Final Goodbyes

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Shania paced Mercedes bedroom panicky. "I think I might leave." She said slowly. Mercy raised her eyebrow. Celine and Sophie glanced up at a pale faced Shania. "What?" She said. Porsche cleared her throat. "Maybe that's for the best." She replied. Shania smiled gratefully at her cousin. Mercy stood up shaking her head. "No." She burst out. "I'm not allowing you to leave." She looked angry now. Shania sighed heavily. "I'm a grown woman Mercedes. I can do as I like. I'll leave tonight..." She trailed off as she left the room. Celine and Sophie didn't move. Mercedes went after Shania with Porsche close on her trail.

Sophie sighed heavily. Celine looked around the room. "I think she should leave if she wants to." She said in a cheerful tone. Sophie nodded slowly.


Jess had turned right back around when she entered the house. Not wanting to be around them all she wondered off. She was now sat alone on the park bench. She had let her thoughts wander off. And didn't notice the short, cloaked figure stood by the tree. She tried to see who it was. They began to move closer to her. Jess's face went pale and her muscles froze. She couldn't move. No words came out.


Shania opened the door to the boat. A tear rolled down her cheek. She missed dodger, but she knew he wouldn't be returning any time soon. She waltzed into the bedroom and grabbed a few bags and a suitcase. Then she walked over to the wardrobe and began chucking things into the bag, stuffing things into the suitcase. After half an hour she's packed every belonging of hers and the twins she could possibly find. The boat looked a lot emptier now. Without looking back Shania stumbled out the door. Her eyes fell on the rushed note she'd written, just Incase. A smile appeared. She closed the door and left.


The figure was standing right over jess now. They plunged something into her stomach and laughed in an evil tone. Tears rolled down Jess's cheeks. She looked down and saw a knife in her stomach. Blood was pouring out the wound fast. The unknown killer grabbed jess and dragged her off into the trees. Jess knew she wouldn't survive this.


Sienna adjusted her pillow and led back to go to sleep. She was awoken suddenly when the door opened. It was Lockie. "Sienna." He breathed heavily. Sienna raised her eyebrows confused. He ran to her bed. Their eyes met. He smiled. His hands reached for her face and he cupped her chin in his hands. "I love you and I want to be there for you and our baby." Sienna smiled. "What about Porsche?" She started. Lockie laughed. "Forget about her." He said before pressing his lips against hers. Sienna kissed him back. This felt right.


Mercedes opened the door to Shania. "Come in." Shania heaved all the luggage in. "Did you book me a flight?" She asked. Mercy nodded. "It leaves in 6 hours." Shania sighed with relief. "I'll have to leave soon then." She smiled. Mercy looked away. "I suppose so." She still hadn't come to terms with Shania going but she just let her get on with it.

"I'm going to miss you." Kiera said as tears rolled down her cheeks. Shania pulled Kiera into a hug. "Don't cry!" She said. "You can come visit me any time you want!" Kiera frowned. "It's not the same.." She said. Then her face lit up. "Can I.. Can I come with you?" She said excitedly. Shania considered it. "I don't know." She said slowly. "No." Mercy said. Kiera rolled her eyes. "I'm almost 18." She said. Mercy shrugged. "Do I care?" She laughed. Kiera huffed and turned back to Shania. "Please?" She begged. Shania took a deep breath. "Maybe in a few weeks you could follow on up, but... Not yet." She said. Kiera nodded. "Okay i can wait a few weeks." She grinned before walking off.


Jess panted. She looked around. It was dark and she couldn't see a thing. She winced in pain. Her hand was wet with blood and her face with tears. A lamp suddenly turned on. It gave little light but it was better than complete darkness. "Who are you?" Jess asked. The figure shook their head. "Not yet." They said in an unrecognisable voice.


The twins were in their car seats. Shania had all her things. "I'm ready." She said with a big smile. Everyone looked sad. "I'm going to miss you all." Shania said as she hugged her family. The taxi driver knocked on the door. "Please don't be long." He said in an annoyed voice. Shania rolled her eyes once he'd gone. "Well I best be off. Wish me luck." She chuckled. "Good luck!" Everyone chimed in together.


Dodger walked out of the police station and wondered towards the McQueens. Once he got closer he noticed them all stood outside and a black taxi driving off. He rushed towards them once the taxi disappeared from view. "What's going on?" He asked Sophie. She gasped. "Dodger." She said in shock. Everyone turned around. "You need to get yourself to the airport now." Mercedes said urgently. Dodger looked around confused. Then it hit him. Shania had left. His face fell. "Someone come with me?" He asked in panic. Sophie stepped forward with Kiera. "We'll come." They said.


Sienna and Lockie were now sat side by side. "I'm never going to leave you." He said. Sienna placed her head on his shoulder. "I love you." She said happily. "And I love you." He replied with a smile. "Stay with me tonight?" She asked. "Of course." He said.


Dodger jumped out the car just before Sophie stopped it. He rushed into the airport with panic. His eyes darted around. "What gate are they at?" He screamed. Sophie glanced at him with a funny look. "Calm your titties." She said. Kiera laughed. Dodger glared at them both. "Okay, okay." She said with a chuckle. "It says Gate A here." With that Dodger flew into a run leaving sophie and Kiera to jog slowly behind him.

Shania was just about to hand her ticket in when dodger screamed "Stop." At her. She turned around and her heart leapt. "Dodger?" She said sounding confused. He sighed with relief and she ran into his arms. Tears streamed down her face. "They released you!" She said with relief. Dodger smiled widely. Then he looked serious. "What are you doing." Shania's heart sank. "I have to go." She said crying more now. Dodger pulled away from her. "Why." He shouted. Shania glared at him. "You know why." She said. He frowned. "They'll never know." He whispered. Shania laughed. "Of course they'll find out... It's only a matter of time." Dodger sighed heavily. "He deserved to die." Shania shook her head. "I took a mans life." She whispered. Her voice broke and she continued crying. Dodger let her hands drop. "You'd really leave me?" He said. Shania looked up into his eyes. "Come with me?" She said. Dodger shook his head. "I can't leave Sienna and Nico at a time like this." He sighed. "You're going to go anyway aren't you." He said sadly. Shania nodded. Dodger turned away from Shania and lifted his arms to the back of his head. He sunk to his knees and broke into tears. Shania hated seeing him like this but she had to go. Now. She turned around. Picked up the twins car seats and gave her tickets to the cheery lady. Dodger looked over to her. Shania looked round. "I love you." She mouthed. Dodger wiped his eyes and mouthed back. "I love you too."

Sophie and Kiera both had tears in their eyes as Shania walked through the door and out of site. Dodger sunk right down onto the floor and shook violently as he cried. He'd just lost the woman he loved and his two children. Sophie and Kiera rushed over to him and helped him up. Leading him back to the car. It was a struggle but they managed it.


Jess was struggling to breathe now. "Tell me who you are." She said as pains shot through her stomach. The figure game closer. They lowered the hood on the cloak and jess gasped. "Nico." She whispered before her eyes closed and she took her last breath. Nico stood up. Her blood stained hands unbuttoned her cloak; she let it drop beside jess and then she left the room. Jess's body lay lifeless....

The End

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