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        So. It's been a week since me and Hiccup got back together. Merida decided to leave us alone and forget about Hiccup, and I think that's a good thing because she found love of her own. Me and Hiccup have been doing great. We sometimes sleep over each others houses...or one of us, not gonna point any fingers, would sometimes sneak in their window and scare them to death. So. Yea. Pretty good. I still wear my glasses but sometimes Hiccup comes up to me and grabs them as I still had them on. He'd sometimes poke me in the eye when he does but he always apologizes when he finds out. Hehe. So....me and Hiccup are at the movies right now watching, "Big Hero 6." It's hilarious.

        Me and Hiccup were laughing along with the other people until we abruptly stopped at a sad part. Everyone too. I sniffed and quickly wiped away my tears, pushing my glasses up in the process, and adjusted my glasses back into place. I don't know if Hiccup's crying but I'm not gonna try and find out. I would wanna know but I don't wanna make fun of him. 

        The movie ended and me and Hiccup walked out of the theater room. Hiccup had his hands on each of my shoulders directing me out since a lot of people are here. Once we made it out I stopped so Hiccup was next to me and then started walking with Hiccup following behind. We both made it out of the theater and when I looked at Hiccup he was crying. I couldn't help but snicker. Apparently Hiccup heard me because he sniffed and said, "Don't laugh!" Hiccup whined trying to get me to stop. I then spoke, "I'm sorry. I can't." I said as I started giggling. Hiccup then kissed me on the lips making me stop but be left there frozen. Hiccup then wiped away his tears and smirked at me. "Hah. Laugh at me again, I'll kiss you again." Hiccup said as I moved and walked back to the car.

        Hiccup caught up to me and he didn't fail to notice my little smile. I then spoke, "Then I won't laugh." I said smugly as I grabbed his hand and squeezed it, hard. "Aw...!" Hiccup complained bringing his hand up and taking it out of my grip and shook it trying to bring the blood back into place. I then giggled evilly as I narrowed my eyes at him and smirked smugly. Hiccup stopped shaking his hand but he still had it in his other. Hiccup then looked at me and glared at me, playfully. Hiccup then unexpectedly grabbed me by the waist and hoisted me over his shoulder earning a squeak out of me. Hiccup just continued walking.

        I couldn't see anything but I wanted to get off his shoulder. My blood's going to my head and it feels weird. "Hiccup! Put me down! I can't see and my glasses are gonna fall off...." I said trying to reason him to put me down. But what I said was true, though. I felt Hiccup shake his head and I saw the road under us. Yup, we're close to the car. I then looked up, as best as I could, and saw people looking at us with amusement. "Hiccup. People are looking! Please...put me down." I pleaded as I plopped my head back down.

        I heard Hiccup laugh, "Nu-uh. I'm keeping you there. But...." Hiccup said as he took me off his shoulder. Thank gods. Hiccup then carried me bridal style. Gods, dammit! Hiccup then looked at me and let out a laugh at me. Yea. I think my hair's a mess and my glasses are out of place. I shook my head trying to get the blood back down and it worked. I then looked at Hiccup and glared at him. Hiccup just smiled and fixed my glasses and flattened down my hair as best as he could. By the way, I still have the braid on. We finally made it to the car. Thank Thor. I don't think I can handle all the stares and coos we're getting....well, I'm getting.

        Hiccup then put me down and bopped me on the nose. I batted his hand away but I only touched his fingertips. Hiccup just chuckled and entered the drivers seat. Hiccup then leaned over to the right and unlocked my door and I entered. Once I did Hiccup grabbed my hand and intertwined it with his as he placed our hands on my lap. Hiccup then looked over at me and smiled. I smiled back. Hiccup then spoke, "You wanna sleep over my house?" Hiccup asked me. "Uh...I don't think I can. My mom might be worried," I said as I looked at Hiccup with a look that said, 'I'm sorry.' Hiccup just put on his puppy dog eyes and pouted a bit saying, "Please?" Hiccup said. I just chuckled at his cuteness and shook my head as I shrugged my shoulders. Hiccup squeezed my hand and had his normal face but it was pleading, "Please, Astrid? For me?" Hiccup said as he pleaded with his eyes. 

