I love you

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{Still the same day, just shortly after the ending of the last chapter}

{Kinda a smutty chapter but it's fluffy, in my opinion, so...}


While I thrusted in and out of Astrid, I couldn't help but think that the world is so cruel because I'm forbidden to even see my little angel. But I'm lucky enough to not get caught secretly seeing her. I love and hate this world. I hate my dad and love my Astrid.

"Nnngnn," I heard from Astrid, her lovely moans encouraged me to go faster and her teeth and nails encouraged me to go harder.

I can't believe I changed her: she was this shy girl who wasn't fond of anything that involves with love when I first met her. Now she's this less shy girl who's with me in her bed, having some "fun" that involves kisses and love. And, I guess, she changed me too: I used to be this guy who was labeled a heartthrob and was crowded by so many people. I started losing confidence. But, when I met Astrid...I started gaining my confidence back.

I felt Astrid bite my shoulder, meaning she reached her end, and breathe heavily while I grunt and thrust into her once more before biting my lip and burying my face into the crook of her sticky, sweaty neck.

We both panted as silence was evident in the aura around us. I swallowed and licked my lips before placing an open mouthed kiss on Astrid's shoulder. "This was probably better than yesterday since we got used to it, huh?"

Astrid chuckled and nodded, sighing as she wrapped her arms around my bare shoulders, bringing me into some sort of hug. A hot and sweaty hug. She sighed again and placed a kiss over my hairline. "I love you."

Wait...did she just...


Oh my gods...I said it! I just said 'I love you' to Hiccup. Wow, what a way to say it right after we made love, hah.

"Wait, Astrid? Did you just say..." Hiccup removed his face from my neck and leaned on his forearms and stared into my eyes, his member still inside of me with the...uh...rubber on.

I half-smiled and shortly nodded. "Yeah. I did. I love you."

Hiccup breathed a laugh and leaned down to pepper kisses all over my face. "Ah-ha! You did!" He stopped his lips on mine and said, "You initiated those three words for the first time." He pulled back from the kiss and sent me a loving smile. "I love you too."

When he said those words, I felt immense relief. And apparently Hiccup noticed because I breathed a sigh of relief.

Hiccup chuckled and pecked my nose. "What? Did you think I was lying when I said I will respond to your 'I love you's?"

I shrugged a shoulder. "Eh...just a tiny bit."

Hiccup shook his head and inched his face closer to mine so that I was able to feel his warm breath. He spoke in a whisper so only I was able to hear, "Astrid, I won't ever stop loving you 'till the day we die..." He smiled and thought to himself for a moment before speaking again, "Actually, I'll love you even if we are dead. I'll love you - always - no matter where or when you are." He sent me a full grin and leaned all the way in to kiss me passionately.

I giggled and wove a hand through his hair as we kissed. "What do you mean by when you say 'when'."

"I mean," interrupted by a kiss made by him, "that when you are, like, by year. No matter how old we are or what year or day it is...I will never stop loving you. Nobody will stop me. Not even that stupid forbidding my dad put between us." Hiccup breathed into my mouth and moved his lips against mine in a fierce manner and pulled himself out me, making me feel a bit empty but I ignored that thought.

I then got a thought. I broke the kiss with an audible little smack and looked into Hiccup's green orbs. "Hey Hicc?"

Hiccup slightly furrowed his brow at the name but spoke anyways, "Yeah?"

"Um..." I abruptly pecked his lips and looked back into his eyes. "Have you ever seen The Fault in Our Stars?"

Hiccup was beyond confused by now. He slowly nodded. "Yeah...why?"

I bit my bottom lip and looked down, trying to avoid his gaze. "Well...you know how Hazel and Augustus...have...like...okay as their always...right?"

Hiccup puckered his lips in slight confusion, not getting where I was heading. "Yes, that I am aware of."

"Well." I grunted and sat up so that my back was on my headboard and Hiccup sat on my legs to look at me properly, getting rid of the rubber on his gential. "What if...I love you...was our okay or...always." I still didn't look up in fear of hiccup thinking it was a stupid idea or something, but what he said surprised me a little.

"I love you."

I looked up and saw Hiccup looking into my eyes with a broad smile. I furrowed my brow and opened my mouth. "So...is that a yes...or..."

Hiccup nodded and grinned impossibly wider. "I love you..."

I grew a grin and quietly squealed, moving forward to crush him into a hug which made us both fall back on my bed. We both laughed and I crashed my lips onto Hiccup's with passion, like he always does.

"I love you," I whispered in between kisses.

"I love you," Hiccup whispered back.

"I love you."

Hiccup tightened his hold around my waist and smiled, as best as he could, while we kissed. "I love you... Always will...and never won't."

I grinned throughout the kiss and brought his face closer to mines by grabbing a fistful of his auburn tresses and opening my mouth a little wider with each movement of our lips; same with him.

This is who I love. For the first time, he's the one I love.


Konnichiwa! I'm back with another chapter. It's 12 AM and I should probably be asleep but I'm in bed with my iPad so I'm like, "Eh, why don't I just make another chapter." So here I am. Now, this was made on my iPad so please forgive me if it was bad.

I loved making this one, so fluffy. Hiccstrid fluffy. I love fluffy. Especially if it's Hiccstrid.

Alright, I'm gonna go to sleep now. See you all in the next chapter.

Oh! Also. Thanks for over 8K views :D I never knew I'd make it this far. Also thanks for the votes. That's another thing.

Okay, going to sleep now.


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