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        Me and Hiccup arrived at the school along with the other people on the bus. I started to stand up until Hiccup grabbed my hand which made me look at him, "What is it?" I asked Hiccup. Hiccup just looked forward and saw a girl with orange untamed hair. Geez. Has she heard of a brush? Hiccup then stood up and pulled me with him too. Hiccup then entwined our fingers together and made it out the bus. Once we did Hiccup wrapped his arm around my waist. "Uh..Hiccup. What's wrong?" I asked Hiccup. He seems cautious about the girl with the orange hair. Hiccup just glared at her even though she can't see and started walking, with his arm around my waist, into the school. 

        Hiccup and I went to our lockers and since they're next to each other we just stayed together. Hiccup still had his arm around my waist. Why is he like this? Once I closed my locker when I got my book I saw Hiccup looking at me, "Uh...Hiccup, why're you like this?" I asked Hiccup as I grabbed his hand that's around my waist and moved it to his arm was back to his side. Hiccup sighed and then said, "Remember the girl I was looking at?" Hiccup asked me. I nodded and then he continued, "Well. Her name's Merida. She likes me. I don't like her. She thinks she can have whatever and whoever she wants." Hiccup said as he wrapped both of his arms around my waist and brought me closer to him. I had my hands on his chest and then Hiccup placed his forehead on mine and said, "I don't want her to ruin our relationship." Hiccup said as his voice cracked a bit. he gonna...cry? Out of the corner of my eye I saw a lot of people staring at us. Mostly me. I knew this would happen.

        I smiled at Hiccup and said, "Then we just have to watch our backs. Mostly you if she likes you." I told Hiccup. Hiccup looked deeply in my eyes and smiled and then kissed me on the lips chastely. I kissed back. I could get used to this. We both then broke the kiss when we heard the bell indicating it's time for class. Hiccup groaned silently and let me go and got hit book from his locker then closed it. Hiccup grabbed my left hand with his right and intertwined it with his as we walked to class. I really hope that the person who hurt me won't do it again. *sigh* I wish I would remember who did it.

        It was time for lunch and me and Hiccup were sitting with Tuffnut, Ruffnut, Jack, and Elsa. As we were talking someone came over here. He had black hair JERSEY! NO! IT'S HIM! I REMEMBER! Snotlout! I then gasped when he saw me and I saw him. Hiccup saw Snotlout and heard me gasp so he turned to me and whispered, "What's wrong?" Hiccup asked me. I whispered back to him, "I-I think that's him." I whispered unsure into Hiccup's ear. Hiccup then widened his eyes and he asked me, "The guy who hurt you?" Hiccup asked worriedly to me. I nodded my head shakily. Hiccup's face then turned into anger but when he turned to look at Snotlout his face went back to normal like he wasn't even mad.

        Hiccup then spoke, "Hey Snotlout. What brings you here?" Hiccup asked Snotlout questioningly. Snotlout just looked at me and smiled evilly. Oh, gods, no. I think Hiccup noticed Snotlout's smile so Hiccup looked back at me and then back at Snotlout. "Snotlout you can talk to our friends right here, but me and Astrid need to go somewhere." Hiccup then stood up and took my hand making me stand up too. Hiccup then walked past Snotlout, but made sure to bump shoulders with him, and lead me outside the school. Me and Hiccup were outside under a tree. Hiccup had his arm around my waist while my head was on his shoulder. Hiccup then spoke, "So it was Snotlout, huh?" Hiccup asked breaking the silence. I sighed and nodded my head. Hiccup sighed also and rested his head on my head and said, "If he does anything to you, please tell me, Astrid." Hiccup said as he kissed my temple and placed his head back on mine. I smiled and said, "Ok." I simply said. 

        Hiccup then spoke, "Astrid. Is this the first time you've ever been in a relationship? I mean, I know you said you never liked love but...was there at least one guy who cared for you." Hiccup asked me as he moved his head and looked at me in the eyes when I looked up at him. I sighed and said, "No. You're the first." I told Hiccup as I looked down. Hiccup then spoke again, "Why doesn't anyone love you? You're fun, cool, smart, be-" Hiccup said but I cut him off, "ugly, annoying, obnoxious, boring, and boyish." I said correcting Hiccup. When I looked up at Hiccup he had an incredulously look on his face, " are none of those things. You are boyish but I don't care." Hiccup said as he chuckled a bit. I wasn't convinced though.

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