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Yuki's POV

The map directed me to an abandoned building. It somehow look familiar but I don't remember where I saw this place. I just fucking felt something really weird as I arrived here. I want to go inside but something kept telling me not to. This place gives me a creepy feeling now.

Hyunjin calling...


[Hi, I'm home]

"Already? I just got here, still waiting for my friends"

[Hmm... Your friend is a girl, right?]

"Yup. You don't have to be jealous"

[I trust you, Yuki. I don't trust men nowadays. They will surely do something that will ruin you and your future plans]

"You should get ready. I'll call you when I get home. I need to go"

[Yeah, bye! Take care]

"I love you"


He ended the call without even saying I love you too. I don't know but it feels weird not hearing a guy saying it back. I mean he said he has feelings for me but why can't he tell me? It kept ruining my trust and I want to hear it so bad from him.

I got out of the car and went inside. It looks like a haunted building but it doesn't give you that feeling. You'll just feel weird since everything is broken, it's empty, etc. I looked around and it does seems like a three floor company building. Probably a small company that lost rating and was shut down? I don't know but it seems like it.

From: Unknown number

Look behind you.

That text fucking made me nervous I switched the app and was ready to dial the phone in any minute if ever something happens to me here. I took a deep breath as I looked behind me.

"Moon Miyuki?" a woman asked

I nodded "I am. Who are you?"

"I am one of the nurses from Hwang International Hospital. I was fired for some reason but ended up finding a new job because of someone" she said


"Yuki" a familiar voice called from behind

I looked behind "S-Seungmin?"

He smiled "Hmm... I was the one who texted you about Jaehyuk"

"I don't understand. W-What do you know about him?"

Seungmin went to the nurse "This is Jean, a nurse from Hwang General Hospital. She was there and she knew everything that happened"

"Just get straight to the point"

"It was in the middle of the night, we are supposed to do rounds to check the patients. I was assigned to go the emergency room, I thought there is no patient. Then, a guy was rushed in. We did everything we can since Mr. Hwang was there, he said the guy got into an accident. We saved him. He is not that critical but he was brought to the operation room suddenly. Doctor Hwang was leading us and telling us to do when we are all dumb founded, he is not critical to bring in the operation room. We were hesitating but he kept ordering us. Then, the guy woke up and begged Doctor Hwang. He finished the surgery and brought him to the private room" Jean

"At that time, Hyunjin is in a critical condition and needs to have a heart transplant as soon as possible or else he will die" Seungmin

"I-I don't understand. I mean I know Hyunjin has Jaehyuk's heart but what do you guys want? Can you please enlighten me?"

"Everything was planned" Jean said


"That wasn't the first time Jaehyuk went to the hospital. He went there when you were rushed for having a high fever. You guys don't have enough money but Jaehyuk begged Doctor Hwang. They had an agreement about something. You became fine, then Doctor Hwang can't reached out Jaehyuk. He cut the communication between them that made Doctor Hwang mad" Jean

"Agreement of what?!"

"That he will be donating his heart to Hyunjin so he can get you out of the hospital and give you the exact amount you guys need" Seungmin

"Jaehyuk talked to me when I was assigned to his room. He begged me to save him and get him out of the hospital but when I was about to help him. Doctor Hwang came and fired me for doing such without permission. I was fired and I thought I don't need to help him but I kept thinking of what he said. I went back to the hospital and tried to get him out of there but then Hyunjin entered. I hid from him and oveheard their conversation" Jean

"H-Hyunjin? I-"

"Jaehyuk begged him that he needs to live for you. He cried and begged him as much as he can but Hyunjin... Hyunjin didn't even care and ignored what he said. He said he needed to live as well and..." Jean

"A-And what?"

"He said he will take care of you instead" Jean

"H-Hyunjin knew that Jaehyuk is my boyfriend? He knew about his Father's plan? He fooled me all this time?"

Why do I have to find out? Why? I wish no one told me. I am in love with him and everything seems perfect when I am with him but why the fuck he did that? Why? Is that why he can't tell me he loves me? Because he really don't?

And he is just fulfilling what he promised to Jaehyuk.

I am getting fooled by him... Why?

I love you, Yuki. | Hwang HyunjinWhere stories live. Discover now