update oops

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I know this is a disappointment but I had to ask an urgent question. Are you guys getting notifications for things I put on my board or when I reply to comments? It's just that I know I (for some odd reason) don't get notifications when you guys comment and I plan on posting something super important on there.

Also, just in case you aren't, we finally hit 400 followers! I posted a message on there ;)

Edit: it might also be a case of not following me, so don't worry about it but there also might be something wrong with wattpad or my device I'm not sure.

Edit 2: well this actually sucks. I can't even post on my wall telling others about this! Well to sum things up from my message, I'm planning in actually doing something this time! To thank you all for everything. To think most of this happened in a year? I think? Maybe a one-shot between a couple from the friend group in Their Fae or maybe an AU one-shot between the characters of Their Fae and There's A Wolf At My Door.

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