Part Four

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Fraener's POV

Once we arrived at Ferris' summer castle, Ferris took off to clean himself and I took the time to instigate Zae. He was getting too cocky and I was prepared to let him starve for the rest of the two days we were here. "What the hell was that?" I questioned, turning to the Incubus who had a wide smile.


I raised an eyebrow, my eye twitching. "The whole 'oh, I'll carry you'?" I continued and he sighed. "What? I can't help I fellow king?" He replied and I had to physically restrain myself from strangling him. Of course he was obvilious to his own actions. "There's a line between an innocent act and a ploy for something else, for you - that line is extremely thin!" I seethed, his lips curving into a frown. He threw his arms into the air dramatically before storming off into the kitchen. "Of course! Because I'm an incubus I want to fuck Ferris! That must be the only reason for what I did! Right?!"

Of course he was making this all about him. He always does this to get me to stop yelling, and it usually works as I get annoyed after hour two of him complaining. "I'm an Incubus deprived of sex, and thanks to you, Ferris is the only easy fuck-"

"Will you two please stop shouting? And an 'easy fuck'? Really?" A small voice sounded instantly gaining our attention. It was Ferris, who had slightly pink cheeks alerting both me and Zae. He had somehow changed into a oversized white sweater that made him look small and snug and any signs of blood were gone. He walked over to the couch, flopped onto it and switched on the TV. Zaelyn and I exchanged looks before cautiously approaching the small Fae who was humming along to a cartoon.

His head fell back and his big innocent eyes met mine, making me feel flushed. God, I need to snap out of it. He had a curious glint in his eyes I nudged Zaelyn and he stuttered before clearing his throat. He hauled his physique over the couch and sat somewhat too close to Ferris who seemed to notice. "So, whatever you just heard.."

"Oh, I heard everything."

We exchanged another look before Ferris spoke up again. "Hey, I get it. Like you said, you're an incubus and I know Fraener hasn't been feeding you recently so it must be all going to your head." He breathed, instantly putting me at ease. Zaelyn agreed and we left him to those childish cartoons and we began to cook lunch.

"We can't involve him in what we're doing."

He batted his eyelashes but continued to stay mesmerized by the bacon cooking on the pan. "You mean a relationship?" He nonchalantly answered. "You know what I mean."

He hopped up on the counter, almost burning his ass on the stove. Serves him right. "I can't just stop my feelings. I'm an Incubus! When we crush, we crush hard. It'll be far more harder for me to replenish my energy  now that I want him." He sighed as I got a pang of jealousy. I wasn't jealous. Dragons may be greedy but we do not get jealous. "Are you saying I'm incapable of pleasuring you now?" I replied and his eyes lit up with lust. He scooted as close as he could get, rubbing my thigh causing me to growl. I was suppose to be mad at him, and here I am getting turned on.

"Not now, pet. I still need to cook for Ferris." I gave in, earning a devious smile from Zae. I only called him 'pet' when I was aroused and he could tell. "Get your ass in the bedroom. I'll be up in a few minutes." I ordered and that sent him running with an excited squeal on the way. This guy.


Half an hour had passed and we were still fucking. We were both out of breath due to Zaelyn's need to get off and all the different positions he was on dire need of. "Thi- This isn't working, Frae." He huffed, still trying to milk something from me. I've had three orgasms since we started and not a single one from Zae. "No shit! When you said it'd be 'hard to pleasure you', you weren't kidding!" I groaned, lifting him off my dick and placing him next to me. The sight of him panting for air all flushed was making me hard again.

"I-I don't know what's wrong." He whined, tucking his head into my chest. "Is this because of your little crush on Ferris?" I questioned earning a muffled groan. "Maybe? I don't know! It shouldn't be this hard!" He complained. I comforted him by holding him closer. He rarely acted like this, so it was best if I helped him through it.

"The Fae are strange creatures. Maybe it's something he does that puts you off." I gave and he groaned again. "I don't know. I'm too hungry to think."

"Ferris probably left some food for us."

"Not in that way."

I was taken utterly aback. When I had to feed him, it usually only took ten minutes, that's how quick we were. But after half an hour, three orgasms, and fourty more positions he still wasn't fed? I couldn't possibly go through another round of sex after he quite literally milked me dry. I held his face up to my neck and told him to drink. "Ew!" He screeched, sitting up. I rolled my eyes before pulling him back. "Y'know I hate drinking that shit! I really don't know how vampires do it." He grumbled. "Sex clearly isn't working, so you're going to have to, love."

He looked at me with both worry and disgust before sinking his teeth into my neck. We both hated being driven to such measures but he needed to be fed. The Incubi and Succubi don't tend to drink blood like the vampires but if in dire need, they will. We weren't in a 'dire' situation but I didn't want Zaelyn to starve for too long.

I began to feel light-headed so I lightly tapped the back of his head and he removed himself from my neck. "You full?" I asked and he nodded.

"Dragon blood is spicy." He muttered.

I chuckled before kissing him on the forehead. He could be a pain in the ass but I always make sure I'm a pain in his, both in and out of the bedroom. I let the moment take me away, eventually falling alseep.

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