I will never give up, Astrid

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        It's been an hour and I'm now at the bus stop waiting for the bus. I still can't get Astrid out of my mind. I never want to. If you guys are wondering about my knuckles that bled yesterday, don't worry, it's taken care of. They're clean like I never punched my mirror. Weird right? 2 minutes later I heard the bus come. I snapped back out of my thoughts and the bus came to a slow stop in front of me. I inhaled and exhaled before entering the bus. I hope Astrid forgives me. I hope she isn't.....oh...my...gods....

        That-that girl isn't Astrid. But she looks so much like her. As I looked down the isle searching for Astrid in the back as I walked and ignored the glares I got. *sigh* Yep. Everyone heard about me and Astrid's 'break up.' So. Anyways, as I was walking I made it to the back and saw a girl who looked like the opposite of Astrid. Is it her? Time to check. As these thoughts were floating around my brain I sat down next to 'Astrid' but she didn't notice because she's either ignoring me or she didn't actually notice. 

        I was about to speak but Astrid broke it, "What do you want?" Astrid asked me, harshly. I was a bit taken back by the sudden tone of her voice. This isn't the Astrid I know. Astrid's sweet, adorable, and cute. But this Astrid is: Beautiful, mean, harsh, and stubborn. Oh, no. Did I change her? I then spoke, "Astrid. I wanted to say that what you saw back at the tree was...not expected!" I said pleading for Astrid to believe me. Astrid looked at me with a cute glare and said, "Not expected?!" Astrid asked me incredulously. I was about to speak until Astrid beat me to it, "Look. Hiccup, I don't care anymore! What happened back there can never be reversed. And the pain I felt can't either." Astrid said harshly but partially calm. I was about to tell her something else but the bus came to a stop and Astrid immediately stood up and walked out with the rest of the people.

        I just stared at her figure outside the bus window as a tear fell out of my eye. Why am I so stupid? Why am I so inconsiderate? Why am I, most of all, not trying my hardest to get Astrid, the girl I love, back? I then sighed as the last thought remained in my head as I walked out of the bus into the school. I then turned my expression into determination and thought, "Not today, not ever. I'm going to get her back. No matter what it takes." 


        Seriously?! Can't he see that he broke my heart?! You can't go back in time and fix it. The damage is done. No one can reverse what happened. I can't believe that he think's he's gonna get me back. Well, guess what? He's not! As I thought these things I entered the school and when I did everyone stopped and looked at me in amazement but I didn't stop walking. I kept walking to my locker as I saw guys looking at me with lust and want as the girls were envying me. I finally made it to my locker and when I did I saw Elsa appear next to me with Ruffnut. "Hey..Astrid." Ruffnut said breaking the silence as I shuffled through my locker. "Hey." I said plainly but loudly. The two were taken aback by my attitude but I shrugged it off and walked away as I slammed my locker shut making the two wince.

        School's over and I've been ignoring Hiccup the whole day. He just won't get it will he? Hiccup kept trying to talk to me but I either walked away or ignored him. I'm right now in the music room since I was bored and I love music so...I decided to sing. I took out a keyboard and set it up with a mic in front of me. Ok. Here I go. Wait! Before I start singing I just wanna let you guys know that this song...em...I think you'll understand when I sing it.

No, I can't take one more step towards you
'Cause all that's waiting is regret
And don't you know I'm not your ghost anymore
You lost the love
I loved the most

I learned to live, half alive
And now you want me one more time


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