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Yuki's POV

"Yuki! Come here!" Mom called as she entered the rest house "Try it"

"I-I can't. I'm scared"

"But you have to" Mom

"What if-"

"It doesn't matter, okay? The outcome of that test doesn't matter. We are here with you. We are not gonna leave you" Dad said and smiled

I nodded and took the box with me as I went to the bathroom. The other day, I started vomiting and always have morning sickness. I always have headache and became picky of food. I thought it was normal since it's been a long time since I had my last fever. Then, Mom and Dad were pushing me to take this pregnancy test a try. I am scared but also excited. A mixed with feeling.

I tried three pregnancy test and put it inside the box again. It says to wait for a few minutes for the outcome and it'll give us the result. The pregnancy test were not always accurate that's why you have to do a few try and go to a doctor too. I went outside carrying the box and saw my parents nervous faces.

"It'll be fine. We are here" Mom smiled

I nodded "I know, Mom. Everything is going to be fine"

"I already set up an appointment with an OB Gyne doctor, for an accurate result" Dad said as he turned off his phone "Why am I nervous and excited?"

"You two look excited more than I am"

The two just laughed and took a deep breath as the stopwatch rang, meaning that a few minutes passed and we have to open it.

"I'll check"

"Okay" Mom took a deep breath

I also did the same as I felt nervous of the result. I opened the box and looked at the result of the three pregnancy tests at the same time.

"Mom, Dad"

They looked at me nervously.

"It's positive!" I shouted excitedly and handed them the results

They looked at it with their eyes widened and stared at it for a few seconds. Then, their shocked faces turned into smiley one.

"We are grandparents!" Dad shouted and hugged Mom

After the small celebration, they both started crying while looking at the pregnancy tests.

"Why are you two crying?"

"We're happy for you" Mom smiled at me

"Aren't you gonna tell Hyunjin?" Dad asked

Now, it suddenly hits me hard. Just hearing his name makes my heart hurts and I want to cry so bad. I mean, I want to tell him and he deserves to know. I don't know what will be his reaction but Hyunjin is such a responsible person. I guess it'll be better to keep it as a secret and just take care of this kid alone with my parents.

"I don't know. I am scared. This is what it feels like. Maybe I'll tell him but not now. We still have things to fix"

"Your decision matters" Dad smiled

"It doesn't matter if Hyunjin will accept it or not. We are here. We are not going to leave you, okay?" Mom hugged me tight

"How about a little celebration after having a checkup?" Dad asked that made me smile

I have them. That's what matters.


"Hey, don't be nervous" Dad told Mom

"How can I not be? I mean we know that she is pregnant but hearing it from a real doctor will make everything clear. I am really gonna calm down after hearing it from the doctor" Mom said

She was panicking ever since we left the rest house. I guess both of them were nervous but Dad doesn't show it since Mom is already nervous.

We left Korea yesterday without even saying goodbye to Hyunjin. I just sent Jisung and Jeongin a message, I have a lot of things to mention but I chose not to, since those two will feel cringe. I'm sure they will be happy to hear that I am going to have a baby. Those two will probably spoil this little watermelon in my stomach. I just thought of what Hyunjin asked me when we first went to Sunghyun.

The word Absquatulate.

It means to leave without saying goodbye. I guess it's better to leave without really saying goodbye. It's easier. I know once I said goodbye to him, he will show up and will stop me. Then, I'll have a hard time to leave him and start a new life.

Actually, I was thinking of killing myself but I didn't continue when Mom said that there's a possibility that I am pregnant since I kept vomiting and always have morning sickness. I became picky with foods, so I suddenly had another hope of living and taking care of this cutie. I want to experience the feeling as a Mom and be loved, as well as send love and care to the kid. It doesn't matter if this kid will have a Father or not. What matters is, we will be together and I will take care of this baby no matter what happens. I will protect her as muchas I can. She deserves to see the world and she deserves to experience the wonder and magic of life.

If ever he is a girl, I will name her Areum. She is beautiful like the world that she will see.

But if it's a boy, I will name him Hyunsung. I want Hyunjin to recognize him because I just arranged Sunghyun's name.

No matter what gender you have, you will be loved by everyone, little one.

I love you, Yuki. | Hwang HyunjinWhere stories live. Discover now