Part Thirty Seven

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Once we finished up lunch our parents declared they had a meeting to attend to so we were stuck in my room by the fireplace thanks to the stupid restrictions mother enforced. I felt like a child again.

Arthur was on a call with someone while the rest of us idly played a game of Monopoly which I had no idea how to play. "Ferris? You paying attention?" Gideon asked. I nodded absently while looking at the fire. After the explosion I haven't been able to use them properly, even after five months. At first they said it was physical trauma, but now they're thinking it's something to do with my mental state. That still didn't stop me from staring at their wings. How could they not be so embarrased? "Well, you should really let your wings out. It helps with stress!" Selene encouraged, almost as of she could read my mind. We all were wearing clothing with tiny unnoticeable slits on the back that let our wings pass through without shredding them which was handy so we weren't all walking around half naked.

Our wings weren't dragon-like or demon-like but were sharp and angled, looking like they were purely made of light. They slanted downwards, folding like bug wings when they were out for show and not use.

"Okay. See you in a few days sweetheart." Arthur cooed before finishing up the call. I suffered a small relapse, my mind instantly going back to Fraener. I didn't want to think about that. It was too painful. After the hospital there was nothing from their end until a few weeks later when my phone exploded with messages from Zaelyn. Then a month later Fraener contacted me. He wanted one phone call. He wanted to hear my voice and I nearly agreed. I probably would have if my phone hadn't died at that very moment. "Who was that?" I asked, trying to take my mind of Fraener. "My dog!" Arthur beamed causing me to tilt my head the the side. "Pa promised to call me when we got here to check up on him. I love my dog more than I love my own family." He admitted with a little too much pride. Gideon and Selene shot him dirty looks to which he shrugged off. "And you call your dog sweetheart?" I questioned. He nodded with a wide smile.

I smiled then looked down at our game. Apparently it was my turn so I rolled my dice and moved five, landing on a small square with a question mark. "Check mate!" I exclaimed and earned weird stares from the three other Fae's. "This is Monopoly, Ferris," Gideon corrected with amusement in his eyes. I blushed in embarrassment. "Oh.." I mumbled.

Arthur was looking around when he spotted something of interest on the mantle, picking up a small picture frame. "Who are these people?" He questioned, holding it up to my face. I had grown a distaste for pictures, naturally but I couldn't force myself to trash this one no matter how hard I tried. It was a picture of me, Zaelyn and Fraener when we were glamoured, just before we left for the club. Zuda insisted he take one and it was probably the one and only picture we took together.

I had a wide smile, gripping onto Fraener's arm as he held me and Zaelyn who snuck a kiss on my cheek. "Old friends." I lied, taking the picture and placing it face down. He gave me an unsure look but didn't take the topic any further.

There was a knock at the door to which I answered. Uncle Claude popped his head in. "What're you kids up to?" He asked with a wide smile. "Monopoly.." Gideon answered idly. He nodded before opening the door a little wider. "Time to scram. I need to have a little chat with my dear nephew." He chimed and his children all gave him firm nods. I suddenly felt anxious and the way Selene mouthed goodluck didn't help. I got up and brushed myself, giving my uncle a small smile. "You wanted to talk?"

He nodded rubbing his chin. "Your father is a handful! Meetings after meetings and after all that he buries himself in paperwork? Jeez." He sighed, sitting down on my bed. He and Father were a lot alike but could be polar opposites sometimes. "He can be stubborn when it comes to his work ethic.." I sighed. He tsk'd before running a hand through his silver locks. "I didn't come here to chat about your father, but about you. I heard you were having a hard time with your wings."

I nodded. "Well, I'm here to help." He stated confidently. I stated at him with a quizzical look. "I don't mean to offend, uncle, but I've practically seen every royal doctor. None of them have been able to help. What makes you think you can help?" I questioned, sitting beside him. "Because I went through the same thing you've gone through." He explained and my eyes widened. "There was an attempt on your life?" I gasped. He nodded grimly.

"It was a shooting. I was young, you were just born and I had found my first suitor. He was so beautiful, with light tan skin and beautiful honey pools for eyes. Light freckles, small frame, pretty lashes. Basically a walking angel." As he spoke I could faintly hear the hurt in his voice. "We were on our way to see you when gunfire rang through the air. They managed to get me in the arm but other than that they missed every other shot. At least, that's what I thought." He mumbled, no longer cheery. I knew where this was going and it pained me to think about how he lost someone he cared about. "They shot him. Right through the heart. He was gone- just like that."

I sighed, wiping my teary eyes. "The fact that I almost died wasn't what made it a traumatic experience. It was the fact that I lost someone I loved." He continued while also wiping away his own tears. "After that I also had trouble with my wings. They wouldn't appear no matter how hard I tried." I stared at my clenched fists. The sheer pain he must of felt from losing his lover was something I almost had a grip on. Sure, breaking things off with Zaelyn and Fraener was unbearable but at least I could still see them.

"Now, I don't really know the nature of your relationship with those boys but the pain you felt when saying goodbye must have been immense for you to lose control over your wings," I held my head low, thinking about our goodbye. "Am I correct?" He asked. I nodded sheepishly. "Good. Now you're one step closer to recovery!" He cheered, sounding as if he hadn't just told me about losing his loved one. "Thank you, Uncle Claude." I hummed.

"Don't thank me yet, kiddo. We still got a long way to go."

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