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Jeongin's POV

"Jeongin, Jisung is here!" Mom said


I was about to go when my phone started ringing. I hurriedly buttoned the polo and took my phone.

Yuki calling...

"Ya! Why did you leave?!"

[Just because I don't want to see your face]

"You are so annoying even right now. Where are you? We kept calling you but your phone is dead. You have to-" I stopped talking when I heard sobs from the other line "What the hell? Why are you crying?"

[Jeongin... Y-You are going to be an Uncle]

"Why? Did Jisung got someone pregnant?"

[I am pregnant]

"So what if- YOU ARE PREGNANT?!"

[Stop shouting]

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Are you being serious? Dude, that's not a good prank"

[I'm being serious. The pregnancy tests has two lines meaning I am pregnant. We also went to the OB Gyne yesterday and it's sure I am pregnant]

"Wait- You left Korea, right?"

[I did]

"Then, why are you calling me? I mean you are in a foreign country- Don't tell me..."

[I'm back]

"Really?! Where are you?Gosh! Hyunjin will be happy-"

[At my Uncle's place. Hyunjin can't know]

"Why?! He is the Father!"

[Still, he can't know. Please don't tell him]

"You-" I didn't even get to finish what I was saying when she dropped the call

I went downstairs and still shock about what I find out. I saw Jisung leaning on his car while playing with his phone. We decided to stay the night with Hyunjin since we can't just leave him alone there. Also, we know how dangerous his situation is. We want to be there every minute he has.

"What took you so long?" Jisung annoyingly asked

As we got in his car, I am still shock about what Yuki told me. It was crazy but fuck. I don't know if I should believe her or not.

"Jisung, are you going to believe me if I tell you that Yuki is pregnant?"

He laughed "Stupid" and he drove to the hospital

"Jerk! I am not joking. Yuki called me and I was confused why can she call me when she is not in Korea. But, she is back and she said she is pregnant-"

"What?! Are you crazy?! That's something you shouldn't joke about!" Jisung

"I'm serious! I also told her that Hyunjin needs to know but she said that I shouldn't tell him. You can call her if you want"

Jisung glared at me and dialed Yuki's number. When Yuki answered it Jisung looked at me and put it on speaker.

"Yuki?" Jisung

[Han Jisung]

"Where the fuck are you?! Are you pregnant?!" Jisung

[Jeongin told you? I am pregnant. I came back here to-]

"Hyunjin needs to know" Jisung

[He doesn't have to]

"Ya! I don't want to stress you out since you said you are pregnant but Hyunjin is in a dangerous situation. He is fighting between life and deat-" Jisung

[And you shouldn't joke about that]

"You can call her parents or him. Find out yourself. He is in the hospital and still not waking up. He has glioblastoma multiforme and he doesn't have that much  percentage of chances to live-" Jisung was cut off when Yuki ended the call

"Why did you tell her?"

"She can't just-" Jisung

"Just drive. She will be stress!"

How can this guy be so straightforward? He just heard that Yuki is pregnant and here he goes. Just spilling everything he knows to Yuki.

He continued driving and we finally arrived at the hospital. We went to where Hyunjin is, and saw our friends outside. He was transferred to a more comfortable room without a lot of tube and any accessories inserted to him. Only one tube and oxygen were suporting him now.

Hyunjin's doctor came out with nurses and left. Hyunjin's parents were having an appointment with some doctors and hospital in states. They want to bring Hyunjin there since we are all desperate for Hyunjin to live. Our parents all donated big amounts of money and help for Hyunjin's fast recovery. They are doing their best to help as well and asking their connections in states for doctors and hospitals that can admit Hyunjin and help.

"You shouldn't tell anyone"

Jisung rolled his eyes "I know"

We all entered Hyunjin's room and he is still unconscious. It's been three days I think, since he was brought here and he is not yet waking up.

I know why Yuki doesn't want Hyunjin to know, it's because of his reaction. We all don't know if Hyunjin will accept the baby or not. I mean he loves Yuki, he might accept Yuki but how about the baby? Hyunjin is a nice and responsible person but it depends on his reaction. For me, Hyunjin will be happy to know that he is a Father.

"When is he going to wake up?" Seungmin asked

"I hope he will wake up soon" Because he will be really happy to know the news that Yuki is back here in Korea.

I wonder if Yuki believed what Jisung told her? I wonder if she ended the call to go here and not waste any minute? Or did she ended the call to cut Jisung's nonsense?

I hope she will be here soon.

"You guys, should we-" Changbin

"What's with the fucking noise?" Hyunjin's eyes opened

He is fucking awake.

I love you, Yuki. | Hwang HyunjinWhere stories live. Discover now