Part Seventeen

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When I woke up I couldn't tell what belonged to mine. It was a tangle of limbs belonging to both me and Zaelyn. From what I could tell my face was pressed up against his chest and an foreign arm around my waist.

"Good morning," he greeted with a voice I could only describe as angelic which he was literally the exact opposite of. "I told you not to touch me." I grumbled, enjoying the heat of his bare skin. "And yet you're not kicking me off,"

I made stifled groan. I untangled myself from the mess before trying to get up, but Zaelyn didn't let go. "Zaelyn, we need to get ready," I told him but he didn't budge. "Can't we stay in for a few hours? We could eat breakfast and you could listen to be talk about how cute you sound when you snore?" He said so casually I thought I misheard him. "I do not snore!" I protested. I did not snore! Princes don't snore! "Well I beg to differ," he said with a familiar devilish smirk. "Anyway, why don't we request some breakfast?"

I looked at the clock mounted on the wall and bolted upwards. Luckily he was taken aback by my sudden movement and let go. "We're late!" I cried before scurrying into the bathroom. "How could we be late? It's only 9:45?" His muffled voice questioned as I almost ripped off the tap while turning on the steaming hot water and stripping down. "We have to meet Fraener and his sisters in fifteen minutes!" I yelled back.

I heard his long, exaggerated groan and couldn't help but smile. I had a quick shower before leaving the room with a towel. He was lying on the bed with his face pressed into the bed. "Hurry up! Get in the shower!" I yelled earning another groan. "How did we sleep in for so long? I had an alarm set!"

"I may or may not have turned of your alarm?"

I walked into the closet searching for something to wear. I stared at the outfit my Father picked out, and the outfit I snuck with me. An outfit that makes my eyes sore or something that I'll actually feel comfortable in? It was am easy choice and it's not like I'd have time to button everything up. I slipped on the white collar shirt and the jeans before heading out again. Zaelyn was again on the bed and wearing the same thing he had yesterday night. It still had my blood stain on it!

"Did you even shower?" I asked. He looked up from the bed and shook his head. "Okay, get up. We're going to get some clothes." I said already annoyed. I grabbed him by the hand and did my best to tug him off the bed but the man was a rock! He laughed so hard that he ended up wheezing and hacking half-way down the hall. I stopped at the big doors with Zaelyn still laughing. I opened the doors and shoved Zaelyn inside. "Pick out something nice!" I ordered before shutting the doors. I heard his muffled laughter disappear as he hopefully decided to find something better than what he had. After what felt like ages he emerged from the room with wet hair and new clothes.

"Don't I just look handsome?" He asked with a smirk. "We're late." Is all I muttered before walking off to meet Fraener and his sisters. "It's not my fault! It's Fraener's!" He protested in a childish manner that he was so fond of. "You shouldn't blame him for your lack of responsibility."

He scoffed. "You sound just like him! You're totally taking his side!" I rolled my eyes while still keeping my pace ahead of him. "I'm not taking his side- and would you please hurry up?" I urged not even noticing that we walked into the room full of Dragon-shifters. Then there was silence. "Hello everyone," I greeted. They all waved and said their hello's. All except Fraener who continued to pack the picnic basket.

I looked back over to Zaelyn who was silently grumbling to himself. The thirteen all introduced themselves as I tried to remember all their names. So far I had Kaiia, Shirri, Mira and Deidre.

As we exited the castle we were swarmed by guards bulky enough that they almost blocked my view. "Where are we headed?" I whispered to Zaelyn who answered with a shrug. "We're headed up to mountains! Near the hot springs!" Mira excitedly exclaimed. "I hope you brought swimwear!"

