Unexpected visit

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Since yesterday, it's been a bit hard trying to stay away from Hiccup. But, even if it's only a day it still feels like years. I'm not gonna pay attention to that now though, I'm just gonna lay down in bed and listen to the music pumping through my earphones into my ears with my friend on, my glasses.

Our names won't be remembered
If we die like trampled flowers
I refuse to be forgotten
Written off as less than worthless

Scream and cry
But none will...

As I listened to the music, I didn't fail to notice a pebble hit my window.

"What?" I mumbled, pulling off my earphones and placing them on my bed. I sat up and stared at the window, waiting for something to hit it again, like the pebble.

Soon enough, another pebble landed on my windowpane. I furrowed my brow and bounded off my bed, making it creak with each movement I made on it. I walked toward my window and looked out it, I couldn't see anything at this angle so I pushed it open and my eye was met with a pebble.

"Gods...DAMMIT NOT AGAIN!" I placed my palm over my eye in pain and backed away from the window. How the hell did the pebble miss my flipping glasses?! I swear, this is just like that time with Hiccup... Wait.

"Oh gods, I'm sorry Astrid!" Hiccup apologized, climbing in my room. He grunted and fell to the floor with an exhausted huff.

I laughed and rubbed my watery eye, hoping to get some pain away. "It's okay. So, what, are you gonna, like, make out with me now and beg for forgiveness again?"

Hiccup looked over to me. "Well I'm not gonna beg you for forgiveness but we could do the first one." He sent me a cheeky smile.

I rolled my eyes and smiled. "Here." I grabbed his elbow and helped him up onto his feet.

He smiled at me and nodded thankfully. "Thanks m'lady."

I smiled back but it faltered when I remembered that we weren't allowed to see each other. "Wait, why're you here? You know we can't see each other." I turned around and closed the window, making sure no one saw, before closing it and turning back to Hiccup.

He sighed sadly and nodded, scratching the back of his head. "Yeah, I know. But your mom's not here and I just had to come and see you. A day without you feels like absolute hell."

I chuckled and walked back over to my bed. "I guess I could say the same. But how do you know my mom's not here?" I plopped back down on my bed, which felt very comfy at the moment.

Hiccup shrugged and smiled as he walked over to me. "Her car wasn't here." He crawled onto the bed with his hands and knees and slowly hovered above me. "So that means..." Hiccup leaned down and captured my lips as he whispered, "we're all alone." He smirked on my lips and kissed me deeper, tilting his head more to the right while I did to the left. He moved his lips against mine which made me do the same, which also made noises emit from the kiss.

"What about your dad?" I whispered against his lips while they moved. Hiccup shrugged and broke the kiss. "I dunno. He said something about a business trip." He sat up, so he was sitting on my lap but his weight wasn't entirely on me so he wouldn't squish me. He then reached over and took my glasses, making my vision a bit blurry but I can still see. I sat up as well, having my hands support me from behind, and tilted my head. "So you came over here because no one was there?"

"No, I came because...as I said, 'A day without you feels like absolute hell'." Hiccup smirked and leaned back down, locking his lips with mine again in a passionate kiss. He gently pushed me back onto the bed and grabbed my hands, wrapping my arms around his neck. As our lips moved together, I felt his something warm and wet slide its way in. I shivered in pleasure and surprise when he entwined his tongue with mine and slid his hands down to my sides.

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