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Yuki's POV


These two jerks dragged me away from Hyunjin and continued dragging me to the classroom.

"Why do you have to drag me?"

"Are you stupid? You said you don't want to be the main topic of today's gossip" Jeongin rolled his eyes

"Yup. A girl from a class below us was rejected by Hyunjin. It was just the two of them when she confessed her feelings for him but then someone found out about it. It was 10 minutes ago only and everyone alrady found out about it. We're sure it wasn't Hyunjin who told anyone about it. You were with him when he left her. There is probably a student who eavesdropped their conversation" Jisung explained

"What does that have to do with me?"

"She is receiving hate from everyone right now. They kept telling her that she is a spoiled brat, a selfish bitch and more. Nowz she left the school" Jeongin

"I'm asking what does that have to do with me?"

"Hyunjin is the center of attention right now since it's his birthday and everyone is greeting him. Someone shared a photo of you and Hyunjin last night, where Hyunjin was holding your waist, when you two were laughing while talking and when he is holding your hand" Jisung


"And someone once again shared a photo of you and Hyunjin at the library a few minutes ago. Hyunjin left you and they said you got rejected" Jisung added

"That's crazy. They doesn't know what is happening between me and Hyunjin"

"Why? Is there something happening between you and Hyunjin?" Jeongin

"I won't say anything for now"

"Well... You should thank us that we saved you" Jisung

"Wait- I thought Hyunjin's birthday was yesterday?"

"It's today. We just had a party for him since he wants to spend this day with his family" Jeongin

"Oh, I need to go"

"Where are you going again?!" Jisung

"To buy a gift!" I said and left the classroom quickly. I went outside connected to our campus. I went to the cake shop and chose something that looks cute and delicious. I waited at the side and it was already served in a box.

Happy birthday, Hyunjin!

I took the cake with me and went inside again. I tried to look for him but I can't see him anywhere. I went to their classroom and saw talking to some friends. I want to call him but one of his classmate pointed at me and told Hyunjin.

He looked at me and went outside "What now?"

I handed him the cake "Happy birthday. I thought yesterday was your birthday"

He just nodded.

"Are we really not gonna do it?"

He sighed "Yuki-"


"Today is my birthday. I was hoping we could do it today since it was your job to make my day fun. Get ready for today and we will go somewhere" Hyunjin

This is what I am talking about. I guess I should get ready for tonight. This is gonna be more wild than what happened last night. I bet Hyunjin and I will be able to do that thing we weren't able to.


"I'll see you all tomorrow" the teacher said and left the classroom

She assigned us to do some school works and needs to be passed next week. I just hope I won't be lazy and be able to finish it quickly.

"Do you have plans?" Jeongin asked


"Let's rent the whole pool. Jisung and I were really bored. We know you will go with us-" Jeongin

"Not really. I have plans for today. You guys can enjoy"

I took my bag with me and received a call from my Mom.

Mom calling...


[I'll send you an address. You have to be there tonight and you shouldn't be late]


[You will be meeting your new fiance-]

"New fiance? What do you mean?"

[Felix gave up on you since you kept playing hard to get. I don't even know why are you doing that]


[Just be there. We're on our way. Don't ditch us]

She ended the call before I even tried to speak, even if I say no she won't let me go. She will pick me up and will force me to go with her. After that, I will be grounded.

"Yuki-" Hyunjin

"I'm sorry I have somewhere to go. Maybe we can postpone it tomorrow?"

Hyunjin nodded "I also have somewhere to go. I'll see you tomorrow"

I just ignored him and went to the parking lot. How can one call ruin the whole day I am excited for? I should've not answered the call and pretended to be busy.

I drove my car to the given address, unwillingly. They are just embarrassing themselves. They know I am not gonna say yes to any guy that will try to set me up with. I am so tired of them trying to fix my future.

As I arrived, I went inside and the maids guided me to the backyard where the dinner was set up. I saw my parents there, a couple and their son I think.

"This is my daughter, Moon Miyuki" Dad introduced me

"Good evening" I bowed

"Introduce your-" woman

"I'm home" a familiar voice said behind me

"This is my eldest son, Hwang Hyunjin" man said

Hwang Hyunjin?!

I'm getting married to Hwang Hyunjin?!

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