In the hospital

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        I was just laying there lifeless. I stopped coughing so that's good. After about 2 minutes or so I heard someone shout my name. "ASTRID!" the voice kept saying. It was a guy but I couldn't tell who it was since everything's a blur to me right now and my ears are silenced. All I could hear are muffled screams from the guy and all I could see were random splatters. "ASTRID!" the guy kept shouting. I think he found me because the person was in front of me knelt down. It was hard to tell but I think he's there. "Oh my gods, oh my gods....ASTRID!" the guys shook me gently trying to get me to respond but I couldn't. All that came out was blood and my eyes were half closed. Is this what it feels like to die? 

        Suddenly I felt that I was lifted into the air. No! I'm too young to die! Oh wait. No. I'm not dying yet he's just carrying me. I couldn't breath, smell, see, or hear. I suddenly felt the guy walking. Where is he taking me? My eyes couldn't hold much longer so my eyes were slowly closing and the last thing I felt was the guy running and plead, "Astrid! Please! Don't close your eyes!" before darkness took me.

        I slowly fluttered my eyes open. Did I just wake up? Was that all just a dream? My answers were spoken when I saw that I was in a hospital bedroom. Why am I here? Did the guy bring me here? I then opened my eyes all the way and I felt that I had my glasses on. Did someone find my glasses and bring it? I have no idea what's happening. I then groaned and abruptly coughed. Ow. My throat hurts. Was it from all the coughing back at the school? It had to be because it felt like I literally coughed my guts out. I looked around the room and saw a guy with auburn hair sitting in a chair. Is that Hiccup? Why is he here? I think Hiccup heard me groan or either cough because when I did he shot his head up and grinned from ear to ear. Why is he smiling like that? Did he get a girlfriend and he couldn't wait to tell me? "Astrid!" Hiccup said joyfully as he ran up to me and pulled me into a tight embrace. "Ow. ow." I groaned since his embrace was squishing me to death and my ribs really hurt so he's kinda making it worse. Hiccup then gasped and relaxed his hold on me and whispered in my ear, "Sorry. I just missed you." Hiccup said sweetly. He missed me? Why would he miss me? Nobody misses me. 

        How long was I out? "Four weeks." Hiccup said. "Did I say that out loud." I asked as I finally hugged him back. Hiccup just laughed and nodded his head. "Oh." I said but then I remembered he said how long I was out. "WAIT! FOUR WEEKS!?" I asked incredulously. Hiccup just nodded his head and let go of me and sat next to me. Well he sat next to my laying body. Hiccup looked at me worriedly and said, "Astrid, what happened?" Hiccup said as he stared in my eyes. "What do you mean?" I asked. Does he mean what caused this to happen to me? "I mean, who did this to you?" Hiccup said as he brushed my fringes out of my eyes. I tried to remember but I couldn't. "I-I don't remember." I said as I looked up into his eyes through my glasses. Hiccup just sighed and said, "Can you scoot over?" Hiccup asked. Why does he want me to scoot over?

        "Why?" I asked confused. Hiccup just smiled and said, "So I can lay down next to you." that was when some parts of my brain came to life. Lay? Down? Him? Next to me? No, no, no. I must be hearing this wrong. Nobody has ever missed me but he did. Nobody has ever saved me but he did. And...nobody has ever wanted to lay down net to me...but he did. Or let alone become my friend...but he did. "Uh....I guess?" I said skeptically and moved over so he can fit. Hiccup happily filled the empty spot next to me and put his hands on top of his stomach. I then sighed and said quietly, "It was only my first day and I got beat up and missed a bunch of classes." I said as I chuckled a bit. Hiccup just sighed and said, "Yea." 

        Hiccup then looked over to me and said, "Astrid?" when he did I looked over at him, "Yea?" Hiccup looked deeply into my ocean blue eyes when he said, "I-I'm sorry that your first day ended up like that. Your mom has been worried and most of all I've been worried." Hiccup said with his voice cracking a bit. I then sighed and looked up at the ceiling. How do you respond to that? Nobody has ever been worried about me. Only my mom but that's different since she's my mom. But Hiccup? Why does he care if I'm hurt or not? And does he still think I'm beautiful? I don't know. Hiccup then spoke which broke me out of my thoughts, "Astrid, I really care about you. Even if I've only talked to you for one day...and even if this is the second....I feel like I've known you since high school started." Hiccup said as he looked at me. I then realized that when I turned to look at him that our faces were really close.

        I just stared into his beautiful green orbs while he stared into mine. Hiccup was leaning in with me doing the same slowly. Oh my gods, what am I doing!? Just go with it it's a once in a life time opportunity. But I cant! I don't want love. He'll just break my heart one day. It always happens! I don't wanna be hurt! As I was having a mental fight in my mind Hiccup was only a centimeter away from my lips but before we can kiss the door opened revealing all of Hiccup's friends. Hiccup and I then backed away from each other like we were never about to kiss. Thank you Hiccup's friends. "Astrid! Are you ok?" the girl named Elsa spoke as she started walking toward my bed with the others trailing behind. I just nodded as I looked at them through my glasses. Tuffnut then saw that Hiccup was next to me then said, "Whoa. Hiccup dude. Don't you think your going a bit fast?" Tuffnut said. Thank you Tuffnut! Finally someone thinks this is crazy fast. 

        Ruffnut then spoke, "I think it's cute." as she smiled at me and Hiccup then took out her phone and took a picture. Hiccup then widened his eyes and started to get out of the bed. Good. I don't think I can handle this much love pressure. "Awww....don't get out of the was cute!" said Elsa. Really Elsa? You're just gonna encourage him! Then the Jack guy spoke, "Yea dude, get back in the bed. You guys look cute together." I just stared at the three incredulously. REALLY? Does Tuffnut still agree with me? My question was answered when Tuffnut spoke, "You that I think of it they are cute together." Tuffnut said smiling. Unbelievable. Oh gods. I think Hiccup agreed since he just came back down next to me. Oh gods....what's next? I'm gonna start falling in love with him? No thank you. No matter how sweet, caring, and cute he is I just can't fall in love. 

        I then tried to break the awkwardness but then Jack spoke, "We'll just leave you two alone." Jack said as he smiled along with the rest of the group. WHY?! Jack and the 3 others left the room and closed the door. So now it was just me, Hiccup, and of course my glasses. I always count my glasses as another person. Weird right? I'm a weirdo so it's pretty normal to me. "So....when am I allowed to leave?" I asked Hiccup trying to break the silence. Hiccup just looked at me and said, "Whenever you want. You're ok now." Hiccup said as he turned on his side and placed a warm hand on my cheek. Again? I hope this is a friendly way of caring for someone. I don't know though. I smiled and Hiccup smiled back. I then answered, "I'mma stay here for a little while. I'm a bit tired." I said as I started into his eyes. I can't turn my body because I feel weak but...I'll live. Hiccup just smiled and said, "Ok. I'mma stay here with you then so you don't feel lonely." Hiccup smiled then placed a soft kiss on my forehead and wrapped his arm around my shoulder bringing me closer to him. I then closed my eyes with Hiccup doing the same. Wait. Did he just kiss my forehead and is he holding me? Oh my gods....Ok. That has to be a friendly gesture. Right? 


Hey guys! :D I made another chapter :) I love writing this story. It's my first time doing something like this :) Ok. Anyways....I'll see ya guys next chapter :) Oh and btw: I took out Fishlegs since...I always forget about him. :)



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