        I looked at Hiccup once more before sighing in defeat before saying, "Ok. Alright. I'll sleep over." I said to Hiccup. Hiccup smiled brightly and said, "Yay!" like a kid. I laughed a bit. He's so cute. Hiccup then moved forward and kissed me on the lips chastely. Hiccup broke the kiss and said, "Here we go." as he backed up the car with his unoccupied hand which was hard since he was using his left hand to drive the car and the stick is on the right. 

        I'm at Hiccup's house right now and I'm in his room while he's showering. I already showered and called my mom so I'm good. I was bored so I walked around Hiccup's room and observed some stuff. I didn't look in his things though since I'm not that kind of girlfriend. Girlfriend. That word is still weird to me. I don't think I'll be used to it until a year or so. I just gotta go with it. As I was walking around his room I spotted a guitar beside his desk. Hm. I didn't know he could play guitar. I walked over to the guitar and picked it up by the neck and observed it with my eyes. I wanted to play it but I didn't have permission so I placed it back down, carefully. 

        I walked over to Hiccup's bed and plopped down on it, face first. My face was in the covers so I could barely breathe. I can hold my breath, not for long though. I was busy trying not to suffocate myself that I didn't hear Hiccup open the bathroom door and walk over to me. I then felt the bed push down a bit and I felt someones breath on my neck. Uh..I think it's Hiccup. Suddenly the person whispered in my ear, "Don't move or I'll kiss you." the person, other know as Hiccup, said in my ear sending shivers down my spine. I then smirked and turned around just to tease Hiccup, but also because I was almost dying. Hiccup was smiling but frowned a bit when I moved. I smirked and Hiccup spoke, "Why'd you move?" Hiccup asked curiously.

        I just shrugged my shoulders and chuckled a bit. Hiccup spoke, "Hm. I don't care." Hiccup said as he leaned down and kissed me on the lips, passionately. Suddenly the door to Hiccup's room opened. "Hiccup, I'm-" someone started to say but stopped short when he saw me and Hiccup kissing. Me and Hiccup broke the kiss, abruptly, and looked towards the door, breathing heavily. There, was a man who was big and bulky. The man then looked at Hiccup and glared at him as he said, "Hiccup. Downstairs. Now!" The man said securely as he closed the door a bit hard making me cringe. 

        Hiccup then groaned sadly and plopped his head down on my shoulder. "Hiccup, who was that?" I asked Hiccup as I tried to sit up but couldn't since Hiccup was blocking me. Hiccup sighed and kissed my neck for a bit and said, "My dad....I forgot about him."  Hiccup said as he kissed my neck. My face had a look of confusion. His dad? Oh....no. His dad just saw me and Hiccup kissing. On his bed. With him on top of me. Oh gods, this is gonna be hard to explain. Especially for Hiccup.


HEY GUYS! :D I'm back with another chapter. Stoick's been introduced, kinda. So...he's back. And...he came home and expected to see Hiccup alone but he was with Astrid. Kissing. So. I'm sorry for not updating yesterday. Or the day before. I've been busy. And...school's getting rough on me, kinda. It was also raining today. Hard. It stopped midday. Probably at my lunch time. Um....I hope you guys liked this chapter.

I hope it filled in for the days I've missed :I I'll see you guys next chapter. Oh god. I just found a spider. It's on the corner of the roof. And....it looks like it's been there for a while now since there's like a butt load of webs. I hope it didn't have babies :B Wish me luck. Also! If you have any suggestions for the next chapter....please tell me. I've been getting writers block lately. Ok. I'll see you guys next chapter.


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