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"How you feeling?" Porsche asked as she handed Jess a coffee. "I'm good thanks." Jess nodded. "I owe you an explanation." Porsche began. "No Porsche." Jess said. "Just leave it, this can wait." Porsche shook her head. "You deserve to know the truth." She said calmly. "I didn't have a choice Jess, I was 14 years old. If I could have kept you I would have. But Reenie insisted." "You don't have to explain yourself." Jess sighed. "I know you were young and you couldn't have kept me as your own." Porsche looked down. "Just remember you weren't a mistake." Porsche sighed. At that moment the door opened and Sienna walked in with Nico. "Hi, sorry are we interrupting?" Sienna asked. "No not at all." Porsche smiled. "Come on in." "I'm glad you are okay Jess! These are for you!" Sienna said as she handed Jess a box of chocolates and some flowers.

"We best be off." Sienna said after half an hour. "Oh already?" Jess said sadly. "Yeah sorry, we promised Patrick we'd be home in time for dinner." Jess frowned. "Well it was nice seeing you." Porsche said as she hugged them both goodbye. "Oh wait before we go can I have a private word with you?" Sienna asked Porsche. "Sure." Porsche said. "What's up?" She asked as they stepped outside. "You know last week when we had that chat, and I let slip about what Patrick did to me." Porsche nodded. "Well you can't tell anybody." Sienna breathed. "I won't tell anyone, trust me!" Porsche smiled weakly.


Dodger grabbed Shania's hand. "Are you okay?" He asked. Shania nodded. "I know when you are lying.." He said as he pulled his other hand up to stroke a piece of hair out of her face. "The truth is, I'm scared." She began. "Of?" Dodger asked confused. "Everything." She sighed. "My family mainly, I mean look what happened to Jess." She looked down at her stomach. "It makes me worry for this little one." "Don't start that!" Dodger said as he grabbed Shania's waist. "We are going to be fine and nothing is going to ruin our future. Or our baby's!" When Shania nodded slowly Dodger smiled and put his hand to Shania's cheek. Then he kissed her.


Porsche had gone to find the nurse so Jess was sat all alone on her bed. She was daydreaming and thinking about nothing in particular when the door opened. She looked up and smiled when she saw that it was Porsche and Lockie. "So I have a daughter now then." "Step daughter." Jess corrected him. He winked at her. Porsche playfully hit his arm. "Shut up." She giggled as he pulled her in for a kiss.

Dr S'avage knocked on the door. "Is it safe to come in?" He chuckled. "Of course!" Porsche replied. He opened the door. "I come bearing news!" He said. "About the vodka Jess drank." "Oh." Porsche said looking down. Jess felt bad. "It was.. How do I say this?" He paused for the right words. "Some cheap knock-off vodka and it was very dangerous drinking the whole thing Jess." He looked into her eyes. She felt his sorrow but she didn't want it.

"Where did you get the vodka from?" Porsche asked. "Well, don't go mad but..." Jess started to say before Porsche cut her off. "BUT WHAT??" Porsche shouted. "It was Kiera's, she left it by her bed." Jess said quickly before turning away from Porsche's angry face.

"WHAT?" Porsche screamed. "Calm down." Lockie said grabbing Porsche's arm and pulling her out of the room. "The last thing you want to do is upset her." He said as the door closed. "It's not Kiera's fault so don't go pointing fingers." "So this is her fault?" Porsche snapped. "No. I'm not saying that." Lockie said softly. "It's that evil mans fault." He said with disgust. "Whatever." Porsche said as she stormed down the corridor leaving Lockie stood there with his mouth hanging open.

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