After I helped Fraener out with his hair we got changed. Geno surprisingly had some clothes that didn't make me look like a hooker. He gave me a forest green formal-shirt and black jogger jeans. I didn't look too bad, it wasn't anything I'd typically wear but my clothes were lost somewhere and I shouldn't be too picky. Zaelyn wore a nice burgundy button-up that matched his eyes and looked nice against his mocha skin and blue trousers. Fraener, shockingly, didn't opt for a turtle-neck, instead wearing a cream v-neck which was just a tad ironic. He was still deciding on which pants he should wear.
For events like this it wasn't important what we wore, only if the even was super important or the media or press were going to be there. It was nice to be this casual around them.
"What's it like having to train at five till twelve?" I asked Zaelyn who was sitting idly next to me on the bed. "Sometimes it's annoying but other times it's just part of my daily routine," he answered with a shrug, flexing his muscles. I snorted before punching him in the shoulder. "I bet you didn't even feel that," I teased, earning a laugh. "Nope." He answered with a smirk. It was probably true, he was built like a mass of muscles. "What about you? Do you even train?" He asked while nudging my shoulder just a bit. I had never trained in hand-to-hand combat before, when I probably should've. "No, but I had a tutor that taught me magic?"
He gave me an unsure look. Maybe he wasn't a fan of magic? He seemed pretty interested in it before but he also was apprehensive. I know that some humans have gone to dark feats to rid the world of magic but that's about it. "So, could you move stuff without touching it?" He asked with a gawking look. I wasn't taught enough on how to do that, only nature related magic but I could use my magic to do stuff like that. "In theory, yeah. But right now? No." I answered. I leaned against his shoulder with a content look, staring at the wall infront of us. It was covered in pictures of a younger Zaelyn and all his friends. I knew he was a high-class Incubus but I've never seen him perform any of the abilities others like him possess.
"We're you taught magic?" I dared to ask. He didn't answer straight away but did shift. Maybe he was uncomfortable? Or maybe I struck a nerve I didn't know about. "No. My father believes magic makes someone weak and lazy," he said in a tone I couldn't decipher. I bit down on my tongue and stared down at my hands. That's why he was so clueless on the basics of magic. I was going to apologize when Fraener came out with his selected blue jeans. "You guys ready to go?" He asked. Zaelyn nodded and got up, leaving me on the bed.
"I followed them out of the room and into the maze that was Zaelyn's home before arriving at the banquet hall. Food was already decked out on the expansive table and the aroma of the room made my mouth water. My stomach growled in anticipating as we all took our seats. Fraener and Zaelyn sat across from me, with Heliux who sat high on his chair, right at the end. "Welcome, boys!" He boomed making me jump a little. I kept my hands on my lap and sent him an appreciative smile. "Thank you for inviting us," Fraener spoke up, voicing our thoughts.
Helliux smiled, his posture straight and firm. "The food looks delicious," I commented while keeping a hungry eye on the large bowl of spaghetti. "I'm glad you think so. However, we won't have the luxury of eating most of it, will we boys?" He chuckled before taking a sip of his red wine. Fraener and Zaelyn both nodded. I tilted my head in confusion. Why were they both on diets? There was plenty of delicious foods set out for us and they wouldn't be able to eat most of it- so who was this all for? "The guests have arrived, your highness!"
Heliux grunted before telling the maid that they would come. Guards appeared first, flooding the room and stationing themselves at the exits and by us. It have my anxiety not knowing why they were here but it was quickly answered when seven strangers walked in. All of them were male, some with dainty features and slim frames and others as stocky and muscular as Fraener. I was still confused, sneaking a look at Zaelyn who shared the same confused look. Heliux cleared his throat and the group instantly bowed. This was making me feel uneasy.
"Forgive me father for asking, but who are these people?" Zaelyn inquired with a proper accent, which sounded weird coming from him, the same man who commented on how delicious I was. "I apologize for not informing you sooner, I was supposed to talk to you about this last night but you simply vanished!" He excused. All three of us exchanged knowing looks. "These are your consorts! Handpicked by me from each of the seven districts!" He explained. I felt my heart come to a stop and all my muscles tense. It was an awful feeling. All three of us stared at eachother with shock as Heliux signaled they could sit down. "I picked them on based off of their skills, appeal and their devotion. Some of them are suitable for the succession of the throne and others simply for pleasure and adoration," Heliux continued but I'm sure by the worried, spaced out looked Zaelyn had he wasn't listening.
They begun introducing themselves as I sunk into my seat a little. I kept up the mirage of being composed but I couldn't say the same for Fraener and Zaelyn. This wasn't how I thought this evening would turn out. "Now Ferris, I believe your Father told you about your suitors?" Heliux asked, earning the attention of the two men. I had completely forgotten about that and I hadn't told anyone else either. I was mentally kicking myself when I nodded, trying my best to fake a smile. This evening just got a whole lot worse.
I wanted to apologize and explain myself but instead I resorted to pleading looks. As per usual, their faces were unreadable which worried me to no end. Were they mad at me? Pissed off? Sad? I couldn't tell and it was bothering me. The suitors started up some small talk while I attempted to mentally will myself away from this situation. Of course, it didn't work so I was stuck at this dinner for the rest of the evening.

Their Fae | B X B X B
FantasyIt started off with him catching them in the act, then with then involving him in the forbidden rendezvous. Who knew a Fae, an Incubus and a Dragon shifter could all share a romantic connection.