The ringing in my ears was growing louder, pain soaring up my body from my abdomen. I couldn't move. Everything felt like it was in pain. On fire. Something warm and thick was sliding down the side of my head and onto my shoulder, eventually pooling onto the floor. As if the pain in my stomach wasn't enough a hot, white pain formed where I assumed the blood was seeping from. I screamed out in pain but I could barely hear myself over the ringing.
Rubble surrounded me, dust swirling about as I began to cry. I could feel myself growing weaker from the pain and loss of blood but I couldn't get up. Fraener's limp body was weighing me down. I tried calling out his name to which neither of us heard. His head was dangling off my left shoulder so I couldn't see him. I sobbed harder and tried to get up, but that resulted in something being pushed further into my stomach. The pain, the panic and the loss of blood was getting to me. I tried pushing him off me again, which ended the same way. At this point I was going on full adrenaline, and pushed with whatever strength I had. More blood trickled down my head and I could feel it beginning to soak my shirt.
I was getting dizzy, but with one last push his upper body slid to the side. I screamed as I felt whatever was lodged within me twist around when I pushed Fraener off me. I tried my best to look up, nearly passing out when I saw the large peice of metal lodged in my stomach. I whimpered, unmoving. The warm red liquid on the floor was beginning to form a puddle around me and the adrenaline ran out. I couldn't move to see if Fraener was okay. I couldn't call for help. My eyelids became weights when I found the strength to move my arm. It was only a little, just barely a scoot, but it was just enough to meet Fraener's cheek. Then I gave into the darkness.
When I woke up I felt nothing. I was numb. It was far better than the searing pain but it didn't feel right. I was told Zuda found me and Fraener right after I was knocked unconscious. They aren't allowed to see me, though and I'm not allowed to leave my hospital room. They won't tell me anything about Zaelyn. I don't even know if he's dead or alive.
I stared down at my shakey hands, a few tear droplets landing on my palms. My bottom lip trembled. This is all my fault. If I had shown them the pictures I would've been sent home and the bomb would have only affected me. Instead, we were all huddled into the throne room when it went off. I wanted to scream out for Zaelyn and Fraener or try to search for them but I was connected to an IV thanks to my surgery. A piece of shrapnel lodged itself deep into my chest which apparently took a twelve hour surgery. It was so deep that if they had moved it just a fraction of an inch it would have lacerated my heart. My father had insisted that he moved me home but they doctors had claimed that I wasn't in any shape to travel.
This was all told to me through my mother, who had quickly left to go find my father as he was likely talking to Heliux. This left me alone with my guilt. I pulled the hospital gown up just enough to see the bandages covering up my freshly sewn wound. They also had to stich the gash on my forehead which I had received from the rubble spitting everywhere. There was never a silent moment in the room. There was always something beeping or humming and even when I had zoned that all out someone from outside would always be complaining about something.
I didn't say a word to my mother. I only listened to what she had to say and nodded. I was scared that she'd notice how broken and frightened I sounded. This was an attempt on my life and I roped Zaelyn and Fraener in. I wanted to curl up under the covers and never come up. I wanted to fall back asleep when the door to my room screeched open. My father stepped in, clearly enraged beyond on belief. "What the hell were you thinking, Ferris?!" He seethed. I wasn't prepared to be yelled at again. "You withheld incriminating evidence! Now look what has happened!"
I remained quiet and clutched my sheets harder. I was straining to keep my tears hidden. He walked over to my bedside, placing a hand over my fist. "You could have died in that explosion!" He exasperated in a less harsh tone. That was the last straw, and my tears started spilling out of my eyes. I leaned into my father and he instantly put his hands on my back. This was the first time I had cried infront of my father in years. "I-I'm sorry!" I sobbed. He rubbed soothing circles into my back. His fatherly instincts were always shadowed by his kingly ones, that's why this felt so weird but natural at the same time. "I know I can be harsh on you sometimes, Ferris, but you're still my son."
When my sobs were reduced to sniffles I nodded. "I nearly had a heart attack when I heard the news. You're mother fainted then was in hysterics." He admitted making me sob just a few more times. I wanted to ask him so many questions but Zaelyn was my top priority. "Is Zaelyn okay? Is he alive?" I asked. His silence nearly made my heart stop. I started hyperventilating and my heart started racing. I killed Zaelyn. "Ferris, calm down! He is alive!" He stated and I almost instantly calmed down. I wanted to cry but I couldn't. I curled up and clutched the sheets tight hoping to wake up from this horrible nightmare. "He just got out of surgery."
I shut my eyes tight and try to force myself awake but it was no use. This wasn't a nightmare. I wasn't alseep. "Fraener is awake. He hardly has a scratch on him! Must be all the muscles!" Father joked, seemingly out of nowhere. I looked up And noticed that his eyes were beginning to water. I've never seen my father cry before. He scooped me up again and began to softly cry into my shoulder. I've really fucked up. Out of the corner of my eye I saw my mother's surprised face. Her hands were clasped together and pulled up to her face when she started crying too. She joined us in a massive hug. I smiled, though it wasn't a happy one. I haven't shared a moment like this with my parents since I was a child.
"I'm sorry.." I repeated, feeling his shoulders shake with a sob. "I know," he muttered. A knock on the door caused them to seperate and wipe their faces of any tears. "Come in!" Mother called out. Ryker popped his head in, alarming my father. "Who are you?" He spoke up with his familiar stern voice. Whatever was about to come out of his mouth was probably going to earn him an execution so I intervened. "He's a personal guard. Assigned to me when I was at Zaelyn's." Ryker raised an eyebrow but I urged him to follow along. He bowed awkwardly. "Yes, your highness."
Father didn't seemed convinced but let it slide anyway. "Shouldn't you be outside? Guarding the door? And why aren't you wearing your uniform?" He questioned. "I'm meant to be guarding my prince, not the door." He replied. Father's eyes lit up with rage. Mother rushed him outside before he could sentence him to death. Ryker had a soft smile on his face was he approached me. "You doing okay?" He asked. I sighed then fell back onto my bed, wincing as pain covered my chest. "No," I answered in truth. "Is Fraener?"
He stuffed his hands into his pocket and chewed his bottom lip. "He's awake, but isn't talking." I wanted to see him. I wanted to ask if he was okay for myself. I gradually got up again and tugged the sheets off. "Help me unhook from these machines," I called, trying to rip it out. He rushed over and stopped me before I could do anything. "What are you doing? I want to see Fraener!" I demanded. I try to pull myself from his grip but he held tight. "He doesn't want to see anyone!" He shouted. I didn't care. I just wanted to stay with him. "I don't care!" I shouted. He gently pushed me so that I fell back onto the bed. "Dammit, Ferris!" He groaned.
"He doesn't want to see you!"

Their Fae | B X B X B
FantasyIt started off with him catching them in the act, then with then involving him in the forbidden rendezvous. Who knew a Fae, an Incubus and a Dragon shifter could all share a romantic connection.