The kiss

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        Me and Hiccup were at the school halls walking down the isle hand in hand. Ah....I could certainly get used to this. As me and Hiccup were walking someone pulled Hiccup away from my hand. Hiccup stumbled to regain his balance and when we saw who it was it was, Merida. Merida sneered at me, "Stay away from my boyfriend." Merdia said in a sickening voice. Hiccup wrenched his arm out of her grasp and walked over to me, backwards. Hiccup wrapped his arms around me from behind and said, "I'm not your boyfriend. I never was and I never will be." Hiccup hissed at Merida as he grabbed my hand and dragged me away from a fuming Merida. Uh...what just happened?

        Hiccup is with me at the tree where we were at lunch, sitting under it with me sitting in between him as he has his arms around my waist keeping me secure. Hiccup suddenly moved his head forward and kissed me on the lips. It wasn't fierce. It was caring and...gentle. Hiccup then broke the kiss and placed his head on my shoulder and said, "Astrid. I hope you know that I love you. Very much." Hiccup said as he stared into my eyes when I looked at him. I was shocked. I-I know he told me he loved me before but it wasn' was when I didn't know my feelings. I stared into Hiccup's forest green eyes and then he spoke, "Astrid, I love you." Hiccup said as he placed his forehead against mine.

        I didn't know what to say. Should I say, "I love you too," or "Me too," or "I don't know how I feel?" There were all these thoughts running through my head that I didn't know Hiccup was speaking, "-trid!" Hiccup said breaking me out of my thoughts. I shook my head and then said, "Huh?" letting him know that I was there and that he...has to repeat it again. ugh. How is he gonna put up with me? Hiccup looked deeply into my eyes again and repeated what he said, "Astrid...I love you." Hiccup said as he smiled warmly at me. I smiled back and then I let whatever wanted to come out my mouth come out, "I love you too, Hiccup. You're the first person who understood me, was by my side, who cared for me, who loved me." I said as I smiled at Hiccup and started to get tears streaming down my face. So. I guess that's it. I love him. 

        Hiccup smiled at me, took off my glasses, placed them aside, and wiped my tears with his thumb. Hiccup leaned in and kissed me on the lips softly and gently. *Sigh* I guess I love him then. It can't be too bad. I hope he won't be those guys who cheat on their girlfriends. Hiccup broke the kiss and looked into my blue orbs and said, "Astrid. I promise you that I'll never betray you, never leave you, and most of all....never. Stop. Loving you." Hiccup said as he looked into my eyes with love and care. I smiled at him, pecked him on the lips and hugged him.

        When we broke the hug I realized something. I'm on his lap. Oh...gods....thi-this Well, for me. I then started to blush and get up but Hiccup pulled me back down and said, "Don't," Hiccup said as he hugged me and placed his face in the crook of my neck, "I like the feeling of you on me." Hiccup said as he smirked when I blushed. He can't see it but he felt my neck heat up. Hiccup then softly kissed my neck with care and it didn't tickle that time since it wasn't bombed with pecks. I sighed and closed my eyes and rested my head in the crook of Hiccup's neck as he kissed my neck, softly.

        As I slowly fluttered my eyes open I saw a girl with orange untamed hair with a guy with auburn hair. Is that Hiccup and Merida? As I fully opened my eyes I saw something that broke my heart into billions, billions, and billions of pieces. Outside in the open Merida was kissing Hiccup. I don't know if he was kissing back but I didn't care. They're kissing. That's all that matters. I had my glasses, unexpectedly, on so I saw everything clearly. I gasped and I think it was loud because Hiccup broke the kiss with wide eyes while Merida turned to me with a devilish grin on her face. Hiccup was about to speak, "Astrid. Please. Thi-" Hiccup started to say but I shook my head viciously and said, "No! It's exactly what it is!" I shouted shocking Hiccup. Merida just walked away smiling with triumph. Hiccup was about to walk to me but I shook my head again as my lips trembled rapidly and backed up before running away. 

        The last thing I heard from Hiccup before I turned a corner was, "Astrid!" 


HEY GUYS!!! So.....Hiccup was kissed by Merida....was he kissing back? Trust me he wasn't. But he didn't move so it looked like he was. I'm sorry if this was short....and if I broke your guys' hearts. I broke mine. I couldn't bare to write that but I did. I'm sorry. So...I'll see you guys next chapter :) BYE! :D

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