My stomach did flips and turns as we continued to bolt upwards. Finally he leveled out and we were soaring around the top of the mountain. I was surprised to find we already reached out destination.
His sisters followed suit, immediately flying down to the hot springs but Fraener seemed hesitant. I thought he was waiting for the others to fly down first but after Gilda landed safely he continued to circle. Suddenly he dove, barreling straight down to the ground as if his wings stopped working. I bit my lip so hard I could taste blood and my knuckles began to turn white. Once we were mere meters from the ground his wings shot out and we were soaring across the meadow but the force of gravity didn't agree and I ended up smashing my head against the saddle.
He then began to pull some silly stunts that I got the brunt of before finally introducing his final sadistic trick. He aimed upwards again, only to go back on himself and fly upside down. I tried my best to keep myself from slipping but my hands were so sweaty that my grip was loosening. "F-Fraener! I'm slipping!" I shouted but thanks to the wind he couldn't hear me. My foot managed to slip out of it's hold and my whole body swung away from his with only my slippery hands keeping me from falling to my doom. A sickening feeling of dread filled my stomach as I peeked down below me. Fraener whipped around fast enough for me to fly off the handle causing my reflexes to kick in. My wings materialized and ripped the back of my shirt apart. My heart was pounding against my chest as I clumsily struggled to stay afloat. I screamed for Fraener and thankfully he came to my rescue, catching me. With tears blurring my vision. He quickly changed his position so we were flying normally and landed with me ugly-crying the whole way there.
We landed a bit further from all the others in a clear patch of trees as I quickly hopped off. I hugged myself and thought about how close I came to falling. I heard the sounds of popping and snapping before the big human hands of Fraener. "Oh my god Ferris I'm so sorry! I-I got too cocky!" He cried while wiping the blood flowing from my lip. I tried to keep it together but I ended up vomiting all of last night's dinner.
Fraener was trying to comfort me when an angry Incubus popped out from the bushes. "What the fuck was that?!" He barked before walking over to me and giving my shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "Before you go of at me-"
"No! You put Ferris' life in danger just so you could pull some stunts! Do you even know how fucked up that is?! Zae yelled.
"It wasn't me in control! It was his pheromones!"
I stared up at Fraener. "What?" I asked with a weary voice. The two exchanged glances. "That isn't important right now okay?" Zaelyn excused taking my hand in his. He pulled me up just as I smacked his hand away. "No! I want answers." I snapped. What did my pheromones have to do with them acting weirdly? "We've been acting weirdly ever since you came back into our lives," Fraener sighed.
"It's because of your pheromones. You're emitting them and it's affecting us. It's the reason Zaelyn can't gain energy anymore." He explained with drawn out words as if I was having a hard time understanding. "That can't be correct, they're fae pheromones. You shouldn't be able to detect them!" I protested. This can't be right. Maybe they were just weird.
"You're releasing them for us."
I snorted, goosebumps crawling on my skin from the exposure. "The only way I could be releasing them for you is if- no, no. There must be another reason." I laughed them off. They couldn't be serious. They both walked up to me with their dead serious faces. "Look us dead in the eye," Zaelyn started.
"And tell us you don't have feelings for us." Fraener finished.
I looked at their eyes. I thought the answer would be plain and simple, that it would just fall out my mouth but it didn't. Instead I was biting down on my tongue. If I said no, I'd be telling a lie. If I said yes then I'd be going behind my father's back. "I- I don't- I can't-"
My train of thought came to a complete halt- no, a crash when Zaelyn firmly pressed his lips against mine. Something in my head told me to go along with it so I just melted into the kiss And strangely enough felt something draining from me. I started to feel light-headed and Fraener patiently nipping my neck didn't make it any easier. Suddenly my knees gave in causing me to part from the heated kiss.
"Woah.." I breathed while taking in air by the lungful. "You sucked him dry!" Fraener yelled as I started seeing two. "Sorry, got a little carried away," Zaelyn mused while helping me up. "Just couldn't risk getting a no."
"Guys! We saw what happened in the sky is everything-" a voice sounded behind us. It was Mira. "Oh! I see that you're all fine," she said with one big smug look. "Yes we're fine, Mira. No need to worry." Fraener responded, urging us to follow him. I'm not sure about the other two but I was still riding on my high from that kiss.
"We're going to have to call Raphael," Fraener sighed earning a groan from Zaelyn. "Can't we just spend today with Ferris and not worry about anything else?" He pleaded but only got a 'no'.
Once we reached the rest of the group who were all ready dressed up for the hot springs they all gained mischievous smirks. I managed to stand on my own and waved to the others. Then Zaelyn pulled my back into the comfort of his chest quicker then when I left it. "You're not leaving my side at all, today." He sighed with pure content in his eyes. I nodded sheepishly then rested my entire body onto his.
"Mira, I need you to go and get Raphael," Fraener barked at his youngest sibling who was just about to slip into a rock pool. She groaned while flipping her brother off. "Mira!" He gasped before trudging over to his sister with a death glare which sent her for running into the small forest behind her. Then, with the violent swaying of trees a dragon emerged and bolted down the mountain.
Zaelyn and I sat down just as Fraener started to head back and sit down with us. "Feeling better?" Fraener asked, brushing away a few silver strands of hair away from my puffy face. I nodded but still felt tired from the kiss. Zaelyn, however, was the complete opposite, fidgeting and seemingly restless.
So much has happened in such a short span of time.
Thank you guys so much for 100+ followers it really means a lot to me! This book has more than exceeded my expectations so thank you for that too! I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Finally, the start of their relationship.
- Bay

Their Fae | B X B X B
FantasyIt started off with him catching them in the act, then with then involving him in the forbidden rendezvous. Who knew a Fae, an Incubus and a Dragon shifter could all share a romantic connection.