaky voice. Porsche pursed her lips and nodded slightly. Shania sighed with relief. "Well that's good then." Porsche nodded but began to cry again. Mercy pushed Cleo and Kiera out of the room and sat down the other side of Porsche. "It's going to be okay.." She said in a calm voice. Porsche's body shook violently like an earthquake. The tears flowed down like a waterfall. "What if something happens and she doesn't wake up. Or what if something is wrong with her." She said in a panic. Shania and Mercy pulled her inbetween them for a hug.


Sienna screamed loudly as she pushed with all her force. Sweat droplets and tears covered her face. Dodger held her hand tight. "Almost there." He said in an encouraging voice. Sienna breathed in deeply and then pushed again. It was over.

The nurse smiled at Sienna. She held a small, frail baby. "Here's your baby girl." She said passing the delicate treasure to Sienna. "She's... Gorgeous." Dodger breathed. Sienna felt tears coming along again. "I think I'm going to call her Lana." She said.

The nurse took the crying baby from Sienna's arms. Something wasn't right. "What's going on?" Sienna said in a teary voice. Dodger rushed out the door after the nurses. Sienna's heart sank as fast as the titanic. What if she never saw her baby girl again...


Jess's finger moved slightly. Porsche gasped. "She's going to be okay." She said happily. Shania and Mercy smiled. "Yes." Mercy said. "Yes she is."

After about an hour of sat waiting Shania stood up. "I best be off." She said. "I need to go get the twins." Porsche nodded. "Thank you." She said. "Both of you, you've been great as always." They all laughed. "Bye hun." Shania said as she embraced Porsche. "Jess will be fine." Porsche nodded. "I know that now."


The doctor walked into the room Sienna and Dodger were in. "We have some bad news regarding your daughter." He started. Sienna began to cry. "She's gone isn't she." She cried. He shook his head. Sienna stopped crying at once. "She's okay?" She asked. "Not really." He answered. Sienna looked confused. Dodger gripped her hand. "What's happened?" He asked.

The doctor cleared his throat. "Sienna, your daughter has been diagnosed with Hypoplastic left heart syndrome. It's a rare congenital heart defect where the left ventricle of the heart is severely underdeveloped." Dodger squeezed Sienna's hand tighter. Sienna's heart broke. Tears rolled down her face slowly. She sank back into her pillow and pulled her hand away from dodger. She put her head in her hands and cried historically. "I'll never get a happy ending." She began so shake. The tears were unstoppable. Her life just went from bad to worse.

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