I promise

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        When I said I would give Hiccup one more chance I meant it. I will give him one more chance. That's it. If he blows it. It's over. Permanently. Well, I thought it was permanent already but...I'm giving him one more chance so he stops bugging me. Once I said those words Hiccup grinned from ear to ear and kissed me chastely. Hiccup then broke the kiss and hugged me tightly. "Thank you! Thank you, Astrid!" Hiccup said joyfully as he tightened his hold on me. I couldn't help but smile back, even if he can't see it. When I hugged him back, tighter, I don't know why, but warmth spread through me like our first, proper, kiss.

        Did I miss him? No. I don't think I did since I wasn't balling my eyes out when I broke up with him. It must be something else. Was it his hold? I don't think so. Hiccup then broke the hug and looked into my eyes. Hiccup still had the smile on his face but it was a bit smaller. Hiccup then sighed and rubbed my arms as he placed his forehead against mine and closed his eyes. I closed my eyes too since I didn't want it to be awkward. Hiccup then spoke breaking the silence, "I'm sorry for not moving. I'm...just stupid. I was just really stupid." Hiccup said softly. I then opened my eyes because I felt his eyelashes flutter. Yup. I was right. Once I opened my eyes his eyes were open too. 

        I was about to speak but Hiccup beat me to it, "I promise. I promise that this time I won't let anything get in our way. I promise that I won't hurt you. I promise that Merida won't get in between us. And..I promise that I will never give up on you. No matter what happens. I won't." Hiccup said as he looked deeply into my eyes. My mouth had a little gap in between and my eyes were starting to well up with tears. Does he mean that? The tears then started to flow down my cheeks and Hiccup started wiping them away with his thumb when he saw them. I sniffed. I looked into Hiccup's forest green eyes and smiled. Hiccup smiled back, happy that he got me back.

        I opened my mouth and was about to speak until Hiccup spoke...again, "Does this mean we're back together?" Hiccup asked as he backed his head up a bit so he could look at me straight in the eyes. I looked into Hiccup's eyes and saw that he had a hopeful look in them. I then mentally sighed and hesitantly spoke, "Y-yes." I answered. Hiccup grinned and kissed me on the lips gently. Well. I'm glad to know he hasn't changed. I had a feeling he did when we were on my bed. 


        It's now Saturday morning. Yay, no school! I'm still in my bed until I felt someone gently shake me. Ugh...why?! I'm sleeping. It's Saturday. Why wake me up? I was ignoring the person until they shook me again. I silently groaned and rolled onto my side as I pulled my blanket up covering my whole entire body from head to toe. "Let me sleep...I'm tired." I said groggily as I tried to fall asleep again. I heard the person chuckle and say, "Ok. If you're gonna stay in bed I might as well lay with you." I heard the person say. Wait. That sounds like Hiccup. 

        I then felt the empty space next to me push down indicating that someone is there. Hiccup, I think, then pulled the cover, that's on his side, up and cover himself. Yup. I think it's Hiccup. It smells like him. Just so you guys know my mom found out about me and Hiccup. She was hesitant about Hiccup being with me again but she decided to give him a chance also. I still had the covers covering me but it started to get hot so I mentally groaned and pulled the covers off my face. I also couldn't breathe in there so I had to uncover my face.

        I slowly opened my eyes and my prediction about Hiccup being here is right. Hiccup smiled at me and said, "Morning." I didn't have my contacts or glasses on me right now so everything was kind of a blur to me. I could still see though. I smiled back and greeted, "Hey." Hiccup then wrapped his arms around me pulling me closer to him. Hiccup then dug his face into my hair while I placed my head on his chest. I felt and heard Hiccup inhale my scent. Weird. I snuggled closer to Hiccup and heard his heartbeats. Thu-dump....Thu-dump....I smiled. He's so caring. *sigh* I really hope he lives up to his promise. I hope he doesn't break them.

        Hiccup then spoke breaking the silence, "I love you, Astrid." Hiccup said as he held me tighter. I sighed and spoke, "I l-love you too." I said but stuttered a bit. Hiccup smiled and kissed the top of my head. Hiccup spoke again, "Astrid," Hiccup said pushing me back a bit so he could look at me, "I have one more promise." Hiccup said as he smiled a bit. I smiled a little bit and asked, "What is it?" Hiccup smiled and said, "I promise that I promise that I won't break the promises." Hiccup said as he looked at me until he rolled his eyes up and started saying, "Uh....you understood that right?" Hiccup asked as he looked back at me and chuckled. I chuckled too then smiled and giggled a bit. I nodded. Hiccup smiled at me and said, "Good."

        Hiccup hugged me again and then said, "You know, we should get up. Wanna go for a walk at the park?" Hiccup asked as he looked at me. I smiled and said, "Sure." Hiccup smiled and got out of my bed but brought me with him because he still had his arms around me. "Hey!" I squealed as he picked me up. Hiccup just laughed and said, "You gonna go shower, big baby boo?" Hiccup asked as he walked to the bathroom, chuckling. I was chuckling too until I heard what he said, "Wait, big baby boo?" I then laughed as I was hung over his shoulder, "Where did that come from?" I asked giggling. Hiccup just shrugged his shoulders with me still on and said, "I have no idea." Me and Hiccup laughed.


HEY GUYS! I'm really sorry for not making a chapter yesterday. I was busy. I'm just 11 and it feels like I'm in high school. (I have no idea what high school is like anyways). So. I'm sorry. I hope you guys liked this chapter. So. Hiccup and Astrid are back together


Ok. Thanks for reading. I'll see you guys next chapter :)


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