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Hey guys! Before I start, I wanna thank you guys for 125 followers, as of now, and over 12K reads, as of now. It's too overwhelming for me... But...thanks anyways :)


It's been over two days since Hiccup went back home and I was back in my lonely life, besides us talking on the phone 'n stuff.

Today, I go back to school since the weekend's over and I didn't feel like taking the bus this time so I'm just gonna be walking to school, even though it's like 2 miles away from my house; my Mom can't take me since she has to go somewhere and won't be back 'till tonight. So, here I am, walking to school.

Then suddenly, my phone rang.

I adjusted my glasses with my forefinger before reaching into my sweater's pocket and pulling out my phone, swiping the screen to answer the call.

"Hello?" I said after putting my phone over my ear.

"Hey Astrid!"

I smiled. "Hey, Hiccup."

"Where are you?"

"Oh, I'm walking to school today. I don't think I'll be able to handle the bus at the moment." I scratched my cheek because of an itch.

"Oh...I could've walked with you, y'know."

I chuckled and shoved my left hand in my sweater pocket. "I don't think we'd be able to do that, with the law 'n all."

I heard Hiccup sigh. "Right...the law. I forgot about that."

I smiled slightly and said, "It's okay, I'll probably see you at school anyways."

"Probably? No, you will see me at school."

I chuckled and fully smiled. "I'm not so sure about that but...okay."


Hiccup wasn't lying when he said we'll meet at school because, when it was lunch, he managed to pull me to an empty classroom that's used for...well nothing. Nobody uses it.

"I've missed you," Hiccup mumbled into my hair, his arms wrapped around me in a hug.

I sighed and said back, "Me too...in person though, since we still talk to each other on the phone."

Hiccup chuckled and nodded. "Yeah..." He pulled back from the hug and placed a kiss on my lips. "Y'know, the times we spend together are always...amazing. I don't know why...but...they just...are."

I looked into his eyes and tilted my head to the side a little. "They are?"

Hiccup smiled and leaned in. "Yeah." He placed his lips on mine and a slow and passionate kiss was made.

I've missed this...for some apparent reason.

Hiccup placed his hands on my hips and brought me closer, smashing our bodies together and making the kiss more deeper, hotter, and, all the while, passionate.

Hiccup wound his arms around my waist and tilted his head more, deepening the kiss more than it already is, while our lips moved.

Hiccup removed one of his arms from me and reached a hand up to remove my glasses so they won't be in the way. He folded them and put it on the desk behind me, kissing me again. This time, the kiss was a lot more deeper considering my glasses are gone now.

Hiccup placed his hands on the back of my thighs, scaring me a little bit because it was unexpected, and heaved me onto the desk that was behind me, where he placed my glasses, setting me me atop it. He placed his hands on the surface behind me and leaned on them, his groin against mine...

The Girl in GlassesWhere stories live. Discover now