Do I go or stay?

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"Dad?" I never thought I'd say that word in a long, long time.

Why is he here? Why is here now?!

My Dad smiled at me, he seemed a little scared.

Well, he should be! He left me and my Mom alone without any warning!

"Hello...daughter." He seemed hesitant saying that word.

He should be. "Don't 'hello daughter' me!" I hissed, glaring at my so-called father.

He sighed and opened his mouth. "Look, honey-"

I groaned and I felt Hiccup grab my hand, since I slipped my hand out of his when I yelled at my Dad. "Hey, Astrid. Come with me for a moment," Hiccup whispered to me before turning to my Mom and That guy; I don't think I should call him my Dad. "Hey, uh...mind giving me and Astrid a couple seconds?"

That Guy furrowed his brow. "And you are...?"

Hiccup gave him a small smile. "I'm her boyfriend."

That Guy was about to respond to his answer but my Mom whispered to him, "It's okay. Let him speak to her."

That Guy sighed and nodded, allowing Hiccup to speak to me.

Hiccup smiled and nodded to them in thanks, intertwining our fingers together while leading me up the stairs to my room.

He opened my door once we made it up the stairs and let me inside first, closing the door behind him.

I sighed and turned around to face him. "Why're we here?"

Hiccup sighed and sat on the edge of my bed, patting the spot beside him.

I gave him a look and he just rolled his eyes and moved forward, pulling me to him. I gave out a little surprised squeak when I landed on his lap, my back on his chest.

I gave him another look but he just shrugged. "You didn't sit down beside me, so you're trapped with me." He wrapped his arms around my waist and held me hostage.

I gave him a blank face, but in all honesty, I didn't mind sitting here. "Just get on with why we're here."

Hiccup nodded and rested his chin on my shoulder, sighing. "You need to let your Dad speak."

I 'pfft'ed and shook my head. "You think I'd let That Guy speak? No. And I don't wanna talk to him or face him." I frowned and crossed my arms, leaning back against Hiccup's chest.

Hiccup sighed...again. "Well, that guy happens to be your Dad. So you gotta speak to him."

I rolled my eyes and tried to move away from Hiccup but he had me secure. "He's not my Dad...well, not anymore. He's just That Guy."

"That Guy?"

"Yeah. I named him."

"You named him?"

I pouted and hid myself. "Yes."

Hiccup let out a laugh, then another. "Really?"

I growled silently and slid out of his arms, which had loosened since he was laughing a little. I walked away to the window when he reached for me. "He doesn't deserve to even have a name."

Hiccup walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, letting his forehead rest on the back of my head. "You really hate him that much, huh?"

I sighed and nodded, leaning against the windowsill. "Yeah."

Hiccup placed a small kiss on the back of my neck before turning me around, softly pinning me to the window, which was open but I wouldn't fall since it stopped where my ribs were.

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