Secrets spilled part 2

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Sienna looked into Porsche's eyes. "Why didn't you tell anyone?" She asked. "I told my mum and she never let him come round again." Sienna nodded. "So wait how old are you?" She asked. "29." Porsche said. "Why?" Sienna smiled. "Just wondering."

"What were you about to say earlier?" Porsche asked curiously. "Oh that, well.." Sienna said as the tears came back. "I know what you went through." She started. Porsche gasped. "Don't tell me he.." Sienna nodded. "He did, a few times. Over the years." Sienna realised what she had just said and gasped. "You have to leave." She said suddenly. "What??" Porsche said sounding confused. "Just GO!!" Sienna yelled. "You shouldn't have come here." Porsche grabbed her bag and coat and ran out the door with tears streaming down her face. Great she thought.


Shania turned over and a smile creeped across her face. She was so happy to see the man she loved led next to her. Dodger stared into Shania's eyes. "You okay sweet heart." He smiled as he kissed her gently on the forehead. "Better now." Shania breathed as she snuggled into Dodger's chest.


Libby and Molly ran home crying. They'd had the worst day. Derek had been horrible to them once again. He wouldn't leave them alone. As they opened the door Lindsey was about to walk out but then she saw her daughters crying. "What's wrong!?" She asked. "Nothing mum." Libby said with a smile. "We just banged into each other." Molly nodded. "Yeah that's all!" She said and laughed. "A bit silly really.." "Okay.. If you ever are in trouble know that me and your dad will be here!" Lindsey said slowly. They nodded. "Yes of course mum, byeeee." Libby said as she dragged Molly into the house.


Porsche stormed up the stairs. How could she have been so stupid. "10 minutes till dinner." Mercedes called up after her. "Yeah okay." Porsche sighed, she was exhausted.

Just as they were all sitting down for dinner Shania arrived. "Sorry I'm late! I have some news for those of you who don't know already!" She smiled. "I'm pregnant!" "Congratulations!" Sophie exclaimed with excitement. "Who's the dad then?" Myra asked. "It's dodger." Shania said as she sat down next to Sophie. "Oh right." Myra said as she looked away from Shania. Porsche kept twitching and wasn't making eye contact with anyone. "Did you talk to him?" Jess asked Porsche. "No." She snapped. "Don't speak of that man ever again." Everyone paused, looking confused. "Sorry for asking, god." Jess rolled her eyes. "Don't have that attitude with me!!" Porsche screamed at her. Jess burst into tears. "Come on Jess, lets go to the shops." Sophie said as she got up. Jess ran from the table and out of the door in a hurry. Sophie only just managed to catch her at the end of the road.

Sophie and Jess walked into price slice. "Go grab something you want." Sophie smiled to Jess. After they had paid Sophie turned around and walked straight into a man. "I am so sorry." He said as Sophie's shopping bag fell to the floor. Sophie blushed bright red. "It's okay." she said quickly. As she bent down to pick it up so did he. "I'm Cameron by the way." He smiled. "Sophie." She said with a nod. "I gotta go." She breathed heavily. "Oh okay." He started as she rushed out the shop.

"You couldn't have made it any more obvious!!" Jess laughed. "What!!?!" Sophie said as she looked the other way. "You like him." She smiled. "Don't be stupid." Sophie laughed. "He's way out of my league!" Jess shook her head and walked ahead.

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