I looked over to Zaelyn who rolled his eyes. 'I didn't bring swimwear,' I mouthed to the sulking Incubus. He picked up his pace and joined me at my side. "I can tell this whole day is gonna suck," he grumbled while pointing up at something. I followed his gaze to the mountain peak that stood tallest. We were high in the mountains but not that high. "That's where we're having our lunch,"

I gulped. "There's no way we'd make it up there in time for lunch let alone in a day!" I exclaimed making all thirteen sister laugh. I felt my face heat up from the embarrassment. "We're not walking, we're flying." Deidre mused with a wicked smile. I could practically see myself falling to my doom. "I-Is that even safe?" I asked with fear evident in my voice. They all shot eachother glances. "It depends on who you decide to hop on."

I look around the group then at Fraener who remained silent with a brooding face. I felt my legs quiver and almost give out. Highest was a no-go and now I have to ride a Dragon to the top of a mountain? This will be one hell of a day.


Once we reached a large flat meadow at the base of the mountain the guards finally gave us some space. "Alright! Time to shift!" Shirri called out to the rest of the group. "Deidre, Shirri, Frae, Rita and Gilda you'll all be shifting and carrying the rest of us!" Kaiia ordered making those who were called out groan. She started naming her other sisters and assigning them who they were to hop on. Then came me and Zaelyn. "Zaelyn you'll be.." Kaiia trailed off, looking over at her brother who shot her a death glare. "You'll be riding with Gilda," she quickly improvised. Zaelyn sighed before trudging over to Gilda and her small group. "And Ferris, you'll be riding First Class with Fraener!"

I shared a look with Fraener. Kaiia handed me a massive saddle and patted me on the back before shoving me towards Fraener. "Hello, Ferris." He greeted with a tone I wasn't able to decipher. "I'm sorry about earlier. I just didn't desire to see Zaelyn. I'm sure you know all about it right?" He gestured for me to stand back before slipping off his turtle-neck sweater. It was the middle of summer and this man was wearing sweaters!

"You should also know the saying 'straight from the horse's mouth', yes?" He continued before chucking me his sweater. I nodded. "Well think of Zaelyn as the horse's ass. You don't want anything coming out of that, do you?"

I couldn't help but laugh. I watched as a small smile grew on his face. "So what are the chances I'll fall off?" I asked in all seriousness. "None, as long as you can hold on. Watch the scales, yeah?" He answered before beginning some stretches. He gestured for me to move further back and didn't stop until we were at least twenty feet apart. I bumped into one of Fraener's sisters only noticing that we were all huddled into a group, far from the others who were all scattered around the meadow. "Zaelyn? What are we doing?" I whispered. "Just watch," he said, nodding his head towards Fraener.

Then the sound of something cracking filled the open space. Snaps and sickening pops followed after as Fraener's whole form began to morph. His dark complexion distorted into a greenish yellow to a burning orange. He grew a slithering tail and began to grow sharp blade-like spikes formed on his back and then suddenly there was a colossal dragon infront of me.

"Woah.." I breathed as I took in the site of Fraener's dragon. He was beautiful to say the least. Someone from the group nudged me forward. I lugged the saddle forward and watched as Fraener craned his arching neck down to face me. His head was the size of a small car, bearing those same big beautiful golden eyes and to my amusement seemed to try and smile. He looked down at the saddle and made a chuffing noise.

I took it as a sign I should hurry up and managed to figure out how the saddle works and strap it on. I gripped the other side of the seat and pulled myself onto Fraener's back, careful not to launch myself off the other side. I composed myself and looked around only to see the others waiting around for me. "You ready?" Zaelyn called out from across the meadow. "Yes!" I called back.

With that, Fraener began to move with big strides, shaking the earth with every step. The dragons all lined up, with me at the front and Mira behind me. "Ready Ferris?" She asked with the glee of a child. I looked back and managed to stutter out a 'Yes'.

"He's ready big bro!" She shouted earning a low growl from her brother. I gulped, holding onto the handles and watching for his scales.

Then I felt the harsh whipping of wind against my face and the eardrum-shattering roar of a dragon that vibrated my core. We were running at such a high speed that I hadn't even noticed that we launched of the ground until I felt the grip of gravity and my eyes go dry.

This is certainly a ride I will never forget.

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