Astrid's life

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        Hiccup had my hand in his as he was leading me to his room to, I guess, 'teach me' how to kiss. *Sigh* How did I get in this situation? Oh, yea. I didn't know how to kiss so he's gonna teach me and I'm still all over the place with my feelings. As I was thinking Hiccup broke me out of my thoughts by saying, "We're here." Hiccup said as he opened his bedroom door with his unoccupied hand. Hiccup then let go of my hand and closed the door. I was inspecting his room with my eyes and from my's huge. This is more than just a master bedroom if you look at it from here. Hiccup then went beside me and then wrapped his arms around my waist and turned me so I was facing him. Hiccup then started to speak, "Ok. So. To kiss a person first you have to tilt your head." Hiccup said as he tilted his head to the right. I did what he did so now my face was in front of his.

        Hiccup then chuckled, let me go, straightened his head, and said, "You have to tilt your head to the opposite direction than the other person." Hiccup said as he cupped my face and gently titled my head to the right. Hiccup then let go of my face and titled his head to his right and said, "Now. Either you or the other person have to lean in. Or it can be both." Hiccup said as he smiled and leaned in. I followed his lead and stopped when he stopped so now out lips were only 2 inches apart. Hiccup then smiled and said, "Ok. You got it. Now. Lean in all the way until our lips touch. You also gotta close your eyes."

        Hiccup said waiting for me to lean in. I then did what he said and then our lips touched. When they did I felt warmth spread throughout my body. Shock waves were sent down my arms and spine which made me get goosebumps. Hiccup then smiled with his lips still on mine and said, "You got it. Now, when my lips move you move them too." Hiccup said on my lips. That's when I started to panic, "Wait. How?" I asked Hiccup with my lips on his still. Hiccup smirked on my lips and said, "How...what?" I then spoke again, "How do I move my lips?" I asked. Hiccup just chuckled on my lips and said, "Let your lips do the moving. When they do then you'll get it." Hiccup said on my lips. I then nodded my head but didn't remove my lips. 

        Hiccup then started moving his lips with me doing the same. After a couple of movement I started to kiss him right. It felt weird doing nothing with my arms so I wrapped them around his neck making the kiss, I think, deeper. Hiccup then smiled on my lips and said, "You *kiss* got it." Hiccup said gleefully on my lips in between a kiss. Hiccup then tightened his hold on me and made the kiss way more deeper. I selfconsiously started to run my fingers through his hair which made him moan. Uh...that's a good thing, right? Ok. You know what? I'mma give it a shot on love. If it goes well then I was wrong about love. Even though what I said about love is true. But hey! Some love goes well, some don't. I'll give a shot, but if he breaks my heart then I'm not meant to love. Hiccup and I then broke the kiss because we're humans and we need to breathe. Hiccup and I then looked deeply into each others eyes and smiled. I'm smiling. Ok. This guy right here has made me smile a lot now. 

        Hiccup then spoke, "Astrid? Can you stay at my house for today?" Hiccup asked with a hoping smile. I smiled back but then said, "I would, but what about my mom?" Hiccup then thought about it and said, "You can call her." I then considered it and said, "Ok." I then tried to gently get out of his hold but he was just too darn strong. "Uh..Hiccup, I-" I was about to say but was cut off by Hiccup when he leaned down and kissed me. I closed my eyes when he was 1 inch away and kissed him back. The kiss was slow and in sync. Hiccup then broke the kiss and smiled at me. Hiccup then let me go and let me get my phone. I pushed up my skirt and grabbed my phone from my pocket. I walked to Hiccup's window and looked out it as I started calling my mom. Hiccup came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and placed his chin atop my head. After a few rings my mom answered.

        "Hello?" said my mom through the phone, "Hey, mom." I said. "Oh, hello princess. Where are you?" my mom asked. My mom always calls me princess. I hope Hiccup didn't hear. It's kinda embarrassing. "I'm at a friends house." I answered. I don't know what to call Hiccup so I just said friend. "Oh....good for you. You finally got a friend!" my mom cheered for me through the other line. "Hehe....yea." I said chuckling nervously. I then rubbed the back of my neck subconsciously. Hiccup still has his arms around me from behind by the way. "What's their name?" my mom asked. "Uh...his names Hiccup." I told my mom. I heard my mom gasp and say, "Oh. Is he...your boyfriend?" my mom asked on the phone. I was about to answer until Hiccup answered, "Yes, Ms.Hofferson, I'm her boyfriend." Hiccup said bringing his mouth close to mine so he can speak through the phone. I then blushed and I think it was noticeable since Hiccup smirked and kissed my blushing cheek. I can hear my mom make an understanding sound on the other line.

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