Part One

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Ferris' POV

Thanks to the ongoings within the treaty, my Father and I were summoned to a meeting with the rest of the Council. As a Fae, I was always made fun of for my skinny frame and shameful strength but in magic I made up for. That's why when I heard Sir. Heliux and Lady Libelle were bringing their sons I refused to go.

Unfortunately for me it apparently appear bad if I didn't make my presence known, especially when I was supposed to be king in little under a year. I hadn't seen Zaelyn or Fraener in years and I wasn't looking forward to it. Zae was a cocky son of a bitch whom took the position of my main tormentor when I was younger. Fraener was easier to put up with as he didn't talk much, always brooding in a corner but he never once intervened in the tormenting.

"Ferris! Stop dawdling and get out of the car!" My father yelled, reminding me that we had arrived at the centre. Father insisted he picked
out my attire, and opted for a white tunic that had glistening jewels adorning it, white shorts that hugged my ass so tightly I thought it suffocate me and no foot attire, 'true to the Fae custom'.

Any other day it wouldn't have bothered me what I was wearing but knowing that those beasts they call Zaelyn and Fraener were going to be there I was suddenly super insecure. But I was twenty-two now, not a measly five-year-old who couldn't defend himself. These vultures had nothing on me anymore.

I really wish that were true as the minute I walked into that room I instantly met their gaze. The two older boys I had known all those years ago were now fully grown men. Fully grown handsome men. Zae still had his tanned skin and those devilish ruby eye with that small but noticeable beauty mark located under his right eye that I always took into account as if it's disappear and the same mop of ebony hair. He now had a well sculptured body and toned muscles resembling his father. Fraener on the other hand was built like a truck. He had a darker complexion like mocha the made his golden eyes pop and his silky orange hair poured down his shoulders.

They looked so different but familiar. They really kept themselves in shape while I stayed my scrawny self.

Their eyes never left my figure, even after I followed my Father and sat down rather too close next to him. My father was surprisingly muscular and bulky for a Fae. "Ferris you're practically sitting on my lap." He harshly whispered making me shuffle back. "Welcome Merlin, seeming as you're late we're a bit behind schedule." Heliux, Ruler of the Dragons spoke up before eyeing my father off. "My apologies, Heliux." Father responded before they delved into shenanigans I probably should've been listening to but I was too busy being distracted by how the two boys - now men - were eyeing eachother off. It really was none of my business but I had nothing better to do. They sent eachother signals before Fraener glanced at me and headed my direction. He walked around the table and took a spare seat, sitting what I felt was way too close to my safety bubble.

My throat closed up and I could've sworn I almost fainted. "Hello," he greeted, in a low and deep tone. It was nothing I've ever heard come from this guy but he rarely even spoke back then. I felt his gaze burning into the side of my head but I didn't return. "H-Hi.." I muttered wanting to kick myself. So much for being twenty-two, Ferris.

"How long has it been? A decade or two at least." He remarked reminding me of the torment they put me through. "I-It's been seventeen years." I answered making him chuckle softly. I shuffled in my chair a little uncomfortable. "Have you been keeping count?"

I shot the dragon an incredulous look almost giving me whiplash with the I whipped my head around. "Of course not! In fact, I loved every second of those seventeen years!" I whisper-yelled, making sure the elders couldn't hear me. He went to speak again but withheld and stayed quiet, leaving me in an awkward silence. We sat silent for another minute before he got up and left, sitting back down next to Zae. Speaking of, he was all over him like a needy child. Zae whispered something in Fraener's ear that made his eyes light up and lips press into a thin line. They both whispered something in their parents ears before leaving put the double doors together.

My curiosity was generating all sorts of scenarios but the relief I had was enough for me to settle my imagination and focus on the meeting. 

They discussed a dispute over land, outbreaks of the flu and the uprising of protesters. I guess some beings just weren't all too accepting of the treaty. They then started to talk about the coronations which got Lady Libelle all giddy and excited. Apparently the three sons - Zae, Frae and I - were to have separate coronations before gathering together and uniting the new 'kings'. I tried to avoid the subject of becoming king but father liked to bring it up as much as he could.

Speaking of which I had the dreaded task of finding the two behemoths while they finished up the meeting. As I roamed around the hallways of the small castle I was preparing myself for what I was about to face as if going into battle. I would avoid eye contact with the two and keep what I had to say strict and simple. I was pulled out from my thought bubble when my ears picked up the faint sound of groaning. I listened closer and realised it wasn't groans of pain or discomfort but moans.

Deep moans of ecstasy and pleasure. Unfortunately for me my curiosity got the best of me and I found myself climbing a flight of stairs trying to find the source. No-one should be occupying the castle other than us so I had zero clue on who these noises were coming from. I followed the noise through the ball room and into a hallway which led to a set of double doors. This was where the moans were being emitted from. What happened next would change my world forever.

When I opened the door my eyes were greeted with the tangle of limbs in a sexual stance. My head felt heavy and hot. I had just walked in on a very private matter.

Not only that, but I recognised the two. Fraener and Zae. Fraener was standing up, holding Zae's legs apart while he was sprawled out on the bed moaning like a maniac. I could've sworn my heart stopped the minute Zaelyn moved his head to spot me with a shocked look and that was my go signal to get the hell out of there and sprint back to the meeting room.  I got attacked with all sorts of questions  but I ignored them all and ushered my father the get the hell out of there. Once we were in the back seat and the safety of the car I slumped against the the window.

"That was completely unprofessional, Ferris. What frightened you so?" Father asked right before taking a swig of water. "I-I just got another one of those anxiety attack." I quickly blurted out. It was a shit excuse as I hadn't had one of those since I was thirteen but he seemed to buy it. "So, how were Fraener and Zaelyn? Those two have grown so much."

My mouth dried up at the mention of their names. My mind conjured up all sorts of scenarios and all of them included me dying by the hands of those two. "And Fraener is looking to be quite the man! Did you see the muscles on the guy? I'm sure he has the ladies swooning over him" he remarked making me scoff. If only he knew.

Speaking of which, I doubt anyone had any idea. I mean the way they were acting earlier now made sense in all clarity but if anyone found out they'd be punished. The kingdoms weren't at all homophobic, the quote opposite as I myself had come out but the future kings? It just wouldn't work. Zae was a high level Incubus but he wasn't capable of conceiving and Frae was already out of the question so it still wouldn't work. I stopped myself from thinking any further as it really wasn't any of my business.

"I hope you reacquainted yourselves as you'll be spending more time together."

My head whipped around to face my father who had an amused smile. "What are you talking about?" I asked my head spinning and my palms getting clammy. "Well, since you're all about to coronated, we figured it'd be best if you spent time in eachother's districts. Tomorrow you'll be staying at our summer castle for a week together while your mother and I go on a little business trip."

I was biting my lip so hard I began to taste blood and my stomach churned uncomfortably. I'd be staying at our castle isolated in the middle of the woods with the two behemoths, just ready to be easily killed. Surely they'd do anything to keep me quiet.

God, I have a hell of a lot of begging to do the next few hours..


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