3. Love bug has bitten

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Rakshan and Pugazh were trying to clean the wound which looked quiet deep. Luckily there was a medico in the shooting spot and he was asked to come check his wound. Sivaangi was in tears looking at Ashwin's bleeding palm. It was her turn to chop the veggies but she ran off to sing. She felt guilty and walked closer to Ashwin, she observed that for some reason, his clenched face reflected anger and not pain.

Ashwin, kai kaatunga.

He refused to look at her. In fact he ignored her.

Ashwin, please! Kaiya kaatunga.

Ashwin gritted his teeth and snapped at her.

Leave me alone!

Everyone around stood shocked. Ashwin is known to be moody but he has never lost his temper. And he has never even spoken loudly to Sivaangi. It was very obvious to everyone that he completely adored her and after that one time he challenged Master and Bala because they mocked her skills in the kitchen, everyone in the set has been extra careful about saying anything about Sivaangi that would infuriate Ashwin.

Sivaangi was shaken. Pugazh took her away from the table and she was sobbing now. Rakshan could sense something wrong between his sister and his friend.

Macha, ellarum paarkaraanga da. Please konjam control pannu. Ava paavam da. Ava ethavathu thappu paneerntha thaniya room la kupitu pesu. Thita koda sei aana ippadi ellarum paarkara maara ethuvum panaatha. Anga paaru, she is restless. All that she wants is to be with you at this point. Unnaye paarthitu iruka. Kupitu pesu please. Let me tell you, you will regret this behaviour of yours when you have calmed your senses.

Ashwin closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Passive aggressive behaviour is the last thing he wanted in him! He already regretted his attitude and behaviour towards that one person who means everything to him in his life. He opened his eyes and beckoned her into his arms. She rushed to him in an instant and everyone moved away from the couple giving them the much needed privacy to sort out whatever the issue was. Anyone who has known these two has witnessed the promising relationship that has blossomed between them over the last few months.

Ashwin had his right arm around her shoulder while she clutched his wounded hand as tears rolled down her cheeks. The cameras were switched off but Ashwin did not care anymore. He let his guard down and held her closer and Sivaangi's left arm automatically circled around his waist while her right hand still held his wounded hand. She turned and sobbed into his chest and kept murmuring I'm sorry Ashwin, its my fault. Ashwin kissed her temple lightly and felt completely disappointed in himself for making his baby girl unhappy. All she has ever given to him is love and happiness and he made her cry!

Sorry ma! Please da kannamma, I am really sorry. I know I acted like a fool. Please maa. I really did not........

Rakshan walked to Ashwin as he could see a lot of people watch them sharing a private moment.

Dai macha, take her to your room. Also, the doctor should be here in a few minutes.

Ashwin did not let go off Sivaangi as he walked towards his room. Sivaangi walked robotically because she couldn't process anything that happened in the last 15 minutes. They entered Ashwin's room followed by Pugazh, Rakshan and a few others. The doctor arrived and looked at the gaping cut and decided that it needed stitches. Sivaangi stood next to Ashwin while the doctor cleaned the wound, he needed a tetanus shot. This grown up man has been on his own for the last 7 years of his adult life and this was nothing compared to all the sports injuries he has had over the years. But seeing the fear in her eyes melted his heart and he realised how dependent he has become on this woman.

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