Part Sixteen

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It had been little over an hour and their argument was still echoing through the hall and by the sounds of their voices neither of them were going to back down. We all cautiously shuffled over to my room as it was the furthest away from the argument however we could all still hear it vividly.

"Our relationship has been far from open! I still don't see why you're mad!"

"It was open until we both decided it wasn't! On top of that, you broke one of our most important rules and this isn't even why I'm mad! It's because you don't have the balls to talk to Ferris! Like you said we would!"

That last statment cause all eyes to look my way. I sunk back into the sofa and sighed. I was getting tired so I decided to move from the sofa and onto my bed. The others were chatting normally, rolling their eyes whenever the arguing got too loud. I jumped on the bed and listened to their conversation. "Oh! Now I remember! This was where we had our first orgy!" Geno chirped, a fact I could've gone without. The others laughed, everyone but Xan. "On that very bed, too." Ryker added with a sly smile. I quickly hopped off and wiped myself down. "I hope you don't mind me asking but is sex all you guys talk about?"

They all shared glances at one another. "No, we don't always talk about sex," Lucian replied while eyeing off his mate. "But mostly." He finished. "We talk about the best ways to get high, then we get high. Usually followed by sex."

Then Rafael butted in. "Why tell him when we can show him, hm?"

Then they all leapt onto eachother and locked mouths. "Wait- guys wait-" I tried but all I got in response was a slew of moans. I started throwing pillows when they started stripping. "Hey!" I shouted, trudging over dragging god knows who off the pile of moaning maniacs. "I'll have none of that! Out!"

I managed to drag Geno and Lucian who were the lightest out of my room as they began to laugh their heads off. Eventually they all followed behind, gathering their clothes. Before I closed the doors they all blew kisses and made pouty faces. They were for sure a strange bunch. "We'll be in my room if you change your mind!" Zuda called out from outside before they all scurried down the hall.

Finally, I could retire in for the night. I made my way to the expansive bathroom and ran the water for the bath. I requested for some towels which were brought to me in less than a minute and I finally could relax. As I slipped into the steaming water a knock sounded. I groaned, getting out from my bath and wrapping the towel around myself.

I opened to door to find Zaelyn, his face all red and a pissed off look. "He's fucking unbelievable!" He roared, making his way into my room. "Okay just invite yourself in.." I mumbled before closing the door. "You would not believe some of the things he said!" The Incubus seethed and began to pace around my room. This was becoming a familiar routine. "I just- he's so annoying!"

I sat back down onto my bed and listened to him rant. His voice was now coarse from screaming and he winced everytime he spoke. After a few minutes he stopped his rant with a sigh. "You seem to like ranting a lot," I noted. "That's all you took from it?" He said while rubbing his throat. I nodded with a smug smile. "You guys were pretty loud," I quickly added.

He gave a sorry look before coughing into his hand. "You got some water in here?" He asked with a wheeze. I was going to go fetch him some when I got the brilliant idea of healing him. "I got something better, come here," I motioned for him to come sit down on a stool and tugged up my robe sleeves. "Okay, stay completely still and silent." I ordered earning a worried look.


"Because if you don't I might open up your throat."

That was a lie but he did need to stay still. Only because I found it easier if the 'patient' wasn't bombarding me with a bunch of questions. I pressed my hand on Zaelyn's throat and felt his adam's apple dip. I remembered my training and thought of the curving bends of a river, the running water and the soothing icy touch. I imagined fields full of colourful flora and familiar fauna.

I opened one eye to see that it was working, a green glow escaping the cracks of my fingers. Then I felt my throat go dry and then sting. I took my hand off his throat and smiled. "All done." I stated in a new scratchy voice. He felt around his adam's apple and cleared his throat. "Woah! How'd you do that?" He asked with the glee of a child. "It's Fae magic. I healed you,"

"But now you have a sore throat?"

I nodded before heading off to go get myself some water. "It's the basic fundamentals of magic. It always has it's price." I recalled. I remember reading it as a child and it always stuck with me. "I healed you, took away your pain and in return I have it to myself."

He I turned around with the glass pressed to my lips to find one astonished Incubus. "Well could you ever give your pain to someone else?" He asked and I knew it was the start of a swarm of questions. "Theoretically yes. Though no Fae has ever done that." I responded curtly before taking a sip. "What about a bullet wound?"

"Yes, the wound would materialize on the Fae's body-"

"How about a stab wound? Or- or a broken bone?"

I was getting fed up at this point. "Yes, yes, yes, yes! We can heal just about any physical wound you could think of! Bone, flesh anything!" I bursted out, slamming my emptied glass onto the table. "Now if you'll excuse me I'll be taking my bath no-"

"What about bringing someone back from the dead?" He quickly added. I let the question linger before turning around with an irritated look. "That'd be Necromancy, Dark magic which, of course is one hundred percent illegal. So no. I cannot bring someone back from the dead." I responded dryly. Incubus possess magic too! How could he be so clueless on this?

"I'm going to have a bath now." I spoke before opening up the bathroom doors and slamming them behind me. Later when I got in the bath I realized how snappy I had just gotten. I was tired and just wanted to relax after this eventful day. After I soaked myself in the now warm water I sighed. Was I really the reason Zaelyn was mad at Fraener? I didn't want to upset anyone. I only wanted answers. It would be selfish of me to want more at this point in time.

I got out when I noticed my fingers pruning, and dried myself off. I got changed and headed out to still find Zaelyn, sitting idly on the couch. He got up once he noticed I was out. "I'm sorry for earlier. I shouldn't have bombarded you with questions." He sighed with his hands in his pockets. "No, I shouldn't have snapped at you like that. I'm just really tired."

He smiled before shrugging. "Speaking of which, what are you going to go tonight? I know Zuda probably has room for one more." I offered. By how angry he was I was guessing Zaelyn didn't even want to hear Fraener's name. He chuckled before looking around the room. "I was actually thinking of staying with you.." he mumbled. "Oh I don't know Zaelyn. Is that even appropriate?" I asked, my cheeks heating up a few. "It's only for one night! Please?"

I pondered on the request. No one would know, right? "Sure- but only for one night!" I gave in. He cheered before starting to strip off his clothes leaving only his boxers. I gulped hard and quickly turned around. Oh god, what did I just agree to?

He made a start to the bed but I quickly stopped him. "I don't think so! The sofa seems to suit you." I called out earning a small whine. I switched the lights of and slipped into bed.

I was prepared to shut my eyes when Zaelyn started whining like a small puppy. "There are extra blankets in the cabinets." I said completely ignoring his pleads. He continued to whine to no end. "Please?" He called out from the darkness.

"Fine! But if you touch me I'll kick you off. I like my space," I groaned but couldn't help as to smile at the laugh and small cheer he gave. I felt the bed shift and the blankets move as he climbed in. Then I felt his hot breath against my ear and his chin on my shoulder. "Zaelyn!" I cried which made him back away. "Sorry, sorry. It's a habit." He spoke before disappearing into silence.

It was silent for the next few minutes, the only sound of our out of sync breathing. "Zaelyn?" I called out on a hushed whisper.



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