Doing it

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I stood by the lockers, waiting for Hiccup to finish...the thing he has to do.

As I waited, I saw no sight of Snotlout, so that's a good thing. heard some moans and groans come from the closet so that's another thing... But I heard my name throughout it and it made me blush and purse my lips. 

After a few more minutes I heard Hiccup groan loudly and hiss my name through his teeth. I kept a straight face but I blushed.

I heard the door unlock and open. My back was facing the closet so I was only able to hear and not see, even though I knew the door was closed.

Behind me, I heard footsteps come my way and a shadow appeared. Yup, definitely Hiccup. I turned around and expected to see Hiccup ready and...fully dressed. But what I didn't expect was Hiccup being...shirtless. Why the hell is he shirtless?!

I furrowed my brow and was about to speak until he briefly kissed me on the lips, stopping me from saying whatever I was gonna say.

"Um...I my liquid on my" Hiccup sheepishly shrugged. "I'm gonna go to the locker room and get my P.E. shirt."

I slowly nodded; I couldn't help it, I was staring at his abs. A very fine 6-pack, looks smooth, some hair splattered all over his chest...trailing down his navel... Oh my gods, I'm a perv.

I heard Hiccup chuckle and I blushed crimson red as I looked down, avoiding his torso. "Like what you see?" Hiccup asked, amusement evident in his voice.

I shrugged. "I dunno..." I said in a small voice and then mumbled, "Maybe..."

I heard him chuckle one more time before he wrapped his bare arm around my shoulders. "It's okay. Some time you'll get to see the rest." He winked at me and kissed my temple. 

"Wait what?" I looked at him.

He shook his head and smiled. "C'mon. Let's go get myself a shirt." And with that, we walked to the guys' locker room.


"Okay, here we are." Hiccup removed his arm from my shoulders and started to walk in, apparently the door was unlocked. 

I stayed where I was as Hiccup started to enter, but before he could, he turned to me.

"Why're you just standing there?"


"Come with." Hiccup smirked and extended his hand out for me to take.

"Uh..." I shook my head with uncertainty. "I don't think..."

"You're coming." 

I let out a yelp when Hiccup grabbed my hand and pulled me into the locker room.


Wow...this place is so...different apart from the girls' locker room. This one's...surprisingly...clean. I've always thought guys were the more messy ones but...I was wrong.

"My locker's over here," Hiccup said, breaking me away from my thoughts. I looked to where he was going and followed him, I don't wanna be alone in here. What if someone unexpectedly comes in? What if I get caught?

"You're not gonna get caught, trust me."

I blushed and looked toward Hiccup, who was beside me. "Um...I said that out loud?"

Hiccup nodded and half-smiled. He grabbed my hand and led me to, what I assume is, his locker.  

"You know, I'm jelly. This place is so clean," I said, observing the lockers. 

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