That one dude, Pepito

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"I wish I could stay like this all know? Like...with you. Forever." Hiccup let out a breath and wrapped his arm around my bare shoulders, my blanket covering our laps.

I shrugged. "Yeah, me too, but..." I trailed off, knowing Hiccup knows what comes next.

He nodded and brought me closer. "I know... Why is life so...unfair?"

I shrugged once again and exhaled through my nose. I leaned over the edge of the bed, Hiccup's arm still holding me, and reached for my glasses, which were on the floor. I came back to my original spot and slid my glasses on. Phew, that's better. "Hey Hiccup?"

I felt said guy kiss my head and wrap his arm more securely around me. "Yes, princess?"

"Um... Don't you think... Okay," I looked up and at him. "I really wanna stay with you here, I really want you here, but...I think it's...probably time know...get dressed leave..."

Hiccup slowly started to frown. "But I want to stay here, we can just lock your door, stay in your room."

I'm pretty sure I'm noticing some tears in his eyes but I ignored it, probably just my imagination. I sighed and looked back down, glasses sliding forward a bit; the blankets seem like an amazing object to stare at, at the moment. "I..." I couldn't finish what I was saying, so I sighed instead and plopped my forehead onto Hiccup's shoulder. I have no idea how to respond to that.

"Astrid? Astrid, please, look at me."

I felt a hand cup my cheek and bring my face up so I could look into Hiccup's eyes and listen to him. "I..I don't want to leave you." He leaned forward and rested his forehead against mine. "I don't want to lose you."

I rose an eyebrow subtly. "How will you lose me?"

Hiccup brought his other hand up and cupped my face. "Anything could happen while I'm gone, Astrid. My dad could, somehow, find out about me seeing you, you could get hurt, I might get hurt, anything...anything, at all, could happen."

I chuckled and shook my head. "You really think all that might happen?"

"Yes," murmured Hiccup, placing a gentle kiss upon my lips. I kissed back and he brought me closer to his body, having me half on his lap and my other half on the bed.

"We probably should...get changed," I mumbled in between a kiss. Hiccup whimpered and shook his head, pushing me down onto the bed and hovering above me, the covers covering us. "No." He darted his tongue out and continued to kiss me, his nose bumping my glasses occasionally.

I lightly shook my head. "We should, we have to... My mom..."

"I don't care." Hiccup pressed his body closer to mine and moved his lips against mine so fast that I couldn't even comprehend what we were doing for a moment. Hiccup hummed into my mouth and kissed me even deeper by tilting his head more to the side.

Okay I didn't want to stop this but I asked, "Wait, if we're gonna kiss...what about my glasses?"

Hiccup chuckled on my lips and moved back from the kiss to smile a bit more and kissed me again. "You're right." Reaching out, Hiccup took off my glasses and gently dropped them to the floor.

I giggled a little, while Hiccup kissed me, and spoke. "Why is it always the floor?"

Hiccup shrugged and chuckled. He reached behind him and threw the covers over us, covering us completely.

I giggled and Hiccup chuckled, kissing me a bit more gentler but roughly at the same time. I smirked and grabbed a handful of his auburn tresses, I don't know if it'd hurt but I heard him hum so I'm assuming it's okay...

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