Family Time

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This is set in the far future and was written purely to help me get back in my writing mood! I hope you guys enjoy regardless!

- Bay


"Zephyr, that's enough!" I exclaimed as I watched my youngest zoom around the living room. He had recently gotten ahold of his wings and ever since we've had to keep him in doors. "Zephyr!"

He hollered at the top of his lungs as he crashed into the ceiling fan once again and tumbled onto the couch with a thud. Panic flared up inside me and I rushed over to check if he was okay. I brushed the dust off his face and checked for any injuries, scratches or other. I only stopped when I noticed the tears in his eyes were from the laughter.

"You're in big trouble young man." I grumbled and helped the both of us up. "Just you wait until your dad comes home."

Zephyr made it obvious that he didn't care. In fact I was certain this boy was on a fast track path of becoming the biggest troublemaker I've ever met.

"Did you see that papa?! Did you? I was flying!" He shouted excitedly. "My wings are so cool too!"

He twisted his head awkwardly to get a good look of his wings, a pair almost identical to mine. I smiled briefly in pride but it was quickly wiped off when I heard the familiar yelling coming from upstairs. I sighed, brushing it off. Zaelyn said he had it under control.

Our oldest, Zuriel, had gotten into a nasty brawl at school. Not only did we get multiple calls from the principal and a few parents but Zuri offered no explanation as to why he had an outburst. Gods forbid that one of the parents have an unbiased and truthful answer.

I've learnt to let my children have their space so when Zuriel came home I let him go his own way. However, Zaelyn didn't like that idea and decided he needed to have a chat with his son.

"Why are they fighting papa?" Zephyr asked. His demeanour changed quicker than mine. I shrugged it off and gave him a smile, brushing his platinum locks back and planting a kiss on his forehead.

"Don't worry about it, Zeph." I said lightly. I gave his shoulders a gentle squeeze before leaving him for the kitchen. "Come help me make dinner and I won't tell pop-pop about your crash course."

He puffed out his cheeks and crossed his arms over his chest. He may look like me but he definitely takes after Zaelyn. So much sass!

With one dramatic hair flip, my youngest gave me the equivalent of flipping the bird. "Pop-pop doesn't scare me. I'll just outfly him!" He cheered. I could already see Zephyr flying out the window while Fraener tried scolding him.

I had to remember to fae/child-proof the windows..

"Oh yeah? Pop-pop doesn't scare you?" I teased. He had his eyes closed but one curious emerald peered up at me.

"No!" He bit back.

"Big Ol' scary Pop-pop? Fire-breathing pop-pop?"

Zephyr's cheeks deflated and he opened both his eyes, his heterochromia eyesbecoming more and more uncertain. "N-No!"

His emerald and gold orbs flicked to the window and I was quick to use my oh-so threatening index finger to stick him in place. "Don't even think about it mister! Trust me when I say your father will one hundred percent catch up with you."

He clenched his fists and started running for me. "Ok ok ok papa! Please don't tell pop-pop!" He wailed, clutching onto my shirt and letting a few sobs out. I wanted to call him out on his child crocodile tears but I withheld and instead ran my hand through his hair and gave his back a few pats.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2021 ⏰

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