The unexpected kiss

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        I was walking home from school remembering the song I sang. I smirked as I thought about it. Heh. Hiccup has no idea what he did to me. I always thought he loved me, or at least liked, me. But, as always, I was wrong. As I was walking I made a right turn into an alley way. As I was walking down the alley someone grabbed my waist and abruptly pulled me toward them. I squeaked a bit until the person spun me around and kissed me on the lips. My eyes were wide and that was when I realized it was....Hiccup. I struggled to break free but Hiccup had his hands pinning my arms by my side so I can't move them. 

        He was just too strong so I eventually, reluctantly, closed my eyes and kissed him back, passionately. Hiccup sighed into the kiss and slowly wrapped his arms around my waist but I then realized what was happening so I broke the kiss and pushed him back. Hiccup stumbled back but regained his balance and was about to speak but I spoke, "What're you doing?! Didn't you hear what I said at the bus?! You hurt m-hm!" I was speaking until Hiccup interrupted me with a hard kiss. My eyes closed when he placed his lips on mine and on instinct, kissed him back. 

        Hiccup pushed me onto a wall. I placed my hands on his shoulders and tried to push him back but he grabbed my wrists and pinned them on the wall behind me. I inhaled into his mouth as he breathed into mine. Hiccup kissed me again but it was fierce. What is he doing?! What am I doing?! What's going on?!?! I had these thoughts running around my head that I was too oblivious to Hiccup slipping his warm tongue in my mouth. The weird thing is that I didn't fight it. Am I falling for him again? What? no! I can't possibly be falling for him again. Right?

        I tried to release my wrists from his grip but I failed so I just had to keep kissing him. we both eventually had to breathe so Hiccup broke the kiss with a deep breath as a trail of saliva appeared in between our lips when he pulled away. Hiccup licked his lips when the saliva plopped down making a line down his chin. Hiccup spoke, "Astrid. Will you please listen to me?" Hiccup asked desperately. I didn't know what to say so I just nodded. Hiccup smiled in relief and loosened his grip on my wrists but didn't let them go, just yet. "Astrid. Back at the tree....Merida kissed me! Not the other way around!" Hiccup said as he looked deeply into my eyes. I had tears in my eyes. That's when everything in my brain started working. I then widened my eyes and broke out of his grip and started backing up to the exit of the alley. 

        "Astrid! Please!" Hiccup said as he started coming closer to me with his hand outstretched. I just shook my head as my lip trembled. No. I will not cry. Not now. Not when I changed. I'm not gonna be that weak and useless girl anymore. I then spoke, "No! I...I will not go back to you! You hurt me! You betrayed me! You did something that hurt me so badly! I know you didn't kiss her but it looks like you kissed her back! Just leave me alone!" I shouted as my voice cracked a bit and Hiccup froze in his tracks. It looked like he was about to cry but I could care less. I just shook my head as he opened his mouth to speak and said, "Don't. Hiccup. Just. Don't. We're through. I know we already broke up mentally but this...this break up is oral."  I said as I saw Hiccup's eyes water but I didn't care so I just took one more step back and ran back to my house. Crying.


        I was just left there. Frozen. A trapped tear then escaped my eye followed by it's buddies. I then screamed at the top of my lungs as I leaned my forearms on the wall, in the dark alley, and my hands were into fists. I then sucked in a deep ragged breath as my screaming faded away, echoing into the air. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! I JUST STOOD THERE?! I DIDN'T MOVE!? WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME!? I-I can't believe it. She officially broke up with me. A tear then came out of my eye as I shut my eyes tight.

        I then sobbed once before opening my eyes slowly and looking around as I walked back home with tear marks visible on my face. I then clenched my fists that were in my sweater pocket and thought, "Merida. She did this. She did all of this." I then furrowed my brow and ran back home. If you guys are wondering why I didn't go home straight away was because...I didn't feel like going there. It brings back memories of Astrid. Astrid. Oh that name is music to me. Along with her voice. I know she sang a song that left me heartbroken but...she does have a beautiful voice, to be honest.

        I finally made it to my house and thought back to the kiss as I walked up to my room. Oh, that was...I don't know how to explain it but if you were in my place you'll understand. That kiss was just...amazing. I know it was unexpected but...I had to get Astrid to listen to me. It felt good to feel her lips on mine. They're so soft and....warm. I finally made it to my room and flopped on my bed, staring at the ceiling. I then furrowed my eyebrows in determination and thought, "Don't worry, Astrid. You may still hate me and my guts. You may still feel heartbroken, but, I will get us back together. No. Matter. What. I won't give up. I would never."


HEY GUYS! I'm sorry for not making a chapter yesterday. I just had a lot of homework and I forgot it was Thursday so I had to finish everything :I I'm sorry if this is short. I'm sorry if this sucked. I'm sorry about everything. 

This....may be rushed. But...I just wasn' do you put this....feeling it. I mean, it felt like this is rushed. I don't know though. So! Can you guys believe I'm just 11 years old and I can write so awesomely and get so many good reviews? I know I'm shocked too. Now! Don't go saying, "'re 11? You're just a kid. You shouldn't be doing this." Yes. I know I shouldn''s Hiccstrid. If I make stories about my OTP I just have to do it the way I want :) And...the feels. Oh, geez. The feels are too strong for these two :I



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